All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AboutInfoProvider |
Helper providing information (versions, licenses) on running application for "About Ametys" feature.
AbstractACLPageElementCachePolicy |
Base class for PageElementCachePolicy based on event ids and site aware ACL context.
When ACL is updated, the returned value will be REMOVE only if reading access has updated.
AbstractActionData |
Representation of an upgrade line in the extension
AbstractAlertSampleManager |
AbstractAlertSampleManager gives you the infrastructure for easily
deploying an AlertSampleManager .
AbstractAmetysConcurrentUpdateClient |
Concurrent update solr client specific for Ametys.
Allow operations on only one collection (specified by the constructor),
and forbid operations on all other collections.
AbstractAmetysElement |
AbstractAmetysNode |
VERY partial implementation of a read-only, non-namespace aware Node on top of an objects hierarchy.
It is NOT intended to be used as a full-featured DOM implementation, but it aims to provide a thin DOM layer over objects usable e.g.
AbstractAmetysObject |
AbstractAmetysSASSFunctionsProvider |
Used to configure the AmetysSASSHelper.
AbstractAmetysWorkflow |
Base Ametys class for manipulating workflow instances.
AbstractApogeeStructure |
The abstract class to handle an export in Apogee
AbstractApogeeSynchronizableContentsCollection |
Abstract class for Apogee synchronization
AbstractApogeeSynchronizableContentsWithCatalogCollection |
Abstract class for Apogee synchronization, contents with catalog (not OrgUnit ).
AbstractArchiveSchedulable |
AbstractBinaryElementType |
Abstract class for binary type of elements
AbstractBlogObserver |
Abstract Observer for observing event on blog
AbstractBlogPage |
Declares a root page and
AbstractBooleanElementType |
Abstract class for boolean element types
AbstractCacheKey |
AbstractCacheKey Class used to create cache keys as tuples
AbstractCacheManager |
Component that handle all the caches
AbstractCacheManager.CacheInfo |
Encapsulation of name and description of a cache
AbstractCacheManager.CacheType |
The type of cache
AbstractCacheObserver |
Abstract Observer for calling front office Web Services.
AbstractCDMFrSynchronizableContentsCollection |
Abstract class to import CDMFr contents
AbstractClientSideExtensionPoint<T extends ClientSideElement> |
Implementation of an ExtensionPoint for client side elements.
AbstractCollectionSchedulable |
Abstract schedulable for SCC.
AbstractCommentAction |
Abstract action on comments
AbstractCommentObserver |
Observer for comments
AbstractCompareContentVersionClientSideElement |
AbstractCompiledResourceHandler |
Abstract reader for resources compiled during runtime, such as SASS or LESS files compiled into CSS.
AbstractComponentExtensionPoint<T> |
Avalon based implementation of an ExtensionPoint.
AbstractComposite |
Abstract class for composites
AbstractConfigurableAdministratorNotificator |
AbstractConsistencyAnalysis |
AbstractContentBasedReturnable |
AbstractContentBasedSearchable |
AbstractContentBasedSearchable.ContentTypeComparator |
AbstractContentBasedSearchable.CriterionDefinitionAndSourceContentType |
AbstractContentClientSideElement |
Abstract client side element for contents.
AbstractContentElementType |
Abstract class for content type of elements
AbstractContentFunction |
Abstract workflow function working on a Content, which provides common content methods.
AbstractContentImporter |
Abstract ContentImporter class which provides base importer configuration and logic.<br>
Configuration options:
<li>Importer priority</li>
<li>Allowed extensions, without leading dot and comma-separated</li>
<li>Content types and mixins of the created contents</li>
<li>Language of the created contents</li>
<li>Content workflow name and creation action ID</li>
Example configuration handled by the configure method:
<extension point="org.ametys.plugins.contentio.ContentImporterExtensionPoint"
<workflow name="content" createActionId="1" editActionId="2"/>
AbstractContentObserver |
Abstract Observer for observing validation of UGC content.
AbstractContentObserver |
Abstract Observer for observing validation of User content.
AbstractContentSolrSearchModuleGenerator |
Abstract generator for search module of type content
AbstractContentTypeDescriptor |
This abstract class represents a content type descriptor
AbstractContentValidator |
This abstract class represent a global validator for contents.
AbstractContentWorkflowComponent |
Abstract class for easily retrieving environment components
in a condition or a function and especially a content.
AbstractConvertDocument2ImagesComponent |
Document to images action: converts the document into one image per page if it is not already done.
AbstractCreateODFContentByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a odf content by copy of another
AbstractCreateODFContentFunction |
Abstract OSWorkflow function for creating a ODF content.
AbstractCreateODFProgramItemFunction |
Abstract OSWorkflow function for creating a ProgramItem content
Populate catalog and code metadata.
AbstractCreateProgramItemByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a program item by copy of another
AbstractCredentialProvider |
AbstractCurrentUserProviderServiceableAction |
AbstractCurrentUserProviderServiceableGenerator |
AbstractCustomSearchUICriterion |
Base class for custom search tool criteria.
AbstractDAO |
Abstract DAO for objects in the plugin survey.
AbstractDataSourceManager |
Abstract component to handle data source
AbstractDataSourceManager.DataSourceDefinition |
This class represents the definition of a data source
AbstractDataSourceSynchronizableContentsCollection |
AbstractDateElementType |
Abstract class for date element types
AbstractDateTimeElementType |
Abstract class for date time element types
AbstractDefaultSearchCriterionDefinition |
AbstractDeleteFilesSchedulable |
Abstract schedulable to delete files or folders.
AbstractDeleteFilesSchedulable.DeleteFilesConfiguration |
Inner class to store configuration for deletion.
AbstractDeleteUDContentComponent |
Delete UD content component
AbstractDoubleElementType |
Abstract class for double element types
AbstractEditorStyleMenu |
This StaticMenu also search for special tags to transform them into parameters thanks to HTMLEditorStyle
Special tags are
AbstractElementType<T> |
Abstract class for element types
AbstractEnhancementHandler |
This interface is for component that wants to be in the docbook pipeline.
AbstractEnhancementTransformer |
This abstract cocoon transformer have its content and lexical handler configurable
AbstractEventGenerator |
Abstract generator provinding methods to sax an event content
AbstractExplorerNodeWorkflowComponent |
Abstract class for easily retrieving environment components
in a condition or a function and especially a resource.
AbstractExtensionPoint<T> |
Abstract implementation of an extension point.
Contains only helper methods.
AbstractExternalAddress |
Website object
AbstractExtract |
The abstract class for extractions
AbstractExtractionComponent |
This class represents an extraction component
AbstractFeatureActivator |
Basic impl
AbstractFieldQuery |
Represents a Query testing the existence of a field.
AbstractFileElementType |
Abstract class for file type of elements
AbstractFunctionsExtensionPoint |
Abstract extension point for workflow functions
AbstractGeocodeElementType |
Abstract class for geocode type of elements
AbstractGetFilesAction |
Abstract action for getting child files/folders of a local application folder
AbstractGetTagsAction |
SAX events for tags
AbstractGroupExtractionComponent |
This class represents an extraction component with grouping fields
AbstractGroupsQuery |
AbstractHierarchicalAccessController<T> |
AbstractHTMLEditionHandler |
This abstract class is for component that wants to be in the saving pipeline.
AbstractImportCDMFrComponent |
Abstract class of a component to import a CDM-fr input stream.
AbstractImportCDMFrComponent.ContentWorkflowDescription |
Internal object to describe content workflow elements.
AbstractImportCDMFrComponent.DocbookPrefixResolver |
AbstractInitializeProjectObserver |
Abstract observer to have code executed when a sitemap is updated in a project
AbstractInternalDynamicInformationGenerator |
Abstract generator for saxing dynamic information.
AbstractIntervalValidator<T> |
Base ContentValidator validating the content by comparing one or more couples of values.
AbstractInvalidateZoneItemCacheOnWallObserver |
Observer to invalidate zone item cache of wall content service when a wall content is commented
AbstractJackrabbitWorkflowStore |
Abstract workflow store for Jackrabbit
AbstractJCRTagProvider<T extends Tag> |
Abstract class representing a jcr tag provider.
AbstractJCRTagsDAO |
Component for operations on JCR tags
AbstractLDAPConnector |
This abstract class contains all basic for a ldap connection using config parameters
AbstractLevelPage |
Common classes for ODF virtual page for level
AbstractLiveSolrObserver |
Abstract Observer for synchronizing the live solr index.
AbstractLogEnabled |
Abstract implementation of LogEnabled for Ametys components.
AbstractLoggedAction |
An action that requires to be logged in
AbstractLongElementType |
Abstract class for long element types
AbstractMaintenanceTask |
Jackrabbit maintenance tasks implementations should extends this class.
AbstractMCCReport |
Class to generate a report based on MCC.
AbstractMemberMailNotifierObserver |
Abstract observer for sending mail to members
AbstractMemberObserver |
Abstract observer for member update
AbstractMemorySampleManager |
AbstractMessagingConnector |
AbstractMessagingConnector.EmailCacheKey |
Internal class for key of events count cache
AbstractMessagingConnector.EventCacheKey |
Internal class for key of events cache
AbstractMessagingConnector.EventCountCacheKey |
Internal class for key of events count cache
AbstractMessagingConnectorDynamicInformationGenerator |
Abstract generator for saxing dynamic information for agenda/mail service
AbstractMetadataSearchField |
Metadata (abstract) generic search field.
AbstractMetadataSetElement |
AbstractMinimizeManager |
Abstract minimize manager for js and css
AbstractMinimizeReader |
This generator generates a single file to load all ui items files.
AbstractMinimizeSourceMapReader |
Reader for Source map of minimized files
AbstractModelItem |
Abstract class for model items
AbstractModelItemParser |
AbstractModelItemType |
Abstract class for model group item types
AbstractMultilingualStringElementType |
Abstract class for multilingual string type of elements
AbstractMyBatisDAO |
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to have
access to one or multiple SqlMapClient.
AbstractNoJoinSystemSearchField |
AbstractNotifierAction |
AbstractNumberIntervalValidator<T extends Number> |
Base ContentValidator validating the content by comparing one or more couples of numerical values.
AbstractOAIResponseGenerator |
Base class for all OAI responses.
AbstractOaiSet |
Abstract implementation of a OAI-PMH set with a configurable name and description
AbstractOAIVerbGenerator |
Base class for all OAI verb responses.
AbstractODFAuthenticateAction |
Abstract class for ODF authentication by IP (useful for CDM-fr portals).
AbstractODFElement<T extends ProgramItem> |
DOM layer on structure of an ODF content.
AbstractODFObserver |
Abstract Observer for observing events on a Program or Course.
AbstractOdfPage |
Common class for ODF virtual pages
AbstractOdfPageFactory |
Common class for factories of ODF virtual pages
AbstractOdfWorkflowTasksComponent |
Override WorkflowTasksComponent to target ODF contents
AbstractOSEExport |
Abstract class for OSE export.
AbstractPageClientSideElement |
Abstract client side element for pages.
AbstractPageMenu |
AbstractPagesContainerClientSideElement |
Abstract client side element for pages or sitemap.
AbstractPagesContainerElement<A extends PagesContainer> |
AbstractPageSubscriptionObserver |
Abstract implementation of the observers of Page Subscription.
AbstractParameterAdder |
AbstractParameterAdderReturnable |
Returnable which adds some parameters to the search service.
AbstractParameterAdderSearchable |
Searchable which adds some parameters to the search service.
AbstractParameterParser<P extends Parameter<T>,T extends Enum<T>> |
AbstractPilotageReport |
The abstract class for pilotage reports.
AbstractPilotageReport.PilotageFile |
Object representing a pilotage file
Containing the zip file and the report status
AbstractPilotageReport.PilotageReportStatus |
The enumerator for different pilotage report status
AbstractPostAction |
An abstract action to bet the request parameters (esther in GET or POST)
AbstractProfileStorageBasedAccessController |
This class delegates all it can to the profile assignment storage extension point
AbstractProfileStorageBasedAccessController.Cache1Key |
AbstractProfileStorageBasedAccessController.Cache2Key |
AbstractProfileStorageBasedAccessController.CacheKind |
The knd of cache to get/set
AbstractProgram<F extends ProgramFactory> |
AbstractProgramElementExporter<T extends Content & ProgramItem> |
Exporter for program elements.
AbstractProgramElementExporter.ProgramElementData |
An object to represent common computed data on the program element like orgunit, step holder, etc.
AbstractProgramItemAttributeCopyUpdater |
The abstract class to copy content attribute of program item type.
AbstractProgramPart<F extends ProgramPartFactory> |
Common implementation of a Content which is part of a program
AbstractPublishOrUnpublishPageRunnable |
AbstractQuery |
An abstract query.
Defines getters and setters for all base members of a query, and provides
some helpful methods.
AbstractRebuildLiveWorkspaceSchedulable |
Abstract schedulable for rebuilding the live workspace.
AbstractReferenceElementType |
Abstract class for reference type of elements
AbstractRemoveMemberMailNotifierObserver |
Abstract Observer to send mail notifications on workspace member removal
AbstractRepeaterEntry |
Abstract class for repeater entries
AbstractRepeaterWithUniqueContentValidator |
Global validator for content.
AbstractReport |
The abstract class for pilotage reports.
AbstractReportSchedulable |
AbstractRepository |
Base class for JCR repository as a component.
AbstractRepositoryGenerator |
Abstract generator dealing with repository
AbstractResourceElement<A extends AmetysObject> |
AbstractResourceHandlerProvider |
AbstractResourceReader |
Abstract reader for Ametys resources.
AbstractResponseIterator<O> |
This abstract iterator is here for providing common code to an iterator over
SearchResult and to an AmetysObjectIterator
AbstractRichTextElementType |
Abstract class for rich text type of elements
AbstractRichTextTransformer |
Abstract class for RichTextTransformer s relying on Cocoon pipelines to actually transform HTML to RichText back and forth.
