Interface Query

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDateOperatorQuery, AbstractMultivaluedQuery, AbstractOperatorQuery, AbstractRangeQuery, AbstractTextQuery, AbstractWrapperQuery, AndQuery, BooleanQuery, BoostedQuery, ChildPageQuery, CollectionsQuery, CommentQuery, ConstantNilScoreQuery, ContentAttachmentQuery, ContentIdQuery, ContentLanguageQuery, ContentPageQuery, ContentPrivacyQuery, ContentQuery, ContentTypeOrMixinTypeQuery, ContentTypeQuery, CreationDateQuery, DateQuery, DateRangeQuery, DateTimeQuery, DescendantPageQuery, DocumentTypeQuery, DoubleQuery, DoubleRangeQuery, DublinCoreDateQuery, DublinCoreQuery, EntryPositionQuery, FilenameQuery, FirstValidationDateQuery, FullTextQuery, FuzzyQuery, GeocodeQuery, HasLiveVersionQuery, HistoryStepQuery, IsolateQuery, JoinQuery, KeywordQuery, LastMajorValidationDateQuery, LastModifiedQuery, LastValidationDateQuery, LongQuery, LongRangeQuery, MatchAllQuery, MatchNoneQuery, MaxScoreOrQuery, MimeTypeGroupQuery, MixinTypeQuery, NotQuery, OrphanQuery, OrQuery, PageAttachmentQuery, PageContentQuery, PageIdQuery, PageQuery, ProgramSearchable.ProgramThroughProgramPartsQuery, ProjectQuery, ResourceLocationQuery, RichTextQuery, SharedQuery, SitemapQuery, SiteQuery, SiteTypeQuery, StringQuery, TagQuery, UsersQuery, WorkflowNameQuery, WorkflowStepQuery
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface Query
Represents a search predicate.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    Enumeration of available logical operators in Query
    static enum 
    Enumeration of available operators in Query
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Constant for mandatory, but not affecting score, boolean clauses
    static final String
    Constant for mandatory boolean clauses
    static final String
    Constant for prohibited boolean clauses
    static final String
    Constant for optional boolean clauses
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Build the solr query string representing the Query object.
    default Optional<Object>
    Build the solr query representing the Query object.
    The return type may be either String or Map<String, Object> following the Solr JSON Query DSL.
    default Optional<Query>
    Rewrite this Query to allow further optimisations.
    default String
    toString(int indent)
    Gets a representation of this Query, for pretty-printing for logging and debugging purposes
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • build

      Build the solr query string representing the Query object.
      the solr query string representing the Query object.
      QuerySyntaxException - if the query can't be built because of a syntax error.
    • buildAsJson

      Build the solr query representing the Query object.
      The return type may be either String or Map<String, Object> following the Solr JSON Query DSL.
      the solr query representing the Query object. Can be empty in case of empty query.
      QuerySyntaxException - if the query can't be built because of a syntax error.
    • rewrite

      default Optional<Query> rewrite()
      Rewrite this Query to allow further optimisations.
      a rewritten Query, sementically identical. Can be empty in case of empty query
    • toString

      default String toString(int indent)
      Gets a representation of this Query, for pretty-printing for logging and debugging purposes
      indent - The current indentation. Base indentation is 2 (for printing a sub-level)
      a representation of this Query