Class ContentWorkflowHelper

    • Method Detail

      • createContent

        public Map<String,​ObjectcreateContent​(String workflowName,
                                                      int initialActionId,
                                                      String contentName,
                                                      String contentTitle,
                                                      String[] contentTypes,
                                                      String[] mixins,
                                                      String languageCode)
                                               throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Creates a content using the workflow (with the CreateContentFunction).
        workflowName - The name of the workflow to create
        initialActionId - The workflow action id that creates content
        contentName - The new name
        contentTitle - The new title
        contentTypes - The new content types. Cannot be null. Cannot be empty.
        mixins - The new mixins. Can be null. Can be empty.
        languageCode - The language code of the new content (such as 'fr', 'en'...)
        The workflow result map. See the create content function used to get the new content. Can be under the key CreateContentFunction.CONTENT_KEY, and the id under the key "contentId"
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - If an error occurred while doing the action on the workflow
        AmetysRepositoryException - If cannot get the workflow identifier of the content
      • createContent

        public Map<String,​ObjectcreateContent​(String workflowName,
                                                      int initialActionId,
                                                      String contentName,
                                                      Map<String,​String> titleVariants,
                                                      String[] contentTypes,
                                                      String[] mixins)
                                               throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Creates a multilingual content with a multilingual title using the workflow (with the CreateContentFunction).
        workflowName - The name of the workflow to create
        initialActionId - The workflow action id that creates content
        contentName - The new name
        titleVariants - The title's variants
        contentTypes - The new content types. Cannot be null. Cannot be empty.
        mixins - The new mixins. Can be null. Can be empty.
        The workflow result map. See the create content function used to get the new content. Can be under the key CreateContentFunction.CONTENT_KEY, and the id under the key "contentId"
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - If an error occurred while doing the action on the workflow
        AmetysRepositoryException - If cannot get the workflow identifier of the content
      • createContent

        public Map<String,​ObjectcreateContent​(String workflowName,
                                                      int initialActionId,
                                                      String contentName,
                                                      String contentTitle,
                                                      String[] contentTypes,
                                                      String[] mixins,
                                                      String languageCode,
                                                      String parentContentId,
                                                      String parentContentMetadatapath)
                                               throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Creates a content using the workflow (with the CreateContentFunction).
        workflowName - The name of the workflow to create
        initialActionId - The workflow action id that creates content
        contentName - The new name
        contentTitle - The new title
        contentTypes - The new content types. Cannot be null. Cannot be empty.
        mixins - The new mixins. Can be null. Can be empty.
        languageCode - The language code of the new content (such as 'fr', 'en'...)
        parentContentId - If the new content is a subcontent, the parent content identifier.
        parentContentMetadatapath - If the new content is a subcontent, the path of the metadata where the new content will take place in its parent
        The workflow result map. See the create content function used to get the new content. Can be under the key CreateContentFunction.CONTENT_KEY, and the id under the key "contentId"
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - If an error occurred while doing the action on the workflow
        AmetysRepositoryException - If cannot get the workflow identifier of the content
      • createContent

        public Map<String,​ObjectcreateContent​(String workflowName,
                                                      int initialActionId,
                                                      String contentName,
                                                      Map<String,​String> titleVariants,
                                                      String[] contentTypes,
                                                      String[] mixins,
                                                      String parentContentId,
                                                      String parentContentMetadatapath)
                                               throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Creates a multilingual content with a multilingual title using the workflow (with the CreateContentFunction).
        workflowName - The name of the workflow to create
        initialActionId - The workflow action id that creates content
        contentName - The new name
        titleVariants - The title's variants
        contentTypes - The new content types. Cannot be null. Cannot be empty.
        mixins - The new mixins. Can be null. Can be empty.
        parentContentId - If the new content is a subcontent, the parent content identifier.
        parentContentMetadatapath - If the new content is a subcontent, the path of the metadata where the new content will take place in its parent
        The workflow result map. See the create content function used to get the new content. Can be under the key CreateContentFunction.CONTENT_KEY, and the id under the key "contentId"
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - If an error occurred while doing the action on the workflow
        AmetysRepositoryException - If cannot get the workflow identifier of the content
      • createContent