AbstractRNCPAbstractProgramReader |
Abstract reader for RNCP abstract program sheet.
AbstractRobotsGenerator |
Abstract base class for generators dealing with robots
AbstractSampleManager |
AbstractSampleManager gives you the infrastructure for easily
deploying a SampleManager .
AbstractSearchGenerator |
Abstract class for solr search
AbstractSearchGenerator.FacetField |
Interface representing a facet field
AbstractSearchModuleGenerator |
Abstract generator for search modules
AbstractSearchUIColumn |
This class represents a result column
AbstractSearchUICriterion |
AbstractSearchUIModel |
Abstract class for SearchUIModel.
AbstractSearchUserInputs |
AbstractSelectorExtensionPoint<T extends Component> |
Bridge between the plugin stuff and Cocoon ComponentSelectors.
The aim is to provide a way to declare InputModules, DataSources, SourceFactories, ...
AbstractSendingMailSchedulable |
Abstract schedulable that send an email at the end of the execution
By default, the email is sent to the user that launched the schedulable.
AbstractSendNotificationObserver |
Observer for observing events on resources project
AbstractSerializerImpl |
AbstractSimplePageElementCachePolicy |
Base class for simple PageElementCachePolicy only based on event ids.
Implementations should provide a list of event ids for which the cache should be removed.
AbstractSimpleResourceHandlerProvider |
AbstractSimpleSynchronizableContentsCollection |
AbstractSiteCacheObserver |
Abstract Observer for invalidate site data.
AbstractSkillSearchComponent |
AbstractSkinAction |
Abstract class for manipulating skin directory
AbstractSkinParameter |
Class representing a parameter of a skin.
AbstractSkinParameter.SkinParameterType |
Enumeration of supported types
AbstractSolrContentAsyncObserver |
AbstractSolrContentAsyncObserver |
AbstractSolrContentObserver |
Abstract Observer for synchronizing the Solr indexes.
AbstractSolrContentObserver |
Abstract Observer for synchronizing the Solr indexes.
AbstractSolrExtractionComponent |
This class represents an extraction component with a solr query
AbstractSolrIndexResourceObserver |
Abstract observer in charge of indexing resources when created, modified, moved...
AbstractSolrObserver |
Abstract Observer for synchronizing the Solr index for Web components
AbstractSolrODFObserver |
Abstract Observer for synchronizing the Solr indexes.
AbstractSolrOnSiteConfModifiedObserver |
Observer for observing site configuration modifications
in order to synchronize Solr index.
AbstractSolrOrgUnitObserver |
Observer for observing orgunit modifications
in order to synchronize Solr index.
AbstractSolrSearchModuleGenerator |
Abstract generator for search module of type content
AbstractSourceMapResourceHandler |
Resource handler for source map files
AbstractStaticRightAssignmentContext |
This static impl is a static client side element that take care that the current workspace matches a configured regexp
AbstractStaticSchedulable |
AbstractStaticSynchronizableContentsCollection |
AbstractStringElementType |
Abstract class for string element types
AbstractSurveyAction |
Abstract action for manipulate survey
AbstractSurveyElement<F extends SurveyElementFactory> |
AbstractSynchronizableContentsCollection |
AbstractSynchronizeObserver |
Abstract Observer for synchronizing the workspace live.
AbstractSynchronizePageObserver |
AbstractSystemProperty |
Abstract class providing standard behavior and helper methods for a
SystemProperty .
AbstractTagCloudGenerator |
Generator for tag clouds
AbstractTagCloudGenerator.ItemOccurrenceComparator |
Compares two terms by descending occurrence count.
AbstractTagCloudGenerator.TagCloudItem |
Abstract class for a tag cloud item
AbstractTagObserver |
AbstractTagProvider<T extends Tag> |
Class representing a static tag provider.
AbstractTagProviderExtensionPoint<T extends Tag> |
This class is in charge to load and initialize tag providers.
AbstractTagsDAO |
DAO for manipulating tags
AbstractTextQuery |
Represents a Query testing a text field.
AbstractThreadSafeComponentExtensionPoint<T> |
Avalon based implementation of an ExtensionPoint.
Subclasses only need to call addComponent() for each new extension.
AbstractTraversableProgramPart<F extends ProgramPartFactory> |
Common implementation of a Content which is part of a program, traversable
AbstractTreeNode<T> |
This abstract class represents a node in a tree data structure.
AbstractUGCContentObserver |
Abstract observer to send mail to UGC author on UGC content event
AbstractURIResolver |
AbstractUserElementType |
Abstract class for user type of elements
AbstractUsersQuery |
AbstractUserSystemProperty |
Abstract class providing base functionality for a user-typed SystemProperty .
AbstractVersion |
Representation of a version
Each upgrade create a new version
AbstractVersionHandler |
AbstractViewItemGroup |
Abstract class for group of view items
AbstractWelcomeStep |
AbstractWorkflowAction |
Abstract action for managing a workflow instance.
AbstractWorkflowComponent |
Abstract class for easily retrieving environment components
in a condition or a function.
AbstractWorkspaceModule |
AbstractWorkspacesEventsObserver |
Observer implementation for workspaces' events
AbstractWrappingAmetysElement<T> |
DOM layer on top if an object hierarchy.
AbstractXmlContentImporter |
Abstract XmlContentImporter class which provides base XML importer configuration and logic.
AbstractXmlContentImporter.DefaultPrefixResolver |
Configurable XML prefix resolver.
AbstractXpathSearchModuleGenerator |
Abstract generator for search module in the repository
AbstractZoneItemCacheObserver |
Abstract class for observer related to the management of the ZoneItems cache.
AbstractZoneItemCacheOnContentObserver |
Abstract class for observer related to the management of the ZoneItems cache for content.
AbstractZoneItemCacheOnZoneItemObserver |
Abstract class for observer related to the management of the ZoneItems cache for zone item modification.
AccessController |
This interface is for computing the rights a user has.
AccessController.AccessResult |
The access result when looking for a right
AccessControllerExtensionPoint |
AccessDeniedException |
Exception representing a 403 response
ACLAmetysObject |
ACLAmetysObjectProfileAssignmentStorage |
ACLJCRAmetysObjectHelper |
ACLJCRAmetysObjectHelper.ACLProfileExpression |
ACLJCRAmetysObjectHelper.AllowedProfileExpression |
ACLJCRAmetysObjectHelper.AnonymousAllowedProfileExpression |
ACLJCRAmetysObjectHelper.AnonymousDeniedProfileExpression |
ACLJCRAmetysObjectHelper.AnyConnectedAllowedProfileExpression |
ACLJCRAmetysObjectHelper.AnyConnectedDeniedProfileExpression |
ACLJCRAmetysObjectHelper.DeniedProfileExpression |
Action |
Interface for actions components
ActionData |
Representation of an upgrade line in the extension
ActionExtensionPoint |
Extension point to execute the upgrades
ActionResultGenerator |
This generator generates an ActionResult tag surrounding parameters.
Useful for pipeline that needs no generator.
ActivityStreamClientInteraction |
Component gathering methods for the activity stream service
ActivityStreamInputData |
This input data saxes the user's events on projects
ActivityStreamServiceAction |
Get the events for activity stream
ActivityStreamUserPreferencesManager |
Class handling the front-office user preferences for the filtered events service
AdaptableDate |
AdaptableDate.AdaptableDateType |
AdaptableDate.OffsetType |
AdaptableDateParser |
AddCommentAction |
Sends the comment for a given post
AddContentToCurrentSelectionClientSideElement |
Static client side element for adding content under the currently selected content
AddEventFunction |
Action for adding a calendar event
AddEventOnCalendarEventUpdatedObserver |
Observer for storing events on calendar' events modifications
AddEventOnMemberAddedObserver |
Observer for storing event on resources modifications
AddEventOnPageAddedOrDeletedObserver |
Observer for storing event on page added
AddEventOnPageUpdatedObserver |
Observer for storing event on page updated
AddEventOnResourceUpdatedObserver |
Observer for storing event on resources modifications
AddEventOnTaskUpdatedObserver |
Observer for storing event on task modifications
AddEventOnThreadUpdatedObserver |
Observer for storing event on resources modifications
AddEventOnWallContentAddedObserver |
Observer for storing event on resources modifications
AdditionalContentPropertiesGenerator |
Generates addition information on content
AdditionalOdfContentPropertiesGenerator |
Generates additional information about a ODF content
AdditionalOdfContentPropertiesGenerator.ListProgramItemComparator |
AdditionalParameterFOSearchExtensionPoint |
This extension point handle additional parameters for FO search service
AdditionalParameterValueMap |
This class holds the current values of the additional parameters
AdditionalPropertyIndexer |
Index additional properties.
AdditionalPropertyIndexerExtensionPoint |
AdditionalPropertyIndexerSchemaDefinitionProvider |
Provides all the schema elements defined by additional property indexers.
AdditionalSearchServiceParameter<T> |
AdditionalWebContentPropertiesGenerator |
Generates addition information on web content
AddMemberAction |
Action when accepting a member clicking on the email
AddMemberMailNotifierObserver |
Notifier to send mail to a newly added member of a workspace.
AddOrgUnitAction |
Action for creating a new org unit
AddOrgUnitToCurrentClientSideElement |
Static client side element for adding content under the currently selected orgunit, or the root orgunit if there is no selection.
AddOrUpdateFileAction |
Create or update a file
AddOrUpdateFileAction |
This action creates or updates a resource file.
AddOrUpdateResourceAction |
Action for adding or updating a resource file.
AddOrUpdateResourceHelper |
Dedicated helper in order to add or update an explorer resource
AddOrUpdateResourceHelper.ResourceOperationMode |
Possible add and update modes
AddOrUpdateResourceHelper.ResourceOperationResult |
Class representing the result of a resource operation.
AddPageWizardHelper |
Component to help AddPageWizard to get all it's infos without calling PageDAO or TagsDAO multiple times
AddPilotageContentToCurrentSelectionClientSideElement |
Override button for odf content to take into account the pilotage status
AddReportTaskClientSideElement |
This implementation creates an element for adding a new report task
AddSharedContentAction |
This action add an existing content to a zone of a page
AddSiteNameRequestAttribute |
AddTaskClientSideElement |
This implementation creates an element for adding a new task
AddUserLinkAction |
Adds a new user link in Ametys.
AdminAccessController |
Grant all rights to users from admin populations on admin context
AdminAuthenticateAction |
Cocoon action for authenticating users in the administration workspace.
AdministratorNotificator |
Interface for extensions which want to send notifications when an admin opens his application.
AdministratorNotificatorExtensionPoint |
ExtensionPoint in charge of collecting all the administrator notifications to send.
AdminRepositoryAuthentication |
Authentication for the repository application looking for the administrator login and password.
AdminSkinActionExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize modules.
AdminSkinActionsGenerator |
SAX available JavaScript actions on skins
AdminWelcomeClientSideElement |
Admin welcome client side element.
AdvancedQueryBuilder |
AlertEngine |
Alerts engine: sends alerts mail.
AlertEngine |
Alerts engine: sends alerts mail.
AlertEngine |
Alerts engine: sends alerts mail.
AlertSampleManager |
Interface to be implemented for monitoring samples of data able to send system alerts when reaching threshold.
AlertSampleManager.Threshold |
Represents a threshold
AlertSampleManager.Threshold.Operator |
The possible types of operators
AlertScheduler |
Alerts scheduler: launches a cron which sends the alerts each night.
AlertScheduler |
Alerts scheduler: launches a cron which sends the alerts each night.
AlertScheduler |
Alerts scheduler: launches a cron which sends the alerts each night.
AlertsConstants |
Constants related to content alerts.
AlertWorkspaceModule |
Workspaces module for alerts
Alias |
This interface represents a alias
Alias.TargetType |
Type of a target.
AliasDAO |
Class managing Alias creation, modification, deletion and moving
AliasDerefEnumerator |
Enumerator for listing alias dereferencing modes supported in a LDAP query.
AliasHelper |
Helper for alias
AliasRedirectAction |
Redirect URL to alias URL if exists
AllErrors |
Object for storing binding and validation errors.
AllExtractionMatcher |
AllowedUsers |
Wrapper class to represent a set of allowed users, which can eventually be anonymous or any connected user.
AllowedUsersActionAdditionalOperations |
AllowedUsersActionAdditionalOperationsExtensionPoint |
AllowedUsersByObjectAction |
Action called to know allowed users for each AmetysObject in a list.
AmetysAttribute |
Implementation of Attr for an AmetysObject's metadata.
AmetysCas20ProxyReceivingTicketValidationFilter |
Ametys implementation of Cas20ProxyReceivingTicketValidationFilter
AmetysCas20ProxyTicketValidator |
Ametys implementation of the TicketValidator that will validate Service Tickets in compliance with the CAS 2.
AmetysCDMfrExtension |
base CDMfr extension for Ametys
AmetysCssImporter |
Sass Importer which can resolve Ametys resources
AmetysExceptionFilter |
Simple Filter not logging internal exceptions, such as AuthorizationRequiredException.
AmetysFrontEditionHelper |
Helper for preparing the Ametys Edition
AmetysHomeHelper |
Helper for Ametys home locations
AmetysHomeLock |
Exclusive lock on the Ametys Home directory.
AmetysHomeLockException |
Exception related to lock management for Ametys home.
AmetysHomeSourceFactory |
SourceFactory handling URIs in Ametys home.
AmetysImageParser |
AmetysJempboxExtractor |
AmetysJob |
Ametys implementation of a Job which delegates the execution of the task to the right Schedulable
AmetysJpegParser |
AmetysNamedNodeMap |
Implementation of NamedNodeMap to store attributes names and values.
AmetysNodeList |
AmetysObject |
Common interface for all Ametys objects.
AmetysObjectCollection<F extends AmetysObjectCollectionFactory,A extends AmetysObject> |
An AmetysObject representing a collection of other AmetysObject s.
The collection stored its contents in the JCR Repository in a hash tree for
optimizing performances.
