Class ContentSaxer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Component, Serviceable

    public class ContentSaxer
    extends ContentSaxer
    Generates SAX events for Content, including category, automatic and sent for Newsletters. TODO NEWATTRIBUTEAPI_CONTENT: do not use type implementation but the ModelAwareDataHolder#getInternalValue when this API exist
    • Method Detail

      • saxBody

        protected void saxBody​(Content content,
                               ContentHandler contentHandler,
                               Locale locale,
                               View view,
                               String tagName,
                               boolean saxWorkflowStep,
                               boolean saxWorkflowInfo,
                               boolean saxLanguageInfo,
                               String attributesTagName,
                               boolean isEdition)
                        throws SAXException
        Description copied from class: ContentSaxer
        Generates SAX events for the content data.
        saxBody in class ContentSaxer
        content - the Content.
        contentHandler - the ContentHandler receving SAX events.
        locale - the Locale to use for eg. multilingual attributes.
        view - the View or null to select all attributes.
        tagName - the surrounding tag name or null to SAX events without root tag.
        saxWorkflowStep - if true, also produces SAX events for the current workflow step.
        saxWorkflowInfo - if true, also produces SAX events for detailed information about the current workflow step.
        saxLanguageInfo - if true, also produces SAX events for detailed information about the content language.
        attributesTagName - the name of the tag surrounding attributes. Used for legacy purposes.
        isEdition - true if SAX events are generated in edition mode, false otherwise
        SAXException - if an error occurs during the SAX events generation.
      • saxMetadata

        protected void saxMetadata​(Content content,
                                   ContentHandler contentHandler)
                            throws SAXException
        Generates SAX events for the newsletter's metadata.
        content - the newsletter
        contentHandler - the ContentHandler receiving SAX events.
        SAXException - if an error occurs during the SAX events generation.