Class View

    • Constructor Detail

      • View

        public View()
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static View of​(ModelItem... modelItems)
        Creates a View with the given items. If the items are in a group, the hierarchy will be kept and the corresponding containers will be created
        modelItems - the items to put in the view
        the created View
      • copyTo

        public void copyTo​(View view)
        Copy the current view in the given one. Its view items are not copied
        view - the copy
      • getIconGlyph

        public String getIconGlyph()
        Retrieves the CSS class to use for glyph icon
        the glyph name.
      • setIconGlyph

        public void setIconGlyph​(String iconGlyph)
        Set the CSS class to use for glyph icon
        iconGlyph - the glyph name.
      • getIconDecorator

        public String getIconDecorator()
        Retrieves the CSS class to use for decorator above the main icon
        the glyph name.
      • setIconDecorator

        public void setIconDecorator​(String iconDecorator)
        Set the CSS class to use for decorator above the main icon
        iconDecorator - the glyph name.
      • getSmallIcon

        public String getSmallIcon()
        Retrieves the URL of the small icon without the context path.
        the icon URL for the small image 16x16.
      • setSmallIcon

        public void setSmallIcon​(String smallIcon)
        Set the URL of the small icon.
        smallIcon - the URL of the small icon, without the context path.
      • getMediumIcon

        public String getMediumIcon()
        Retrieves the URL of the small icon without the context path.
        the icon URL for the medium sized image 32x32.
      • setMediumIcon

        public void setMediumIcon​(String mediumIcon)
        Set the URL of the medium icon.
        mediumIcon - the URL of the medium icon, without the context path.
      • getLargeIcon

        public String getLargeIcon()
        Retrieves the URL of the small icon without the context path.
        the icon URL for the large image 48x48.
      • setLargeIcon

        public void setLargeIcon​(String largeIcon)
        Set the URL of the large icon.
        largeIcon - the URL of the large icon, without the context path.
      • isInternal

        public boolean isInternal()
        Determines if the view is for internal use only
        true if the view is for internal use only, false otherwise
      • setInternal

        public void setInternal​(boolean isInternal)
        Set the internal status
        isInternal - true to make the view for internal use only, false otherwise
      • includeView

        public void includeView​(View viewToInclude)
        Include the given view to the current one. Add the items of the view to include if they are not already present in the current view
        viewToInclude - the view to include
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj,
                              boolean checkDetails)
        Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
        obj - the reference object with which to compare.
        checkDetails - true to check the view's details during comparison (label, description, icon, ...)
        true if this object is the same as the given obj, false otherwise.