Please note that this implementation does not keep the insertion order of elements.
AmetysObjectCollectionFactory |
AmetysObjectDao |
AmetysObjectElement<A extends AmetysObject> |
Implementation of Element wrapping an AmetysObject .
Only methods useful for XPath processing are implemented.
AmetysObjectExistsException |
AmetysObjectFactory<A extends AmetysObject> |
AmetysObjectFactoryExtensionPoint |
AmetysObjectIterable<A extends AmetysObject> |
AmetysObjectIterator<A extends AmetysObject> |
AmetysObjectResolver |
AmetysObjectWorkflowStore |
Workflow store that creates local entries for an Ametys object.
AmetysPdfParser |
AmetysPersistenceManager |
AmetysPredicateUtils |
Provides the following predicates:
propertyNamePredicate - accept a property depending on his name.
AmetysPredicateUtils.AllowedForLivePredicate |
AmetysPredicateUtils.IgnoreProtectedPredicate |
AmetysPredicateUtils.NonVersionnedPredicate |
AmetysRepository |
JCR Repository implementation, based on Jackrabbit and allowing to change the logout behaviour for Sessions
AmetysRepositoryException |
Common exception for all Repository related problems.
AmetysResourceReader |
AmetysResourceSource |
AmetysResourceSourceFactory |
AmetysSassFunctionsProvider |
This helper provides function that will be directly injected into Sass file compilation.
AmetysSASSFunctionsProvider |
This helper provides function that will be directly injected into Sass file compilation.
AmetysScssImporter |
Sass Importer which can resolve Ametys resources
AmetysSession |
Implementation of a JCR Session that is poolable.
The logout method actually bring the Session back into the pool.
AmetysStep |
OSWorkflow step with additional properties.
AmetysText |
Partial implementation of a read-only, non-namespace aware Text on top of an objects hierarchy.
It is NOT intended to be used as a full-featured DOM implementation, but it aims to provide a thin DOM layer over objects usable e.g.
AmetysWorkflowStore |
WorkflowStore which does not keep instances once they are finished.
AmetysXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
AmetysXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
AmetysXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
AnalysisEnumerator |
AnalysisExtensionPoint |
AndExpression |
AndQuery |
Represents a search Query corresponding to the logical "and" between several other queries.
Annotations |
ApogeeButtonClientSideElement |
Client side element for Apogee export button
ApogeeClientSideElement |
Client side element for Apogee export buttons
ApogeeContainerStructure |
The structure to export in Apogee the following program
Program / Container (year) / Container (semester) / UE / ELP / ...
ApogeeCriterion |
Criterion for Apogee.
ApogeeDAO |
Data access object to the remote DB Apogee
ApogeeDefaultStructure |
The structure to export in Apogee the following program
Program / SubProgram / Container (semester) / UE / ELP / ...
ApogeeExportExtensionPoint |
ApogeeExportReport |
The report for an Apogee export
ApogeeExportReport.ExportStatus |
The status of the export
ApogeeExportStructure |
Apogee export implementation interface
ApogeeFullStructure |
The structure to export in Apogee the following program
Program / SubProgram / Container (year) / Container (semester) / UE / ELP / ...
ApogeeGlobalSynchronizationClientSideElement |
This implementation test if at least one SCC is instance of ApogeeSynchronizableContentsCollection
If yes, the first collection is used to create the button, it there are no collections, the button is not displayed.
ApogeeReport |
Pilotage report for Apogée.
ApogeeSchedulable |
A Schedulable job which synchronizes Apogee collections.
ApogeeSimpleMenu |
Client side element for Apogee export buttons
ApogeeSingleProgramStructure |
The structure to export in Apogee the following program
Program into DIP-VDI
ApogeeStructureComponent |
Component for Apogee export
ApogeeSynchronizableContentsCollection |
Interface for Apogée specific methods.
ApogeeSynchronizableContentsCollectionHelper |
Helper for Apogee Synchronizable Contents Collections.
ApogeeSynchronizingContentOperator |
Get mapped values from Apogée to Ametys.
ApogeeSynchronizingContentOperatorHelper |
Get mapped values from Apogée to Ametys.
ApogeeSynchronizingCourseListOperator |
Get mapped values from Apogée to Ametys for CourseList.
ApogeeWS |
The component to create ODF element in Apogee
In most cases :
DIP / VDI (diplome / version de diplome) : it is a program
ETP / VET (etape / version d'etape) : it is a subprogram or a container of type year
LSE (liste d'elements) : it is a course list
ELP (element pedagogique) : it is a course or a container of type semester
ApplicationContextGenerator |
Generate data for the assignment view screen.
ApplicationGlyphManager |
Manager for glyphs provide by the application
ApplyTemplatesAction |
Apply a template to a given newsletter category
ArchiveConstants |
Constants relative to archived contents.
ArchiveContentAction |
Action for archiving a content.
ArchiveContentClientSideElement |
This element creates a ribbon button to archive a content.
ArchiveContentsEngine |
Runnable engine that archive the contents that have an scheduled archiving
date set before the current date.
ArchiveContentsEngine |
Runnable engine that archive the contents that have an scheduled archiving
date set before the current date.
ArchiveContentsScheduler |
Archive contents scheduler: launches a cron which archives contents when
ArchiveContentsScheduler |
Archive contents scheduler: launches a cron which archives contents when
ArchivedLogClientSideElement |
Client side element to display archived logs.
ArchiveEducationalBookletSchedulable |
ArchiveEducationalBookletSchedulable |
Override ODF EducationalBookletSchedulable to add the site name in the request
ArchiveFileEnumerator |
Enumerator for listing available archives for import.
ArchiveHandler |
Archive data on disk.
Archiver |
Component responsible to archive data.
ArchiverExtensionPoint |
Archivers |
Convenient methods for Archiver API implementations
Archivers.AmetysObjectNotImportedException |
Exception indicating an Ametys Object cannot be imported
ArchiveWebContentAction |
Action for archiving a content and removing referencing zone items if necessary
AskToJoinProjectAction |
Action to join a project with opened inscription status
AsyncExportLauncher |
Export a solr search
AsyncExportLocationAction |
Get the path where the async solr exports are stored.
AsynchronousFileDeletion |
Thread for asynchronous file deletion
AsynchronousPathDeletion |
Thread for asynchronous file deletion
AsyncObserver |
An interface to mark an observer as asynchronous.
AsyncScriptHandler |
Component able to execute scripts asynchronously, either from a schedulable or because the user asked to do so.
AsyncScriptHandler.AsyncResultProcessor |
Attachment2FlipbookUriResolver |
URIResolver for type "attachment-content-flipbook".
These links point to a document file from the attachments of the current Content converted it to flash.
AttachmentsRootNodeAction |
This action retrieves the id of the attachments root node of a TraversableAmetysObject .<br/>If the attachments node does not exist, it will be created.
AttachmentsService |
Service for displaying the hierarchy of attachments of the current page.
AttachmentURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "attachment".
These links point to a file from the attachments of the current Content.
AttachmentURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "attachment-content".
These links point to a file from the attachments of the current Content.
Attribute2FlipbookUriResolver |
URIResolver for type "attribute-flipbook".
These links point to a document file from the resource explorer converted to flash.
AttributeDefinition<T> |
The definition of a content type attribute
AttributeSourceFactory |
AttributeTreeConfigurationElementsChild |
The child is the value of an attribute
AttributeURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "attribute".
These links or images point to a file from the attribute of the current Content.
AttributeURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "attribute".
These links or images point to a file from the attribute of the current Content.
AuthenticateAction |
Cocoon action to perform authentication.
The CredentialProvider define the authentication method and retrieves Credentials .
Finally, the Users instance extract the Principal corresponding to the Credentials .
AuthenticateAction |
Special authentication process for CMIS server, without project.
AuthenticateAction |
Action to authenticate Webdav URL
AuthenticateAction.TOKEN_MODE |
The token mode of this authentication action
AuthenticationTokenManager |
The component to handle temporary authentication token.
Token can only be used once and are available for a short time only.
AuthenticationTokenManager.Token |
An Ametys authentication token
AuthorizationRequiredException |
Exception representing a 401 response
AutoCompletionGenerator |
Generates the proposed fields for auto-completion while beginning a search
AutoCompletionOnTitleAction |
Get the proposed fields for auto-completion while beginning a search
AutocompletionSearchAction |
Get the proposed program's pages and skills for auto-completion while beginning a search
AutomaticContentType |
ContentType implementation for content types declared in WEB-INF/param.
AutomaticNewsletter |
Interface defining an automatic newsletter service.
AutomaticNewsletter.FrequencyType |
The frequency type.
AutomaticNewsletterClientSideElement |
Automatic newsletter client side element: indicate which of the selected categories are in "automatic" mode.
AutomaticNewsletterDAO |
DAO for manipulating automatic newsletter categories.
AutomaticNewsletterExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize newsletter category providers.
AutomaticNewsletterFilterResult |
A content filter result.
AutomaticNewslettersEngine |
Runnable engine that creates the automatic newsletter contents.
AutomaticNewslettersScheduler |
Launches a cron which will create the automatic newsletter contents.
AvailableContentTypesEnumerator |
AvalonCurrentUserProvider |
Provides the current user from session.
AvalonJackrabbitWorkflowStore |
Ametys JDBC workflow store
AvalonLoggerAdapter |
SLF4J Logger wrapping an Avalon Logger .
AvalonTypeResolver |
Avalon-aware type resolver.
BackgroundEngineHelper |
Abstract class for work run in a separate thread.
BackgroundEngineHook |
Interface to implement hook on entering and leaving background environment
BackgroundEngineHookExtensionPoint |
Extension point that provide a way to hook in the background engine helper
BackgroundEnvironment |
A simple implementation of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Environment
for pipeline calls which are not externally triggered.
BackgroundRequest |
Simple Request used for internal requests.
BackOfficeAccessController |
Automatically grand access to CMS on site related to a project where the user is manager.
BackOfficeRequestHelper |
Helper class that builds the request the front-office makes to the back-office to query a page or a resource.
BackOfficeRequestHelper.HttpLock |
BackOfficeRequestHelper.HttpMkcol |
BackOfficeRequestHelper.HttpPropfind |
BackOfficeRequestHelper.HttpUnLock |
BackOfficeRequestProxy |
Interface for modifying request sent to a back-office request and the returned response.
BackOfficeRequestProxyExtensionPoint |
BadDataPathCardinalityException |
Exception thrown when an attempt to retrieve a data from a path with multiple data inside the path (not in the last segment)
BadItemTypeException |
Exception thrown when the type of the item value doesn't match the asked type
BadVerbGenerator |
Generates OAI error.
BaseSynchroComponent |
Class for basics operations on SCC.
BasicCredentialProvider |
Basic http authentication.
Binary |
Class representing a binary
BinaryMetadata |
BinaryMetadataReader |
Reader for exposing a binary property from a JCR repository.
Mime type can be forced by using parameter mime-type .
BinaryPropertyReader |
Reader for exposing a binary property from a JCR repository.
Mime type can be forced by using parameter mime-type .
BinaryRepositoryElementType |
Class for binary type of elements stored in the repository
BinarySource |
BinarySourceFactory |
BlockingCredentialProvider |
BlockingCredentialProviderAction |
This action will authenticate upon a parametrized blocking credential provider
BlogCacheManager |
Blog cache manager.
BlogCacheManager.AllPostCache |
Cache of all the posts.
BlogCacheManager.BlogPageElementKey |
BlogCacheManager.FuturePostCache |
Cache of identifier of the future posts.
BlogCacheManager.Post |
Class representing a Post in the cache.
BlogCacheManager.PostDateCache |
Post cache by date.
BlogCacheManager.PostSiteLang |
A Post with site name and language.
BlogCacheManager.PostTagCache |
Post cache by tag.
BlogConstants |
Blog constants.
BlogObservationConstants |
Constants for event identifiers.
BlogPageHandler |
Retrieves blog pages.
BlogPagesGenerator |
Blog pages generator.
BlogRightsContextConvertor |
This implementation converts any context in a blog-type site to "/cms".
BlogRootClientSideElement |
This element creates an action button to set the blog root page.
BlogRootPageFactory |
BlogRootPageGenerator |
Blog root page generator.
BlogSiteEnumerator |
Blog site enumerator.
BlogVirtualPagesCachePolicy |
Cache policy for the sitemap, handling blog virtual pages linked with contents.
BlogVirtualPagesWithCommentsCachePolicy |
Cache policy for the sitemap, handling blog virtual pages linked with contents.
BlogXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
BooleanExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to the boolean comparison with a metadata.
BooleanQuery |
Represents a Query testing a boolean field.
BooleanRepositoryElementType |
Class for boolean type of elements stored in the repository
BooleanSearchField |
Boolean generic search field.
BooleanXMLElementType |
Class for boolean XML element type
BooleanXSLElementType |
Class for boolean XSL element type
BoostedQuery |
Wraps another Query , but giving to each matching document a boosted score (scores are multiplied).
BPMAccessController |
Access controller for BPM Workflow processes
BPMUriResolver |
Uri Resolver for the BPM plugin
BPMWorkflowManager |
Manager for retrieving, creation, edition and suppression of workflows, and retrieving information on workflows definitions
BufferedImageReader |
Read an image captcha given by its key
Cache<K,V> |
A cache represents a store of objects indexed with a key
Cacheable |
Trait for easily cache some elements, in multiple Caches if necessary.
Cacheable.SingleCacheConfiguration |
CacheAccessCounter |
Helper for site cache logger
CacheAccessManager |
Component that regulates access to the page cache.
CacheClientSideElement |
Client side element for the cache buttons
CacheDispatchRequestProcess |
Handle cache stats during dispatch
CachedValue<T> |
A cached value.
CacheException |
Exception thrown when there is an error when creating or getting a Cache , or when manipulating a Cache .
CacheHelper |
Helper for dealing with front-office cache.
