Class RibbonElementsInjectionHelper<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of element to inject

    public class RibbonElementsInjectionHelper<T>
    extends Object
    Helper for the ribbon, for injecting elements inside another elements' container
    • Field Detail

      • _logger

        protected org.slf4j.Logger _logger
    • Constructor Detail

      • RibbonElementsInjectionHelper

        public RibbonElementsInjectionHelper​(List<T> elements,
                                             org.slf4j.Logger logger)
        Map a list of elements by they order to allows for elements injection
        elements - The list of elements
        logger - The logger
    • Method Detail

      • injectElements

        public void injectElements​(T inject,
                                   String order)
        Inject an element into the list of elements
        inject - The element to inject
        order - The order property.