Class SetContentAttributeClientSideElement

    • Method Detail

      • getCompatibleAttributes

        public List<Map<String,​Object>> getCompatibleAttributes​(List<String> contentIdsToReference,
                                                                      List<String> contentIdsToEdit)
        Find an attribute of type content in definition of 'contentIdsToReference' and set the attribute of contents 'contentIdsToEdit' with value 'contentIdsToReference'
        contentIdsToReference - The list of content identifiers that will be added as values in the content field
        contentIdsToEdit - The list of content identifiers to edit and that will have an attribute of type content modified
        the list of all compatible attribute definitions
      • _convert

        protected List<Map<String,​Object>> _convert​(Set<ModelItem> attributeDefinitions)
        Convert attribute definitions to JSON object
        attributeDefinitions - The attribute definitions
        the JSON object
      • _convert

        protected Map<String,​Object_convert​(ModelItem attributeDefinition)
        Convert an attribute definition to JSON
        attributeDefinition - the attribute definition
        the JSON object
      • _findCompatibleAttributes

        protected Set<ModelItem_findCompatibleAttributes​(List<? extends Content> contentsToReference,
                                                           List<? extends Content> contentsToEdit)
        Find the list of compatible attribute definitions
        contentsToReference - the contents to reference
        contentsToEdit - the contents to edit
        the list of compatible attribute definitions
      • setContentAttribute

        public Map<String,​ObjectsetContentAttribute​(List<String> contentIdsToReference,
                                                            Map<String,​Integer> contentIdsToEdit,
                                                            List<Map<String,​String>> contentsToEditToRemove,
                                                            String attributePath,
                                                            List<String> workflowActionIds)
        Set the attribute at path 'attributePath' of contents 'contentIdsToEdit' with value 'contentIdsToReference'
        contentIdsToReference - The list of content identifiers that will be added as values in the content field
        contentIdsToEdit - The map {key: content identifiers to edit and that will have an attribute of type content modified; value: the new position if attribute is multiple and it is a reorder of values. May be null or equals to -1 if it is not a reorder}
        contentsToEditToRemove - The list of content to edit to remove currently referenced content. Keys are "contentId" and "valueToRemove"
        attributePath - The attribute path selected to do modification in the contents to edit
        workflowActionIds - The identifiers of workflow actions to use to edit the attribute. Actions will be tested in this order and first available action will be used
        A map with key success: true or false. if false, it can be due to errors (list of error messages)
      • setContentAttribute

        public Map<String,​ObjectsetContentAttribute​(List<String> contentIdsToReference,
                                                            Map<String,​Integer> contentIdsToEdit,
                                                            List<Map<String,​String>> contentsToEditToRemove,
                                                            String attributePath,
                                                            List<String> workflowActionIds,
                                                            Map<String,​Object> additionalParams)
        Set the attribute at path 'attributePath' of contents 'contentIdsToEdit' with value 'contentIdsToReference'
        contentIdsToReference - The list of content identifiers that will be added as values in the content field
        contentIdsToEdit - The map {key: content identifiers to edit and that will have an attribute of type content modified; value: the new position if attribute is multiple and it is a reorder of values. May be null or equals to -1 if it is not a reorder}
        contentsToEditToRemove - The list of content to edit to remove currently referenced content. Keys are "contentId" and "valueToRemove"
        attributePath - The attribute path selected to do modification in the contents to edit
        workflowActionIds - The identifiers of workflow actions to use to edit the attribute. Actions will be tested in this order and first available action will be used
        additionalParams - the map of additional parameters
        A map with key success: true or false. if false, it can be due to errors (list of error messages)
      • _setContentAttribute

        protected void _setContentAttribute​(List<String> contentIdsToReference,
                                            Map<WorkflowAwareContent,​Integer> contentsToEdit,
                                            ContentType contentType,
                                            String attributePath,
                                            List<String> workflowActionIds,
                                            List<I18nizableText> errorMessages,
                                            List<String> errorIds,
                                            Map<String,​Object> additionalParams)
        Set the attribute at path 'attributePath' of contents 'contentsToEdit' with value 'contentIdsToReference'
        contentIdsToReference - The list of content identifiers that will be added as values in the content field
        contentsToEdit - The map {key: contents to edit and that will have an attribute of type content modified; value: the new position if attribute is multiple and it is a reorder of values. May be null or equals to -1 if it is not a reorder}
        contentType - The content type
        attributePath - The attribute path selected to do modification in the contents to edit
        workflowActionIds - The identifiers of workflow actions to use to edit the attribute. Actions will be tested in this order and first available action will be used
        errorMessages - The list that will be felt with error messages of content that had an issue during the operation
        errorIds - The list that will be felt with ids of content that had an issue during the operation
        additionalParams - the map of additional parameters
      • _resolve

        protected List<? extends Content_resolve​(List<String> contentIds)
        Resolve content by their identifiers
        contentIds - The id of contents to resolve
        the contents
      • _resolve

        protected Map<? extends Content,​Integer_resolve​(Map<String,​Integer> contentIds)
        Resolve content by their identifiers
        contentIds - The id of contents to resolve
        the contents