CacheHelper.InvalidateCacheTimerTask |
CacheInvalidationPolicy |
Component responsible for policy of cache invalidation
CacheKey |
A key class used for the events cache
CacheMonitoringScheduler |
This scheduler launches ResourceAccessMonitor and CacheMonitoringUpdater every hour at 15.
CacheSampleManager |
SampleManager for collecting the throughput and the number of active
HTTP requests .
CacheStats |
CacheStats store hit, miss, and evictions of a cache.
CachingComponent<K,V> |
Simple memory cache with a thread clearing the cache every day.
Calendar |
Calendar Interface
Calendar.CalendarVisibility |
Enumeration of calendar visiblity
CalendarButtonClientSideElement |
Button client side element for calendars
Used for add and edit event buttons
CalendarCategoriesHelper |
helper to manage calendar categories
CalendarColorsComponent |
Component listing the available colors for a Calendar
CalendarContentTypesEnumerator |
CalendarDAO |
Calendar DAO
CalendarDynamicInformationGenerator |
Generates sax events for calendar information
CalendarEvent |
Calendar event interface
CalendarEvent |
This class represents an event from a calendar.
CalendarEventAttendee |
Calendar event attendee interface
CalendarEventCreatedOrUpdatedEventType |
EventType implementation for the creation of a calendar event
CalendarEventInfoGenerator |
Generate all the needed calendar's informations
CalendarExplorerApplication |
Explorer application implementation for calendar
CalendarIframeGenerator |
Google calendar iframe generator
CalendarServiceCachePolicy |
CalendarsEventType |
EventType implementation for calendars-related events
CalendarsTabClientSideElement |
Ribbon tab client side element for calendars
CalendarWorkspaceModule |
Helper component for managing calendars
CalendarWorkspaceModule.StartDateComparator |
Compares events on their starting date
Callable |
Mark the annotated method as callable by a client-side component.
CallWSHelper |
Helper for calling WS on a remote server
CandidatesValidator |
This validator does not allow a set of values only containing candidates.
CaptchaHelper |
Helper for generating image captcha to PNG format
CaptchaHelper.CaptchaType |
CaptchaHelper.ValidableCaptcha |
Bean for a captcha and a validity date
Cart |
Class representing a cart, backed by a JCR node.
Cart.CartElementType |
Types of CartElement
Cart.CartProfile |
Rights profiles
Cart.Visibility |
Visibility of a Cart
CartDownloadGenerator |
Generate the list of PDF file to include in a zip for downloading cart
CartElement |
Interface representing the element of a Cart
CartElementDetailsGenerator |
SAX elements of a cart
CartElementsGenerator |
CartExportSetFilenameHeader |
This action adds HTTP headers to the response to export the cart
CartFactory |
CartHelper |
CartsDAO |
DAO for manipulating carts
CASCredentialProvider |
This manager gets the credentials given by an authentication CAS filter.
CasProxyGrantingTicketAction |
Action called as callback by CAS server with the Proxy Granting Ticket, when proxying other applications
CasProxyGrantingTicketManager |
CAS Proxy Granting Ticket manager, correlating PGTIOU with PGT
CasResponseReader |
Reader for the callback of CAS server with the Proxy Granting Ticket
Catalog |
Catalog java object
CatalogDAO |
DAO for manipulating catalogs.
CatalogDAO |
DAO for ODF catalog.
CatalogDataTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for catalog's data.
CatalogEnumerator |
CatalogFactory |
The factory for Catalog objects
CatalogModel |
Model of catalog objects
CatalogNewsAccessController |
Give the read right on a catalog news if the user is a member of a project that the thematic(s) or keywords match the news' tag
or if it the creator of the news
CatalogPDFExportSchedulable |
Schedulable to export the ODF catalog as PDF
CatalogPDFExportSchedulable |
Override ODF CatalogPDFExportSchedulable to add the site name in the request
CatalogsManager |
Component to handle ODF catalogs
CategoriesDAO |
DAO for manipulating project's categories
CategorizedElementDefinitionHelper |
CategorizedElementDefinitionParser |
CategorizedElementDefinitionWrapper<T> |
Object containing the definition of an element and informations about its categories / groups
CategorizedElementDefinitionWrapperComparator<T extends CategorizedElementDefinitionWrapper> |
Comparator for the element definition wrappers using their position
If no position is set, compares the definitions themselves
Category |
This class represent a category of newsletter
Category |
Class representing a category.
CategoryCMSTag |
This class represent a project category as a CMS Tag
CategoryColorsComponent |
Component listing the available colors for a category
CategoryDAO |
DAO for manipulating newsletter categories.
CategoryFactory |
CategoryFactory |
CategoryGenerator |
SAX events representing a newsletter category
CategoryHelper |
Helper for project's categories
CategoryJCR |
JCRTag for storing tag informations.
CategoryJCRDAO |
Component for operations on JCR categories
CategoryJCRProvider |
Class representing a project jcr category provider.
CategoryProvider |
This interface represents a category provider.
CategoryProviderExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize newsletter category providers.
CategoryProviderExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize category tag providers.
CategoryTagProvider |
Class representing categories as CMS tag provider.
CDMEntity |
Object exportable in CDM-fr format.
CDMfrExtension |
Interface for CMDfr extension.
CDMfrExtensionPoint |
CDMFrFileFilter |
File filter for CDM files and search of these files.
CDMFrSyncExtensionPoint |
CDMFrSynchronizableContentsCollection |
Class for CDMFr import and synchronization
CDMFrSyncTransformer |
Interface for sync transformer objects.
CDMFRTagsConstants |
Constants for CDM-fr tags, attributes and types.
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets for CDM-fr export
CDMHelper |
Helper for export tasks.
CDMRichTextTransformer |
This transformer provides a valid docbook output for rich-text issued from CDM-fr:
- no character (break line, bold, text, ...) outside a para element
- no title outside a section element
CertificationLabels |
Component for certification labels
CertificationLabelsEnumerator |
Enumerator for certification labels
ChainedAmetysObjectIterable<A extends AmetysObject> |
ChangeColorTheme |
Generates the model file with the modifications
ChangeModelHash |
Generates the model file with the modifications
ChangeParameters |
Generates the model file with the modifications
ChangePlugins |
Change the plugins (activate/deactivate)
ChangeRuntime |
Generates the runtime file with the list of the modifications
CheckAllowedUsersCondition |
Condition for checking rights of an user for the current action.
CheckAuthenticationAction |
CheckAuthenticationAction |
Checks that the current user is authenticated in the repository application.
CheckConfigAction |
Fetch the test values and dispatch the requests to the appropriate parameter checkers.
CheckCredentialProviderAction |
This action checks the validity of a credential provider
CheckCurrentUserContentCondition |
This OS workflow condition checks if the current content is the content of the current user
CheckDataSourceAction |
This action checks the validity of a data source's parameters
CheckIpAction |
Action called to check client ip is allowed.
CheckNotFrontAction |
Used to protect back-office only pipelines.
CheckNotLockedAction |
Used to protect skin edition pipelines.
CheckPageReadAccessAction |
Tests if the current page has some access restrictions.
If the page is not restricted, returns EMPTY_MAP.
CheckPathAccessAction |
Check if we are authorized to access to the path
CheckProcessCreatorCondition |
Condition for checking if the current user is the process creator.
CheckReadAccessAction |
Test if the accessed object is not restricted, i.e.
CheckReadAccessAction |
Override of org.ametys.cms.rights.CheckReadAccessAction to throw a 404 not found if object is not found, instead of 500
CheckRightsCondition |
Condition for checking rights of an user for the current action.
CheckRightSearchComponent |
CheckServerAction |
Check that required url is on the remote server
CheckSiteConfigurationAction |
Check that a site's configuration is valid.
If not, the action can either redirect to the configuration screen or send a HTTP 503 error.
CheckUserDirectoryAction |
This action checks the validity of a user directory
CheminPedagogiqueHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the CHEMIN_PEDAGOGIQUE table.
ChildPageQuery |
Query testing if the Page is a direct child of another given one.
ChildrenPagesIdGenerator |
SAX the child pages id of a page
ChooseHierarchicalContentFileImportsClientSideElement |
This implementation imports the file only if it is needed, i.e.
ClassificationType |
ClassificationType.None |
There is no transitional page
ClassificationType.TypeContent |
UGC pages are classified by a linked Content on their UG Content (for instance entries of a reference table)
ClassificationType.TypeEnum |
UGC pages are classified by entries of an enumerator
CleanCacheSchedulable |
CleanJCaptchaRunnable |
Runnable to clean JCaptcha saved into the CaptchaHelper every N minutes.
CleanJCaptchaSchedulable |
ClearLevelCacheObserver |
ClearODFPageCacheObserver |
Clear ODF caches when page ODF root page has changed
ClientSideElement |
Object binding of a client side element, ie something that is loaded and executed by the browser.
Such elements may be UI controls (buttons, menu, tools, ...) but also only JS or CSS files.
This interface only covers files to be loaded, but its implementations are also meant to hold associated business-logic, if any.
To implement such logic, implementing classes should write any method, annotated with Callable ,
that will be directly called by the kernel upon execution of the JavaScript method serverCall('methodeName', params) .
All Map<String, Object> instances found in this class and its implementations
are directly converted from and to JSON to interact with browser-site JavaScript.
ClientSideElement.Script |
This class represents a script
ClientSideElement.ScriptFile |
This class represents a script file
ClientSideElementDependenciesManager |
Dependencies manager, able to compute the full chain of dependencies.
ClientSideElementHelper |
Helper for manipulating ClientSideElement
ClientSideRelation |
Interface for client side elements that supports relations between a source and a target
ClientSideWidget |
This class is a particular client side element that stands for widgets
CloneComponent |
Helper for common processing used while synchronizing.
CmisAction |
CmisContentRangeInputStream |
Copied from openCMIS Server Development Guide
CmisHttpServletRequest |
A wrapper for HttpServletRequest that correct the servletPath
CmisRepository |
Helper class to retreive CMIS objects
CMISResource |
Implementation of an Resource , backed by a server CMIS.
CMISResourcesCollection |
CMISRootResourcesCollection |
CmisServiceFactory |
CmisServiceImpl |
AbstractCmisService implementation
CMISTreeFactory |
Create the Root of CMIS Resources Collections
CmisTypeManager |
Manages the type definitions for all FileShare repositories.
CmisUtils |
utils class for CMIS server
CmsConstants |
Constants for the CMS plugin.
JCRTag for storing tag informations.
CMSJCRTagProvider |
Class representing a jcr tag provider.
CMSResponseReader |
Writes the CMS data direct to the client.
CmsScriptBinding |
CMS script binding, provides variables to the script tool, and a configuration file for the functions.
CmsScriptExecArguments |
CmsScriptExecArguments.Impl |
The default implementation for CmsScriptExecArguments
Must be constructed from a Map containing at least the key "script", and optionally the keys "model" and "selection"
CmsScriptHandler |
Content aware script handler using search model
CmsScriptHandler.CmsResultProcessor |
CMSTag |
This class represent a CMS Tag
CMSTag.TagVisibility |
Tag visibility
CMSTagFactory |
CoAccreditedRemoteImportCDMFrComponent |
Component to import a CDM-fr input stream from a remote server with co-accredited mode.
CoAccreditedRemoteImportCDMFrComponent.SharedWithType |
Enum to define the way to detect shared subProgram
CocoonJSASSResourceURI |
JSASS Resource URI for cocoon URI
CollatingUniqueAmetysObjectIterable<A extends AmetysObject> |
CollectionDataSourceConsumer |
Implementation of DataSourceConsumer allowing to know whether a data source is used by the collections of synchronizable contents or not.
CollectionEnumerator |
Collections enumerator
CollectionExpression |
CollectionIterable<A extends AmetysObject> |
CollectionPopulationConsumer |
Implementation of PopulationConsumer allowing to know whether a population is used by the collections or not.
CollectionSearchField |
CollectionsQuery |
CollectionsSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the synchronizable contents collections of a content.
Column |
Column in the database
ColumnHelper |
Component providing methods to manipulate columns for search models.
ColumnHelper.Column |
A column and its (optional) label
ColumnHelper.ColumnTransformer |
CommandLineConvertor |
Configurable command-line PDF to PNG convertor.
Comment |
A comment on a commentable content
CommentableCompositeMetadata |
CommentableContent |
A content that can be commented by the users
CommentableResource |
Common interface for a commentable resource file of a resources explorer node.
CommentClientSideElement |
This client site elements creates a button representing the validation state of a content's comment
CommentExpression |
Expression to search for comments
CommentQuery |
Represents a Query testing if contents have comments.
CommentQuery.CommentInclusion |
The type (validated, non validated or both) of comments to include for CommentQuery
CommentsAndReportsTreeComponent |
Action for getting the list of comments.
CommentsDAO |
DAO for content's comments
CommentsDAO |
Comments DAO for workspaces
CommentsDAO |
Comments DAO for web content
CommentsGenerator |
SAX the comments of a content
CommentsGenerator |
Generates the comments of the given contents
CommentsGenerator |
Generate the latest comments.
CommentsSearchField |
Comments search field.
CommentsSystemProperty |
CommentStepFunction |
Function setting the user comment into the step before it's stored.
CommonAvailablesContentTypesGenerator |
SAX common content types available for the given site(s)
CommonPertinenceSortDefinition |
SortDefinition implementation for a sort on pertinence (Solr pseudo-field "score").
CommonPseudoContentTypeFacetDefinition |
Common FacetDefinition to filter on the pseudo-content type of the document
CommonPseudoContentTypeFacetDefinition.PseudoContentTypeSearchField |
CommonSkinDAO |
DAO for skin edition.
CommonSystemPropertyBasedSortDefinition |
This class has the purpose to functionaly have a common SortDefinition (for all Returnable s) on
fields such as last validation date, first validation date, last modification date, last major validation date, etc.
CommonTitleSortDefinition |
CompareContentVersionToolClientSideElement |
ClientSideElement for the tool for comparing a content between a base version and a target version.
