Interface DisableConditionsEvaluator<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of object holding the data to evaluate
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDisableConditionsEvaluator, ConfigDisableConditionsEvaluator, DataHolderDisableConditionsEvaluator, SkinDisableConditionsEvaluator, UsersAndGroupsDataDisableConditionsEvaluator

public interface DisableConditionsEvaluator<T>
Evaluator for DisableConditions
  • Method Details

    • evaluateDisableConditions

      Recursively evaluate the DisableConditions of the given model item, against the given values.
      definition - the definition of the evaluated data
      dataPath - the path of the evaluated data. Needed to get the value to compare as condition ids are relative to this one
      values - values to check conditions on
      true if the disable conditions are true, false otherwise
      UndefinedItemPathException - If no item is found corresponding to one of the conditions
      BadItemTypeException - If the item referenced by one of the conditions is not an element
    • evaluateDisableConditions

      Recursively evaluate the DisableConditions of the given model item, against the values stored in the given object
      definition - the definition of the evaluated data
      dataPath - the path of the evaluated data. Needed to get the value to compare as condition ids are relative to this one
      object - the object holding the data to evaluate and the condition value
      true if the disable conditions are true, false otherwise
      UndefinedItemPathException - If no item is found corresponding to one of the conditions
      BadItemTypeException - If the item referenced by one of the conditions is not an element
    • evaluateDisableConditions

      boolean evaluateDisableConditions(ModelItem definition, String dataPath, Optional<String> oldDataPath, Map<String,Object> values, T object, Map<String,Object> contextualParameters) throws UndefinedItemPathException, BadItemTypeException
      Recursively evaluate the DisableConditions of the given model item, against the given values. If the value of the condition is not present in the given Map, search in the stored values in the given object
      definition - the definition of the evaluated data
      dataPath - the path of the evaluated data. Needed to get the value to compare as condition ids are relative to this one
      oldDataPath - the old path of the evaluated data. Needed to get stored value if the data has been moved
      values - values to check conditions on
      object - the object holding the data to evaluate and the condition value
      contextualParameters - the contextual parameters
      true if the disable conditions are true, false otherwise
      UndefinedItemPathException - If no item is found corresponding to one of the conditions
      BadItemTypeException - If the item referenced by one of the conditions is not an element