        public Map<String,​ObjectcreateContent​(String workflowName,
                                                      int initialActionId,
                                                      String contentName,
                                                      String contentTitle,
                                                      String[] contentTypes,
                                                      String[] mixins,
                                                      String languageCode,
                                                      String parentContentId,
                                                      String parentContentMetadatapath,
                                                      Map<String,​Object> inputs)
                                               throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Creates a content using the workflow (with the CreateContentFunction).
        workflowName - The name of the workflow to create
        initialActionId - The workflow action id that creates content
        contentName - The new name
        contentTitle - The new title
        contentTypes - The new content types. Cannot be null. Cannot be empty.
        mixins - The new mixins. Can be null. Can be empty.
        languageCode - The language code of the new content (such as 'fr', 'en'...)
        parentContentId - If the new content is a subcontent, the parent content identifier.
        parentContentMetadatapath - If the new content is a subcontent, the path of the metadata where the new content will take place in its parent
        inputs - The parameters to transmit to the workflow functions. Cannot be null.
        The workflow result map. See the create content function used to get the new content. Can be under the key CreateContentFunction.CONTENT_KEY, and the id under the key "contentId"
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - If an error occurred while doing the action on the workflow
        AmetysRepositoryException - If cannot get the workflow identifier of the content
      • createContent

        public Map<String,​ObjectcreateContent​(String workflowName,
                                                      int initialActionId,
                                                      String contentName,
                                                      Map<String,​String> titleVariants,
                                                      String[] contentTypes,
                                                      String[] mixins,
                                                      String parentContentId,
                                                      String parentContentMetadatapath,
                                                      Map<String,​Object> inputs)
                                               throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Creates a multilingual content with a multilingual title using the workflow (with the CreateContentFunction).
        workflowName - The name of the workflow to create
        initialActionId - The workflow action id that creates content
        contentName - The new name
        titleVariants - The title's variants
        contentTypes - The new content types. Cannot be null. Cannot be empty.
        mixins - The new mixins. Can be null. Can be empty.
        parentContentId - If the new content is a subcontent, the parent content identifier.
        parentContentMetadatapath - If the new content is a subcontent, the path of the metadata where the new content will take place in its parent
        inputs - The parameters to transmit to the workflow functions. Cannot be null.
        The workflow result map. See the create content function used to get the new content. Can be under the key CreateContentFunction.CONTENT_KEY, and the id under the key "contentId"
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - If an error occurred while doing the action on the workflow
        AmetysRepositoryException - If cannot get the workflow identifier of the content
      • isAvailableAction

        public boolean isAvailableAction​(WorkflowAwareContent content,
                                         int actionId)
        Determines if the workflow action is available
        content - the content to consider.
        actionId - the workflow action id to check
        true if the wortkflow action is available
      • getAvailableActions

        public int[] getAvailableActions​(WorkflowAwareContent content)
        Get the available workflow actions for the content
        content - The content to consider. Cannot be null.
        The array of actions ids that are available now
      • getAvailableActions

        public int[] getAvailableActions​(WorkflowAwareContent content,
                                         Map<String,​Object> inputs)
        Get the available workflow actions for the content
        content - The content to consider. Cannot be null.
        inputs - The parameters to transmit to the workflow functions. Cannot be null.
        The array of actions ids that are available now
      • doAction

        public Map<String,​ObjectdoAction​(WorkflowAwareContent content,
                                                 int actionId)
                                          throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Do a workflow action on a content.
        content - The content to act on. Cannot be null.
        actionId - The id of the workflow action to do
        The results of the functions
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - If an error occurred while doing the action on the workflow
        AmetysRepositoryException - If cannot get the workflow identifier of the content
      • doAction

        public Map<String,​ObjectdoAction​(WorkflowAwareContent content,
                                                 int actionId,
                                                 Map<String,​Object> inputs)
                                          throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Do a workflow action on a content.
        content - The content to act on. Cannot be null.
        actionId - The id of the workflow action to do
        inputs - The parameters to transmit to the workflow functions. Cannot be null. The special key AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY will be filled with the parent context if null (this means that if your are in a request dispatched, you will automatically get the js parameters).
        The results of the functions
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - If an error occurred while doing the action on the workflow
        AmetysRepositoryException - If cannot get the workflow identifier of the content
      • editContent

        public Map<String,​ObjecteditContent​(WorkflowAwareContent content,
                                                    Map<String,​Object> values,
                                                    int workflowActionId)
                                             throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException
        Edit a Content programmatically.
        content - the ModifiableContent.
        values - the typed values to set.
        workflowActionId - the id of the workflow action
        the workflow results.
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - if an error occurs while processing the workflow action
      • editContent

        public Map<String,​ObjecteditContent​(WorkflowAwareContent content,
                                                    Map<String,​Object> values,
                                                    int workflowActionId,
                                                    View view)
                                             throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException
        Edit a Content programmatically.
        content - the ModifiableContent.
        values - the typed values to set.
        workflowActionId - the id of the workflow action
        view - the view to edit
        the workflow results.
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - if an error occurs while processing the workflow action