CompareContentWithLiveVersionClientSideElement |
ClientSideElement for the button for comparing a content between its current version and its Live version.
CompareVersionHelper |
CompareVersionHelper.AttributeModelChange |
CompareView |
CompareView.AbstractCompareViewItemGroup |
CompiledCssResourceHandlerProvider |
CompileSassReader |
Reader that compile a sass file into css
CompleteConfigurationStep |
This step indicates if the configuration is complete or not.
CompleteSiteStep |
This step indicates that there is at least one well configured site.
ComplexRepositoryElementType<T> |
Interface for complex types of elements stored in the repository
The complex types ares those which need nodes to be stored
ComponentDefinition |
This class is a storage for an extension informations
Composite |
Interface for composites
CompositeDefinition |
Definition of a composite
CompositeDefinitionAndValue<T> |
Pair of a value and its definition for a composite
CompositeDefinitionParser |
This class parses the composite definition
CompositeMetadata |
CompositeMetadata.MetadataType |
Enumeration for metadata types.
CompositeMetadataElement |
DOM layer on top if a File hierarchy.
CompositeRepositoryModelItemType |
Class for composite type
ComputeProgramSkillsSchedulable |
Scheduler to compute the acquired skills on subprogram/programs from skills hold by their courses.
ComputeProgramSkillsSchedulable |
Config |
Bean to read / Write config file
ConfigBasedDailyRunnable |
A Runnable is launched if enabled in config (by the param defined by param-enabled)
Will run every day at the specified hour in config (by the param defined by param-hour)
ConfigBasedEveryNMinutesRunnable |
A Runnable is launched every N minutes where N is defined by the config parameter defined into param-period.
ConfigClientSideElement |
This static client side element does not return any element when the same mode is wrong
ConfigInputModule |
Input module for getting config values.
ConfigManager |
This manager handle the parameters of the application that have to be stored by the plugins.
ConfigParameterCheckerDescriptor |
Descriptor for a configuration parameter checker
ConfigParameterCheckerParser |
Parameter checker parser for configuration parameters
ConfigParameterDefinitionComparator |
Comparator for the element definitions.
ConfigParameterDefinitionHelper |
ConfigParameterDefinitionParser |
This class parses the configuration parameters definition
ConfigParameterDefinitionWrapper<T> |
Object containing the definition of a configuration parameter and informations about its categories / groups and group switch
ConfigParameterDefinitionWrapperParser |
Parser for configuration parameter wrappers
ConfigParameterInfo |
Information on a configuration parameter.
ConfigParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for configuration parameters.
ConfigurableFrontCacheableResource |
ConfigurablePipelineDescriptor |
ConfigurableSupportedContextResourceUri |
ConfigurationDataSourceConsumer |
Implementation of DataSourceConsumer allowing to know whether a data source is used in the configuration or not.
ConfigurationHelper |
Helper class providing methods to deal with common Configuration tasks.
ConfigureServiceClientSideElement |
This client side handles a controller enabled if the active zone item is a modifiable service with at least one parameter.
ConfigureViewParametersClientSideElement |
This client side handles a controller enabled if the active page has at least one view parameter.
ConnectAction |
Save a session to access to an external repository
ConnectionHelper |
Helper component used to retrieve java.sql.Connection from pools
ConsistencyAnalysis |
Interface of a consistency analysis.
ConsistencyAnalysisResult |
Object representing the result of the analysis.
ConsistencyAnalysisStatus |
Status of the analysis.
ConsistencyChecker |
Consistency checker component.
ConsistencyChecker.CHECK |
The state of the check
ConsistencyCheckTask |
ConsistencyClientSideElement |
Consistency client side element
ConsistencyClientSideElement |
Cocoon action starting generation
ConsistencyExtract |
Class to generate consistency extract as DOC.
ConsistencyExtractSchedulableHelper |
Helper for the program and orgunit schedulables of the consistency report.
ConsistencyGenerator |
Generates the consistency report for the given content
ConsoleHelper |
Helper methods to manipulating JCR nodes in JCR repository console
ConstantNilScoreQuery |
Wraps another Query , but giving to each matching document a nil score (score with a value of 0).
Constants |
Constants for cache monitoring
Constants |
Constants for cache monitoring
ContactData |
Class representing a ContactData
Information such as address, telephone, fax, email, URL etc.
Container |
Container java object
ContainerElement |
ContainerFactory |
ContainerSynchronizableContentsCollection |
SCC for container contents.
Content |
Content abstraction defined by the following properties:
the content type (can only be set on creation)
the language (can only be set on creation)
the title
the login of the creator
the date when the content was created
the login of the last contributor
the date when the last modification takes place
Content2ContentTypeRightContextConvertor |
This implementation converts a Content into a set of content type hierarchy
Content2PagesRightContextConvertor |
This implementation converts a WebContent into a set of Page s referenced by the content
ContentAccessController |
ContentAccessManager |
Class managing access to contents on the front-office side.
ContentAccessManager.ContentAccess |
Enumeration representing a content access status.
ContentAlertsClientSideElement |
This element creates a toggle button representing the reminders state.
ContentAlertsClientSideElement.AlertsStatus |
ContentArchiver |
Archives contents in /ametys:root/ametys:contents
ContentAttachment2ContentRightContextConvertor |
ContentAttachmentQuery |
Query testing the contentId of a resource (content attachment).
ContentAttachmentsSolrObserver |
Listener on content attachments events
ContentAttributeContentSearchCriterionDefinition |
ContentAttributeDefinition |
Definition of content types attributes of type Content
ContentAttributeDefinitionAndValue |
Pair of a value and its definition for a content attribute
ContentAttributeDefinitionParser |
This class parses the content attributes definition
ContentAttributeTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for content attributes.
ContentBackupAmetysObject |
ContentBackupAmetysObjectFactory |
ContentBackupClientInteraction |
Component for manipulating auto-backup on contents
ContentCheckRightsCondition |
Condition for checking rights of an user for the current action
using the right content context.
ContentCommentsObserver |
Observes when comments change on a content, to index the comments status.
ContentComparator |
Object used to compare two contents
ContentComparatorChange |
One of the changes between 2 contents
ContentComparatorResult |
Result of a comparison between 2 contents
ContentConsistencyEngine |
Content consistency engine: generate consistency information for all contents.
ContentConsistencyEngine |
Content consistency engine: generate consistency information for all contents.
ContentConsistencyScheduler |
Content consistency scheduler: launches a cron which generates a content consistency report.
ContentConsistencyScheduler |
Content consistency scheduler: launches a cron which generates a content consistency report on all the sites.
ContentConsistencyTestClientSideElement |
This element creates a toggle button representing the consistency state.
ContentConstants |
Constants related to contents.
ContentContentElementType |
Class for content type of elements used by contents
ContentCurrentStepCondition |
OSWorkflow condition to test the current step of a content
The following configuration have to be used:
ContentDAO |
DAO for manipulating contents
ContentDAO.TagMode |
The mode for tag edition
ContentDataHelper |
Helper for data of type 'content'
ContentDataHelper.InvertRelationManager |
Invert relation manager (to add or remove a relation on a content
ContentDeletedObserver |
Observes deletion on contents to delete contents from carts
ContentDocGenerator |
ContentElement |
ContentExportSchedulable |
A Schedulable job which delete classified ads after an defined number of days
ContentExtractor |
Component responsible to extract a Content from an XML document.
ContentExtractor |
Generates SAX events for Content, including category, automatic and sent for Newsletters.
ContentExtractor |
Component responsible to extract a WebContent from an XML document, including tags.
ContentFacetDefinition |
ContentFacetDefinition.ProxySearchField |
ContentFactory |
ContentFilter |
This interface represents a filter for Content
ContentFilter.Condition |
The condition.
ContentFilter.ContextLanguage |
The context language
ContentFilterExtensionPoint |
ContentFilterHelper |
ContentGenerator |
ContentGenerator |
ContentGenerator |
ContentGridComponent |
Generates the columns information for the grid based upon a view of a contenttype
ContentHelper |
ContentHistoryAction |
This action returns the workflow history of a content
ContentHistoryAction.VersionInformation |
ContentImporter |
Interface representing a component which imports contents from a file.
ContentImporter |
Component responsible for populating a Content from an existing file.
Contents are meant to be provided totally empty,
so that it is up to the implementation to set every metadata on the Content,
even the content type, the workflow id, ...
ContentImporterExtensionPoint |
ContentImporterExtensionPoint |
ContentImporterExtensionPoint.ContentImporterPriorityComparator |
Compares importers by ascending priority
ContentImporterHelper |
Helper to import contents.
ContentImportException |
Exception indicating a content import error.
ContentImportManager |
Component handling the import of contents, based on the ContentImporter multiple extension point.
ContentInformationGenerator |
SAX the contents information
ContentInputData |
InputData for content pipeline.
ContentInputDataExtensionPoint |
ContentInputDataGenerator |
Generates SAX events from activated input data.
ContentIOManager |
Manager for importing contents
ContentLanguageQuery |
Represents a Query testing the content language.
ContentOrphanStatusPart1Observer |
Observes when a page changed, moved or deleted and test if it's in the live
ContentOrphanStatusPart2Observer |
Observes when a content is made orphan or reaffected to a page and update the index accordingly.
ContentPageQuery |
Query on the properties of the pages referencing the contents.
ContentPagesGenerator |
SAX Page s referencing the content.
ContentPrivacyMenu |
This element represents the privacy level of contents
ContentPrivacyObserver |
Observes when a content's privacy property is modified and update the index accordingly.
ContentPrivacyQuery |
Represents a Query testing the content privacy property.
ContentPrivacySearchField |
Content privacy search field.
ContentPrivacySearchUICriterion |
Custom boolean SearchUICriterion representing whether to take content
access restrictions ("content privacy") into account.
It's generally used as a hidden search criterion to force the "true" or "false" value.
ContentPrivacySystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the privacy level of a Content ("public", "protected" or "private").
ContentPublishedCondition |
OSWorkflow condition for testing if a content has been published.<p>
ContentQuery |
Represents a Query testing a content field.
ContentQueryHelper |
Helper for creating JCR XPath queries involving content predicates.
Created XPath queries are like : //element(*, ametys:content)[<content predicate>]
ContentRepositoryElementType |
Class for content type of elements stored in the repository
ContentRestrictedCompositeDefinition |
Definition of a composite for content types attributes
ContentRestrictedCompositeDefinitionParser |
This class parses the content restricted composite definition
ContentRestrictedModelItemHelper |
Helper for definitions with restrictions on contents
ContentRestrictedModelItemHelper.FirstRestrictionsChecksState |
ContentRestrictedRepeaterDefinition |
Definition of a repeater for content types attributes.
ContentRestrictedRepeaterDefinitionParser |
This class parses the content restricted repeater definition
ContentResultSetHelper |
Deprecated. |
ContentReturnable |
ContentRightAssignmentContext |
ContentsArchiverHelper |
Export a contents collection as individual XML files.
ContentsArchiverHelper.ContentFiller |
A filler in order to fill additional attributes on imported contents
ContentSaxer |
Component responsible for generating SAX events representing a Content .
ContentSaxer |
Generates SAX events for Content, including category, automatic and sent for Newsletters.
ContentSaxer |
Generates SAX events for Content, including tags for WebContent .
ContentSaxer |
ContentsCreatorAccessController |
ContentSearchable |
ContentSearchCriterionDefinition |
ContentSearcherFactory |
Component creating content searchers from SearchModel s or content type IDs.
ContentSearchField |
Content generic search field.
ContentSearchHelper |
Component which helps content searching by providing a simple way to access
content properties (either metadata or system properties).
ContentSearchResults<A extends AmetysObject> |
Deprecated. |
ContentSharesGenerator |
Indicates if a content is shared (is a copy of another content) or if it is copied by contents.
ContentsLivePopulator |
ContentsTreeHelper |
Helper for contents tree
ContentSynchronizationContext |
Object that gives some context for content attributes synchronization
ContentSynchronizationResult |
Result of a content synchronization
ContentToModuleRightContextConvertor |
ContentType |
This class represents a type of content.
ContentTypeAccessController |
AccessController for a context objects (strings starting with "/content-types").
ContentTypeDefinition |
This class represents a type of content
ContentTypeDescriptor |
This class represents a descriptor for content type
ContentTypeEditorToolElement |
Tool client side element for content type 's editor
ContentTypeEnumerator |
ContentTypeExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the content type.
ContentTypeExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge of handling content type extension point.
This point handles the pool of available content types.
ContentTypeGenerator |
Generates content type's definition.
ContentTypeInformationsHelper |
Helper to retrieve content type infos
ContentTypeInformationsHelper.ContentTypeAttributeDataType |
Enumeration of metadata type
ContentTypeOrMixinExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the content type.
ContentTypeOrMixinTypeQuery |
Represents a Query testing the content types or the mixins of contents.
ContentTypeQuery |
Represents a Query testing the content types of contents.
ContentTypeReservedAttributeNameExtensionPoint |
List of the reserved words that cannot not be used as an attribute name
ContentTypeRightAssignmentContext |
ContentTypeRightGenerator |
This generator provide to sax content type right and add a new right
ContentTypes |
Generates the content types information for the client ContentTypeDAO
ContentTypesAssignmentHandler |
A ContentTypesAssignementHandler is responsible for giving the available content types list for a given Zone.
ContentTypeSearchField |
Content type search field.
ContentTypesForSearchEnumerator |
ContentTypesGallery |
This element creates a menu with one gallery item per content type classified by category (default mode).
ContentTypesGallery |
This element finally creates a gallery button with one item per content type
ContentTypesGraphGenerator |
Content types export for generate a graph
ContentTypesHelper |
ContentTypesHelper.CacheKey |
ContentTypesMenuItem |
This element creates a menu item with one menu item per content type.
ContentTypesParserHelper |
Helper for content types parsing
ContentTypeStateComponent |
This component allow to know state of content type in the content type editor
ContentTypeStateComponent.ContentTypeState |
States of a content type
ContentTypesTreeComponent |
This component get content types according to a lot of parameters (hide mixin content type, hide non reference content type...)
ContentTypesTreeComponent.ExcludeMode |
ContentTypeSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the content types (and optionally mixins) of a content.
ContentTypeViewParser |
Component that parses the configuration of a content type's view
ContentURIResolver |
ContentValidatedObserver |
On validation, test each query to notify impacted users
ContentValidator |
ContentValue |
Content wrapper used by attributes of type content
ContentValuesExtractorFactory |
Component creating content values extractors from SearchModel s or content type IDs.
ContentValuesExtractorFactory.ContentValuesExtractor |
A ContentValuesExtractor
ContentView |
Component responsible to lookup a Source for a content view
ContentViewEnumerator |
Metadata set enumerator.
ContentViewParametersManager |
Manager for content view parameters
ContentViewParametersManager.ContentTypeWrapper |
ContentViewParametersManager.ContentViewParametersReloader |
Class representing a content view parameters reloader
ContentViewParametersManager.SkinsContentViewParameters |
ContentViewParametersManager.SkinWrapper |
ContentViewSourceFactory |
This factory looks for files in the current skin and fallback in the current plugin dir.
ContentVisibleAttachmentIndexer |
An interface for implementations which want to index the ids of the visible attachments of a Content .
ContentVisibleAttachmentIndexerExtensionPoint |
ContentWorkflowAction |
Action for firing a transition on a content's workflow.
ContentWorkflowHelper |
A component to do workflow actions on Content
ContentZoneItemCachePolicy |
Zone item cache policy for contents.
ContextAttributesInputModule |
This input module read in cocoon context attributes
Use it {context-attr:attrName}
ContextJSASSResourceURI |
JSASS Resource URI for context URI
ContextLang |
A context lang
ContextPopulationConsumer |
Implementation of PopulationConsumer allowing to know whether a population is used by the contexts or not.
ContextQueriesWrapper |
A wrapper of queries about a search context.
ContributorSearchField |
Contributor search field.
ContributorSystemProperty |
ControlRef |
A control
ConvertContentAttachment2ImagesAction |
Action to convert a content attachment file into images.
ConvertContentAttachment2ImagesComponent |
ConvertExternalResource2ImagesComponent |
ConvertMetadata2ImagesAction |
Action to convert a binary metadata into images.
ConvertMetadata2ImagesComponent |
ConvertPathToIdAction |
Get the id of a page from its site name, language and path
ConvertResource2ImagesAction |
Action to convert a resource file into images.
ConvertResource2ImagesComponent |
ConvertResourcePathToIdGenerator |
Get a resource path and a site name and generates the resource id
CopiableAmetysObject |
CopyCatalogSchedulable |
Schedulable to copy a catalog.
CopyCatalogUpdater |
Interface to update contents after a copy of ODF catalog
CopyCatalogUpdaterExtensionPoint |
CopyContentClientInteraction |
Component for content copy
CopyContentClientInteraction |
Client side element for ODF content copy.
CopyContentComponent |
This component is used to copy a content (either totally or partially).
CopyContentComponent |
CopyContentComponent |
CopyContentComponent |
This component for copying web content.
CopyContentComponent.CopyAttachmentsHandler |
A copy attachments content handler.
CopyFieldDefinition |
Represents a copy field definition in a solr schema.
CopyFieldId |
A copy field identifier (source and destination).
CopyODFContentClientSideElement |
Client side element for ODF content copy
CopyODFContentClientSideElement.DuplicationMode |
Enumeration for the mode of duplication
CopyODFPilotageContentClientSideElement |
Override button for odf content to take into account the pilotage status
CopyReport |
The report object, used internally to provide useful informations once
the whole duplication process has ended.
CopyReport.CopyMode |
Available copy mode
CopyReport.CopyState |
The possible state of the copy
CopySiteComponent |
Component for copying site or pages
CopyUpdater |
Interface to update contents or pages after a copy
CopyUpdaterExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge of handling CopyUpdater extension point.
CorrectedDependencies |
CostComputationComponent |
This component computes values used by the cost modeling tool
CostComputationData |
CostComputationDataCache |
This class store caches of the CostComputationDataComponent
CostComputationTreeHelper |
This component handle the content of the cost modeling tool
CostModelingButtonClientSideElement |
Override the TreeTooClientSideElement to retrieve informations for the CostModeling
CostModelingClientSideElement |
Override the TreeTooClientSideElement to retrieve informations for the CostModeling
CountExtractionComponent |
This class represents a count component of the extraction module
Course |
CourseContainer |
Interface representing a container of courses
CourseContentGenerator |
CourseDeletedObserver |
CourseElement |
DOM layer on structure of Course .
CourseExporter |
Exporter of courses.
CourseFactory |
CourseGenerator |
CourseInputData |
InputData for SAXing the list of programs having the current course among their courseLists
CourseList |
Class representing a list of Course
CourseList.ChoiceType |
CourseListChoiceValidator |
Validator for CourseList to check if the min value is correctly fill when choice type is choosen.
CourseListContainer |
CourseListElement |
CourseListFactory |
Course List Factory for handling Courses
CourseListSynchronizableContentsCollection |
SCC for course lsit contents.
CoursePage |
Page representing a course.
CoursePage.CourseListTraverser |
CoursePageFactory |
CoursePart |
CoursePartCostData |
This class store the cost data values of the coursePart
CoursePartFactory |
CoursePartHolderUpdater |
Copy updater to update the course holder on a CoursePart .
CoursePartPurgeSchedulable |
Scheduler to purge orphan course parts.
CoursePartRightsContextConvertor |
CourseReturnable |
CourseSaxer |
CourseSearchable |
CourseSynchronizableContentsCollection |
SCC for course contents.
CourseTasksGenerator |
Generates the tasks list for ODF contents
CourseWorkflowTasksComponent |
Workflow tasks component for Course
CourseWorkflowTasksGenerator |
Workflow tasks generator for ODF contents
CourseZone |
CourseZoneFactory |
CourseZoneItem |
CourseZoneItemFactory |
CoutMaquettesReport |
Pilotage report for cost model
CPUSampleManager |
CreateCaptchaAction |
Creates a captcha using the id given as src
CreateContainerByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a container by copy of another
CreateContainerFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a odfContent.
CreateContentByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a content by copy of another
The required transient variables:
- CreateContentByCopyFunction.BASE_CONTENT_KEY - Content The content that will be used for duplication.
CreateContentByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a content by copy of another
The required transient variables:
- CreateContentByCopyFunction.BASE_CONTENT_KEY - Content The content that will be used for duplication.
CreateContentByCopyRightCondition |
Condition for checking if an user has the right to create a content of the requested type.
CreateContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a content.
CreateContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a content.
CreateContentRightCondition |
Condition for checking if an user has the right to create a content of the requested type.
CreateCourseByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a course by copy of another
CreateCourseFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a Course content
CreateCourseListByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a course list by copy of another
CreateCourseListFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a course list.
CreateCoursePartByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a course part by copy of another
CreateCoursePartFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a CoursePart content
CreateExtractionDescriptionFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create an extraction's description.
CreateNewsletterFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a content.
CreateOrgUnitByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a course by copy of another
CreateOrgUnitFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a OrgUnit content.
CreatePersonByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a course by copy of another
CreatePersonFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a Person content
CreateProcessAction |
Action for creating or editing a process
CreateProcessGenerator |
Generator for the CreateProcess Service
CreateProgramByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a program by copy of another
CreateProgramFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a Program content.
CreateReaderProfileInit |
Creates the READER profile at initialization.
CreateReferenceTableContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a entry of reference table.
CreateSkinActionExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize modules.
CreateSqlTableComponent |
Create SQl Table Component
CreateSubProgramByCopyFunction |
OSWorkflow function to create a subprogram by copy of another
CreateSubProgramFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a odfContent.
CreateSynchronizedContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function to import a content
CreateSynchronizedUserDirectoryContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function to import a content
CreateVersionFunction |
Workflow function creating a new content version.
CreationDateQuery |
Represents a Query testing the creation date of a content.
CreationDateSearchField |
Creation date search field.
CreationDateSystemProperty |
CreatorSearchField |
Creator search field.
CreatorSystemProperty |
CredentialProvider |
Defines the authentication mode of users.
CredentialProviderFactory |
CredentialProviderModel |
CredentialProviderParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for Schedulable parameters.
Credentials |
Credentials represents the characteristics of a user needed to log him
CriteriaSearchUIModelWrapper |
Search model wrapper which handles custom on-the-fly columns and facets.
CriterionTreeSearchComponent |
CropImageAction |
Generates a new image by cropping an already uploaded image and store it.
CropImageAction |
CropImageAction.Cropping |
Represents a rectangular cropping of an image.
CryptoHelper |
Helper to encrypt/decrypt some text
CSSColorParameter |
Implementation of AbstractSkinParameter for a CSS property of type color (color, background-color, border-color)
CssDependenciesList |
Dependencies list for css files
CSSFileHelper |
Helper for CSS Files
CssFontHelper |
Helper for parsing of CSS file and extract glyphs
CSSParameter |
CssResourceHandler |
Resource handler for CSS files
CssResourceHandlerProvider |
CSSSourceMapResourceHandler |
Resource handler for source map files
CSSSourceMapResourceHandlerProvider |
CSVImporter |
Import contents from an uploaded CSV file.
CSVSerializer |
Serializer CSV
CurrentStepExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the current workflow step.
CurrentUserProvider |
Component which:
provides the identity of the current user.
CustomIndexingField |
CustomMetadataIndexingField |
IndexingField related to a metadata which value is not handled by the content itself.
DataAndVersionAwareAmetysObject |
AmetysObject that is versioned and can handle unversioned data.
DataAwareAmetysObject |
DataChangeType |
General type of data change
DataChangeTypeDetail |
Details of type of data change
DataComment |
A comment on a data.
DataContext |
Object that gives some context for data manipulation
DataHolder |
Interface for data containers
DataHolderHelper |
Helper for implementations of data holder
DataInclusionEnhancementHandler |
DataInclusion enhancement handler : transform a query tag into its results.
DataInclusionException |
Data inclusion exception, used whenever there is an error specific to the plugin.
DataSourceClientInteraction |
Component gathering manipulation methods for SQL and LDAP data sources
DataSourceClientInteraction.DataSourceType |
Enum for data source types
DataSourceConsumer |
Interface for entities that use data sources
DataSourceConsumer.TypeOfUse |
The type of use of a data source
DataSourceConsumerExtensionPoint |
DataSourceFactory<Q extends Query,R extends QueryResult> |
The DataSource Factory is responsible for building DataSource and Query objects.
DataSourceFactoryExtensionPoint |
Extension point for DataSource factories.
DataStoreGarbageCollectorTask |
DateExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to the Date comparison with a metadata.
DateIntervalValidator |
This implementation of ContentValidator validates the content by comparing one or more couple of date values.
DateQuery |
Represents a Query testing a date field.
DateRangeQuery |
Represents a Query testing a date range.
DateRepositoryElementType |
Class for date type of elements stored in the repository
DateSearchField |
Date generic search field.
DateTimeIntervalValidator |
This implementation of ContentValidator validates the content by comparing one or more couple of date values.
DateTimeRepositoryElementType |
Class for date time type of elements stored in the repository
DateTimeXMLElementType |
Class for date time XML element type
DateUtils |
Helper for converting dates from the old ( Date ) to the new ( java.time ) JDK
Special thanks to
which inspired this code
See also
DateXMLElementType |
Class for date XML element type
DbTypeHelper |
Database abstraction helper.
DCMITypes |
Interface for DCMI types
DebugSearchComponent |
DecodePathAction |
Decode the path to get the resource and set the resource in request attributes
DefaultAlias |
A DefaultAlias is a URL redirection to an existing page or a module URL
DefaultAliasFactory |
Factory for creating Alias
DefaultAmetysObject<F extends DefaultAmetysObjectFactory> |
DefaultAmetysObjectFactory |
DefaultCacheInvalidationPolicy |
DefaultCDMFrSyncTransformer |
Default implementation of CDMFrSyncTransformer.
DefaultCDMFrSyncTransformer.CDMFrPrefixResolver |
XML prefix resolver which declares CDMFr namespaces.
DefaultColumn |
The definition of a colum with a name, a SQL type and if it's nullable.
DefaultContent<F extends ContentFactory> |
Default implementation of a Content , also versionable, lockable and workflow-aware.
DefaultContentFilter |
DefaultContentType |
Type of content which is retrieved from a XML configuration.
DefaultContentType.AnnotableDefinition |
Definition with semantic annotations
DefaultContentType.RestrictedDefinition |
DefaultContentType.RestrictedMetadataDefinition |
DefaultContentType.RestrictedRepeaterDefinition |
DefaultContentType.RestrictedRichTextDefinition |
DefaultContentTypesAssignmentHandler |
This implementation of the content types handler is based on content types declared in the whole application
DefaultContentTypesAssignmentHandler.Cache |
The cache is a HashSet of String + a date
DefaultContentView |
Default implementation of a ContentView
Will first look in directory context://WEB-INF/stylesheets/content/article/article-[view].[extension]
And if the file does not exist will search in plugin:[currentPluginName]://stylesheets/content/article/article-[view].[extension]
DefaultCredentialProviderModel |
DefaultDefinition |
Repository implementation of a glossary definition.
DefaultDefinitionFactory |
Factory which creates Definition objects, which represent a word definition entry in the glossary.
DefaultDocbookUpdateHandler |
This handler look for links, images or video url which make reference to a AmetysObject (content, resources, ...) in a RichText.
DefaultEventType |
Default implementation for EventType storing event in JCR
DefaultExceptionHandler |
Simple ExceptionHandler pointing to the default error XSL.
In WEB-INF/stylesheets/error or in the runtime jar in pages/error/error.xsl
DefaultExplorerApplication |
Explorer application implementation for calendar
DefaultGroupDirectoryModel |
DefaultLink |
Repository implementation of a directory link.
DefaultLinkFactory |
Factory which creates Link objects, which represent a link entry in the directory.
DefaultLockableAmetysObject<F extends DefaultLockableAmetysObjectFactory> |
DefaultLockableAmetysObjectFactory |
DefaultMetadataIndexingField |
DefaultModelAwareDataHolder |
Default implementation for data holder with model
DefaultModelLessDataHolder |
Default implementation for data holder without model
DefaultModifiableModelAwareDataHolder |
Default implementation for modifiable data holder with model
DefaultModifiableModelLessDataHolder |
Default implementation for modifiable data holder without model
DefaultODFView |
DefaultPage<F extends DefaultPageFactory> |
Page implementation stored into a JCR node using
ametys:defaultPage node type.
DefaultPageFactory |
DefaultPageFilter |
This is the default implementation of a PageFilter .
DefaultPluginArchiver |
DefaultProfileImageProvider |
Helper providing images that are used for user profiles
DefaultProfileImageProvider.ProfileImageSource |
Profile image source enum
DefaultResourceDependenciesList |
Default resource dependencies listing for unsupported resource.
DefaultResourceHandler |
Default resource handler
DefaultRunnable |
Implementation of Runnable which can be created by the UI.
DefaultSearchModel |
DefaultServicesAssignmentHandler |
This implementation of the services handler is based on services declared in the whole application
DefaultServicesAssignmentHandler.Cache |
The cache is a HashSet of String + a date
DefaultSharedContent<F extends DefaultSharedContentFactory> |
DefaultSharedContentFactory |
DefaultSitemapDecoratorsHandler |
DefaultSitePluginArchiver |
DefaultSiteType |
Type of site which is retrieved from a XML configuration.
DefaultSolrClientProvider |
Component acting as a single entry point to get access to Solr clients.
DefaultSortDefinition |
DefaultSynchronizableContentsCollectionModel |
DefaultSynchronizingContentOperator |
DefaultTag |
This class represent a Tag
DefaultTheme |
Repository implementation of a link directory theme.
DefaultThemeFactory |
Factory which creates Theme objects, which represent a theme of directory links.
DefaultTraversableAmetysObject<F extends DefaultTraversableAmetysObjectFactory> |
DefaultTraversableAmetysObjectFactory |
DefaultUpdateClient |
Default update SolrClient which uses the Solr default Update Request Processor chain
DefaultUpdateClient.CommitNotAllowedException |
DefaultUserDirectoryModel |
DefaultUserPreferencesStorage |
Default storage for user preferences.
DefaultUserSignUpConfiguration |
The default user sign up configuration
DefaultValidator |
This default implementation validates the following configurable stuff:
mandatory: check the parameter is set
regexp: check the string parameter matches a regexp
DefaultVersionsHandler |
Default implementation of a VersionHandler returning exactly two versions : that of the Runtime kernel and that of the running application.
Applications may subclass this default implementation
DefaultViewSelector |
DefaultWebContent<F extends DefaultWebContentFactory> |
DefaultWebContentFactory |
DefaultWebContentFilter |
DefaultWorkflowAwareContent<F extends DefaultWorkflowAwareContentFactory> |
Default implementation of a Content , also versionable, lockable and workflow-aware.
DefaultWorkflowAwareContentFactory |
DefaultWorkflowStepEnumerator |
DefaultWorkspaceSelector |
Default implementation of a WorkspaceSelector , always selecting the "default" workspace.
DefaultWspAvalonJackrabbitWorkflowStore |
DefaultXmlContentImporter |
Default implementation of an XML content importer.
DefaultZone |
JCR implementation of an Zone .
DefaultZoneFactory |
Creates DefaultZone
DefaultZoneItem |
DefaultZoneItemFactory |
Factory for DefaultZoneItem
DefinedCredentialProvider |
This implementation will always provide the same credentials
Definition |
A glossary definition.
DefinitionAndValue<T> |
Pair of a value and its definition
DefinitionContext |
Object that gives some context for definitions manipulation
DefinitionEnhancementHandler |
Definition enhancement handler.
DefinitionsGenerator |
Generate the list of word definitions as XML.
DegreesInCategoryConsistencyValidator |
Global validator for a Degree Category (entry of reference table),
which checks that all its degrees are only binded to this category.
DeleteClassifiedAdsSchedulable |
A Schedulable job which delete classified ads after an defined number of days
DeleteCommentAction |
Delete a comment
DeleteContentClientSideElement |
This element creates a ribbon button to delete a content
DeleteContentClientSideElement |
This element creates an action button to delete a ODF content
DeleteContentClientSideElement |
This element creates an action button to delete a content
DeleteContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for deleting a content.
DeleteDataSourceClientSideElement |
This element creates a ribbon button to delete a data source if it is not currently used.
DeleteEducationalBookletSchedulable |
Schedulable to clean educational booklet generated files.
DeleteExtractionResultFilesClientSideElement |
This client site element manages a button to delete extraction result folders and files
DeleteExtractionsSchedulable |
DeleteODFContentHelper |
Helper to delete an ODF content.
DeleteODFContentHelper.DeleteMode |
Enumeration for the mode of deletion
DeleteODFPilotageContentClientSideElement |
Override button for odf content to take into account the pilotage status
DeleteOrgUnitClientSideElement |
This element creates an action button to delete a orgUnit content
DeleteOrgUnitComponent |
Delete orgunit component
DeletePageClientSideElement |
DeleteProcessAction |
Action for deleting a process
DeleteRemoteProgramAction |
Delete a program when program was removed on remote server
DeleteRemoteProgramFunction |
This function calls a WS on remote server to delete a Program
This function should be executed as a post-function of "unpublish" action
DeleteReportsSchedulable |
A Schedulable job for deleting report files older than 30 minutes
DeleteSessionAction |
Deletes a user survey session.
DeleteSqlTableComponent |
Delete existing table for export
DeleteUserClientSideElement |
This element creates an action button to delete a user content
DeleteUserComponent |
Delete user component
DeleteWorkflowClientSideElement |
This element creates a ribbon button to delete a workflow if it is not currently used.
DepositCDMFRFunction |
Generate and put CDM-fr file in an output folder
DerbySQLDatabaseType |
Specifically handle Derby connections, allowing to actually shut the database down;
DescendantPageQuery |
Query testing if the Page is a descendant (i.e., child, child of a child, etc.) of another given one.
DescriptorsGenerator |
Generate descriptors of the repository
DesignsMenu |
DevMode |
Static class for retrieving and setting the development mode of the application.
Enumerator for the dev mode value
DevModeClientSideElement |
Client side element for the dev mode button
DevModeMenuItemClientSideElement |
Client side element for the dev mode menu item buttons
DirectoryChecker |
Checks if the specified repository exists and optionally if the user has the writing rights
DirectoryEvents |
Events relative to link directory.
DirectoryHelper |
Link directory helper.
DisableCondition |
A disable condition for config parameters
DisableCondition.OPERATOR |
The available operators
DisableConditions |
Disable conditions for config parameters.
DisableConditions.ASSOCIATION_TYPE |
Association between sub conditions
DisablePageElementCacheAction |
Disable page element cache for the current request.
DiskSpaceHelper |
Helper for getting information about the use of the disk space of Ametys home directory
DiskSpaceSampleManager |
SampleManager for collecting the free disk space (in MB) on the disk where Ametys Home is.
DispatchGenerator |
This generator read the request incoming from the client org.ametys.servercomm.ServerComm component,
then dispatch it to given url
and aggregate the result
DispatchGenerator |
Dispatch generator for the front edition
DispatchGenerator.ResponseHandler |
Wrap the handler ignore start and end document, but adding a response tag.
DispatchProcessExtensionPoint |
This extension point is called by the dispatcher at each internal request
DispatchRequestProcess |
This is a process before or after a request in the dispatch generator
DocbookEnhancementExtensionPoint |
This extension point handle the new tags you want to add to the default implementation of the docbook
DocbookEnhancementSource |
Source based upon a string.
DocbookEnhancementTransformer |
This cocoon transformer use the DocbookEnhancementExtensionPoint to be based upon a serie of EnhancementHandler
DocbookEnhancer |
This class represent a enhancement to docbook
DocbookOutgoingReferencesExtractor |
This impl extract outgoing references on docbook rich texts
DocbookRichTextUpdater |
DocbookSourceFactory |
This factory return files upon the DocbookEnhancementExtensionPoint.
DocbookTransformer |
DocbookUpdateHandlerExtensionPoint |
This extension point handle the tags you want to update after copy a content RichText to another
DockbookUpdateHandler |
This class represent a handler from docbook RichText
DocSearchGenerator |
Generate contents returned by the SearchAction , groups by selected fields.
Document2ImagesConvertor |
Converts a document file to PNG images, one image per page.
Document2ImagesConvertorPolicy |
Converts a document file to PNG images, one image per page.
Document2ImagesConvertorPolicyExtensionPoint |
DocumentArchiveUriAction |
Return the necessary URI to create an archive of the documents module
DocumentProvider |
Provides additional documents when indexing a workspace.
DocumentProviderExtensionPoint |
DocumentSearchModuleGenerator |
Generator for posts search module
DocumentsEventType |
EventType implementation for documents-related events
DocumentStreamGenerator |
Document stream generator for the simple service.
DocumentTypeQuery |
A query on the document type.
DocumentWorkspaceModule |
Helper component for managing documents
DocxContentImporter |
Imports Docx files.
DocxGenerator |
Aggregate all relevants XML parts of a .docx file.
DocxImagesTransformer |
Cocoon Transformer for getting images from the docx file after transformation to docbook.
DOMGenerator |
Generator to sax a DOM document.
DomNodeHelper |
DOMUtils |
Some useful utility methods for Element use
DoubleExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to the double comparison with a metadata.
DoubleIntervalValidator |
Base ContentValidator validating the content by comparing one or more couples of double values.
DoubleQuery |
Represents a Query testing a double field.
DoubleRangeQuery |
Represents a Query testing a double range.
DoubleRepositoryElementType |
Class for double type of elements stored in the repository
DoubleSearchField |
Double generic search field.
DoubleXMLElementType |
Class for double XML element type
DoubleXSLElementType |
Class for double XSL element type
DublinCoreAttributeDefinitionParser |
This class parses the dublin core attributes definition
DublinCoreAwareAmetysObject |
Interface for ametys objects which can contain Dublin Core metadata.
DublinCoreDateQuery |
Query on the Dublin Core date metadata.
DublinCoreHelper |
DublinCoreMetadataGenerator |
Generates Dublin Core metadata.
DublinCoreMetadataGenerator |
Generates Dublin Core metadata.
DublinCoreMetadataProvider |
This class handle the enumerated values for DublinCore metadata
DublinCorePopulator |
DublinCoreQuery |
Query on a Dublin Core string metadata (all, except date).
DublinCoreSearchCriterionDefinition |
DublinCoreSearchField |
Dublin Core search field.
DynamicContentTypeDescriptor |
This class represents a dynamic content type descriptor
DynamicContentTypeDescriptorExtentionPoint |
This class is in charge of handling dynamic content type descriptor extension point.
This point handles the pool of available dynamic content type descriptors.
DynamicInformationException |
Common exception for dynamic information
DynamicInformationException.ExceptionType |
Enum for type of exception
DynamicInformationGenerator |
DynamicInformationHandler |
Ignore root handler that remove the 'dynamic-information' root tag
DynamicInformationProvider |
Interface representing a provider of dynamic information
DynamicInformationProviderExtensionPoint |
DynamicWrappedSearchUIModel |
Dynamic search model wrapping a search model with a restriction on content types
ECTSSumAnalysis |
Analysis on ECTS sums at each level of the Program .
EditContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function to edit a content.
Values are set either programmatically, or parsed from form submission by their ElementType s according to the Content model.
The required transient variables:
- AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY - Map<String, Object> The map containing the results of the function.
- AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY.result - String "true" when everything goes fine.
EditContentTypeClientSideElement |
This class check if a content type is editable
EditContentTypeException |
Exception related to the edition of content type
EditContentTypeHelper |
Helper for create, edit and remove a content type
EditContentTypeInformationHelper |
This component propose method for helping to create and edit a content type
EditEventFunction |
Action for editing a calendar event
EditExtractionClientSideElement |
This client site element manages a button to create an extraction definition file
EditExtractionNodeManager |
Extraction node edition manager
EditionFOAccessController |
This controller will grant the right "Front_Edition_Access_Right" on the UserPage to any connected user
EditionFOWorkspaceModule |
Manager for the Edition FO
EditMetadataAction |
Edit the metadata of a page
The attempt request parameters are like 'page.input.[type].[single|multiple].[path].[path]'
EditODFPilotageCatalogClientSideElement |
Override button for odf content to take into account the pilotage status
EditProcessFunction |
Workflow action to edit a process
EditWorkflowClientSideElement |
This element creates a ribbon button to editing a workflow
EducationalBookletClientSideElement |
Static client side element for exporting pedagogical booklet for live subprogram
EducationalBookletCopyUpdater |
The catalog copy updater to remove the education booklets
EducationalBookletGenerator |
Generator producing the SAX of subprogram and its courses for the educational booklet
EducationalBookletSchedulable |
EducationalBookletSchedulable |
Override ODF EducationalBookletSchedulable to add the site name in the request
EducationalBookletSchedulable.EducationalBookletReport |
Object to represent list of programs exported and list of programs with error after PDF generation
EducationalBookletZipGenerator |
Generate the list of booklet to include in a zip for downloading
EffectifsHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the EFFECTIFS table.
Effectives |
Element |
An element in the ribbon
ElementDefinition<T> |
The definition of a single model item (parameter, attribute)
ElementDefinitionParser |
ElementPedagogiqueHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the ELEMENT_PEDAGOGIQUE table.
ElementRetriever |
A retriever used like a helper to retrieve some ODF elements from ODF items.
ElementType<T> |
Interface for element types
EligibleMetadataForLevelEnumerator |
Enumerator for the eligible metadata for ODF page level
EmailMessage |
This class represents a mail.
EmptyCollectionSchedulable |
A Schedulable job which delete a collection of contents.
EmptyElement |
Implementation for empty element
EmptyIterable<A extends AmetysObject> |
EmptyUserPreferencesStorage |
EnhancementHandlersExtensionPoint |
This extension point handle the handlers component you want to reference for the DocbookEnhancementExtensionPoint
EntryPositionQuery |
Represents a Query testing the position of a repeater entry.
EnumeratedAttributeValuesGenerator |
Generate the values of an enumerated attribute of the program content type.
EnumeratedMetadataNameGenerator |
SAX the name of enumerated DublinCore metadata
EnumeratedValues |
EnumeratedValues.RestrictedValues |
Represents a subset of values (some 'restricted' values) of a given EnumeratedValues .
EnumeratedValuesGenerator |
SAX the enumerated values for a DublinCore metadata
Enumerator<T> |
Enumerator for listing values.
Enumerator |
EnumeratorBasedEnumeratedValues |
EnumeratorBasedEnumeratedValues.EnumeratorBasedRestrictedValues |
EqTD |
Class representing an EqTD
Errors |
Errors structure to populate on validation.
EtapeHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the ETAPE table.
Event |
Abstraction of an event.
EventGenerator |
Sax an event
EventHelper |
Helper class that provides a method to check if a date is between two others.
EventHolder |
Interface for JCR events holder
EventRecurrenceTypeEnum |
The enum of event recurrence type
EventSearchModuleGenerator |
Generator for calendar events search module
EventsFilter |
Content filter which allows to directly provide:
- a custom metadata expression to filter the contents
- a list of tags to match of only one is required for the content to match ("OR" tags).
EventsFilterHelper |
Helper for events filter
EventsGenerator |
Query and generate news according to many parameters.
EventType |
Interface for event types
EventTypeExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to a event'type comparison.
EventTypeExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge of loading the various EventType .
EventTypeProcessingException |
Exception representing an error during the processing of an EventType
ExceptionAction |
This action determines which xsl will display the exception.
ExceptionHandler |
Component responsible to return appropriate rendering XSL for a given Exception
ExchangeConnector |
The connector used by the messaging connector plugin when the exchange mail
server is used.
ExcludePolicyFeatureActivator |
Default FeatureActivator which activates all non-passive and non-excluded features.
ExecuteClientCallsAction |
Action executing remote method calls coming from client-side elements.
Called methods should be annotated with Callable .
ExecuteExtractionClientSideElement |
This client site element creates a button to execute an extraction
ExecuteExtractionRunnable |
ExecuteExtractionSchedulable |
ExecuteWorkspacesClientCallsAction |
Action executing remote method calls coming from client-side elements.
Called methods should be annotated with Callable .
ExpiresResourceHandler |
Default resource handler that expires
ExplorerApplication |
An explorer application.
ExplorerApplicationExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize the explorer applications.
ExplorerClientSideElement |
This implementation creates an element from a static configuration.
ExplorerEntitiesGenerator |
ExplorerEntityGenerator |
ExplorerFile |
Class representing a file from explorer
ExplorerFolderService |
Service for displaying the hierarchy of a folder of the resource explorer.
ExplorerNode |
AmetysObject composing the resources tree of the resources explorer.
ExplorerNodeCheckRightsCondition |
This workflow function check rights on explorer node
ExplorerNodeGenerator |
Generates a subtree of the resources explorer.
ExplorerResourcesDAO |
ExplorerResourcesDAO |
Explorer resources DAO
ExplorerResourcesDAO |
ExplorerResourcesDAO.VersionInformation |
Bean for version information
ExplorerResourcesServiceCachePolicy |
ExplorerWorkspaceGenerator |
SAX elements specific to the explorer workspace
ExportArchiveSchedulable |
Job for archiving data on disk, for backup or other purposes.
ExportCatalogByLevelsGenerator |
Generate the ODF structure with 2 levels (metadata), the catalog and the lang.
ExportCatalogByLevelsGenerator |
ExportCDMfrHelper |
Default helper to export a Program to CDM-fr format.
ExportCDMfrManager |
Component able to generate CDM-fr for a CDMEntity .
ExportClientSiteElement |
This export content client site element
ExportConfiguration |
Configuration object for the export
ExportContentTypeAction |
Exports the given content type
ExportCounter |
Export counter info
ExportInitGenerator |
The generator which generates the SQL initialization file for Ametys connector.
ExportManager |
This component handles content export in database
ExportSchedulable |
ExportTableInfo |
ExportTableInfo object
ExportToCDMfrGenerator |
ExportToLHEOGenerator |
Generates entity to LHEO
ExportToLHEOManager |
Manager to generate programs to LHEO XML
ExportUtils |
Utils method for export
Expression |
Handles an expression of a repository query.
The formal view depends on the implementation of the query.
Expression.Operator |
ExtensibleFunction |
Workflow function that will call each function registered on the extension point given as an argument
ExtensionDefinition |
This class is a storage for an extension informations
ExtensionPoint<T> |
Superclass of all known extension points.
ExtensionPointDefinition |
Object representation of an extension point definition.
ExternalI18nTransformer |
I18nTransformer that is configured at runtime to retrieve message catalogues from a specific folder.
ExternalizableDataProvider |
This interface represents a provider of externalizables data.
ExternalizableDataProvider.ExternalizableDataStatus |
Enumeration for externalizable data status
ExternalizableDataProviderExtensionPoint |
ExternalizableMetadataHelper |
ExternalizableMetadataProvider |
ExternalizableMetadataProvider.ExternalizableMetadataStatus |
ExternalizableMetadataProviderExtensionPoint |
ExternalLog |
This interface represent a logger that can be added at runtime
ExternalLogExtensionPoint |
ExternalSearchGenerator |
Generator for external data search service
Extraction |
Object representing the extraction definition file content
Extraction.ExtractionProfile |
Rights profiles
Extraction.Visibility |
Visibility of a Query
ExtractionClause |
Object representing an extraction join information
ExtractionClauseGroup |
Object representing an extraction join group information
ExtractionColumn |
Object representing a extraction columns
ExtractionComponent |
This interface represents a component of the extraction module
ExtractionConstants |
Constants related to extraction.
ExtractionDefinitionFilesEnumerator |
Enumerator for extraction definition files
ExtractionDefinitionReader |
This class reads the extraction definition file
ExtractionDetailsToolElement |
Tool client side element for extraction edition tool
ExtractionExecutionContext |
Context of extraction components execution
ExtractionExecutionContextHierarchyElement |
Context element for nested extraction component
ExtractionExecutor |
Extracts query results form a XML definition file
ExtractionMatcher |
A matcher which can provide the extractions handled by a Pipeline
ExtractionReader |
Reader for copying the extraction result into the pipeline OutputStream
ExtractionResultFileGenerator |
ExtractOutgoingReferencesFunction |
OSWorkflow function to extract outgoing references in a content.
FacetDefinition |
A potential facet proposed to the creator of an instance of search service.
FacetSearchComponent |
Feature |
A plugin is composed by features, containing components definitions and extensions.
FeatureActivator |
FeatureActivator.PluginsInformation |
Helper class containing all relevant information after features list computation.
FeedCache |
Feed cache, supports preloading multiple feeds in multiple concurrent threads.
FeedGenerator |
Generates the contents of an external RSS of Atom feed.
This implementation is based on the ROME API.
FeedHelper |
Helper to handle project feeds
FeedResult |
A feed retrieve result.
FeedsGenerator |
Generator for feeds service
Field |
This interface represents a Field in the search paradigm.
Field |
Class representing a form field.
Field.FieldType |
Field type.
FieldDefinition |
Represents a field definition (simple field or dynamic field) in a solr schema.
Fieldset |
Fieldset |
Class representing a form fieldset.
FieldValue |
Class representing a field value.
File |
Class representing a file
File |
FileContentElementType |
Class for file type of elements used by contents
FileElement |
DOM layer on top if a File hierarchy.
FileFilter |
File filters
FileHelper |
Helper for managing files and folders of a application directory such as
FileMetadataManager |
Override of MetadataManager, just for front-edition, to get metadata as json for files.
FilenameQuery |
Represents a Query testing the resource file name.
FilenameUtils |
Utility class for encoding file names and paths.
These methods are used to provide safe names to be stored on disk.
The encode* methods %-encode all reserved chars, plus the '%' char itself.
The filter* methods replace reserved chars with the '_' char.
Reserved chars are
FilenameUtils |
Helper to sanitize file names.
FileReader |
Deprecated. |
FileReloader |
Represents a class able to handle a reloadable configuration file
FileReloaderUtils |
a helper to track modification of a configuration file
FileReloaderUtils.FileMetadatas |
FileRepositoryElementType |
Class for file type of elements stored in the repository
FillSqlTableComponent |
Fill sql table component
FilteredContentsGenerator |
Generates SAX events for contents matching a ContentFilter set in request attributes
FilteredContentsInputData |
This class generates an output with all existing filters defined on context's current page.
FilteredContentsInputDataCachePolicy |
FilteredContentsService |
Static service which cacheability depends on the "handle-user-access" parameter.
The service is not cacheable if contents are displayed depending on the connected user's rights.
FilteredContentsServiceCachePolicy |
PageElementCachePolicy for the filtered contents service.
This implementation does not handle virtual pages based on Contents, so that it does not remove cache when Content change.
FilteredEventsGenerator |
Filtered events generator for the simple service.
FilteredEventsUserPreferencesManager |
Class handling the front-office user preferences for the filtered events service
FilteredPagesGenerator |
Generates SAX events for contents matching a ContentFilter set in request attributes
FilteredPagesInputData |
This class generates an output with all existing filters defined on context's current page.
FilteredPagesInputDataCachePolicy |
FilteredPagesService |
Static service which cacheability depends on the restricted page policy of the current site.
FilteredPostsGenerator |
Generates SAX events for posts matching a ContentFilter set in request attributes
FilterNameHelper |
Helper for filtering name in order to use it into
a JCR node name or into a segment of an UR.
FilterPagesByRegexpGenerator |
SAX pages which match filter regexp
FirstLevelPage |
Page representing a first-level page.
FirstLevelPageFactory |
FirstLevelZone |
FirstLevelZoneItem |
FirstValidationDateQuery |
Represents a Query testing the first validation date of a content.
FirstValidationSearchField |
First validation date search field.
FirstValidationSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the first validation date of a content.
FlipbookException |
Flipbook exception, used whenever there is an error specific to the plugin.
FOContentCreationHelper |
Helper for creating and editing a content from the submitted form
Folder |
FoldersClientSideElement |
Component for operations on extraction folders
FOPNGSerializer |
FOP 0.95 (and newer) based serializer.
FOPNGSerializer.ReleaseSourceInputStream |
An InputStream which releases the Cocoon/Avalon source from which the
InputStream has been retrieved when the stream is closed.
FOProgramsGenerator |
Generator producing the SAX events for the catalogue summary
ForeignKeyColumn |
The definition of a column with a foreign key.
Form |
Class representing a form.
FormatableI18nizable |
FormCredentialProvider |
This manager gets the credentials coming from an authentication form.
FormDocbookUpdateHandler |
This handler look for CMS forms in a RichText.
FormEditionFunction |
Post function handling form data after creating and editing it.
FormEditionModeMenu |
This element creates a menu for the tag policy gallery.
FormEntriesGenerator |
Searches the list of forms contained in a given set of contents.
FormEntriesWorkflowAction |
Action for executing a transition on a form entry workflow.
FormEntriesWorkflowsGenerator |
This class generates the ids of the extensions used for each workflow tab
FormEntriesWorkflowStepsClientSideElement |
This class creates multiple toggle buttons each representing a workflow step on form entries
FormEntryFileReader |
Reads a BLOB value of a form entry.
FormErrors |
Form errors.
FormErrorsGenerator |
Action that processes the user submitted data on a form.
FormManager |
Class to handle forms in contents
FormParser |
Form parser.
FormParser.RichTextPrefixResolver |
XML prefix resolver which declares docbook and html namespaces.
FormPropertiesManager |
Form properties manager : stores and retrieves form properties.
FormResultsGenerator |
Generates the results.
FormRibbonImportManager |
Import manager for the dynamic generated ribbon.xml of the form plugin
FormRibbonSetLastModifiedAction |
Set the last modified date for the form ribbon generated on the fly
FormsContentClientSideElement |
This element creates a content button allowing the export of the form data.
FormsCopyUpdater |
Copy updater for contents containing forms
FormSearchUserInputs |
The search user inputs from a submitted form.
FormsException |
Forms exception, used whenever there is an error specific to the plugin.
FormsXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
FormTableManager |
Class that handles creation and deletion of a table used by a form.
FormValidators |
Forms constants.
FormWorkflowClientSideElement |
This class allows to gather the available form-dedicated workflows
FOSearchCriterion |
A FO search criterion, representing a criterion valued by the webmaster when creating its SearchServiceInstance ,
FOSearchCriterionMode |
FOSearchCriterionMode.FoWrappedValue |
FOUserPreferencesConstants |
The front-office user preferences constants.
FOUserPreferencesEnumerator |
Enumerates front-office user preferences.
FOUserPreferencesGenerator |
Generates front-office user preferences and the current page.
FOUserPreferencesManager |
Manager for front-office user preferences.
FrontAuthenticateAction |
The authenticate action for front side
FrontAwareWorkspaceMatcher |
Same as FrontAwareWorkspaceMatcher but that :
add an offset in wildcard expression,
will refuse workspaces that are not front-aware,
will set the "site" attribute
FrontBlockingCredentialProviderAction |
This action will authenticate upon a parametrized blocking credential provider
FrontCacheableResource |
Interface for front resources extension that check if a resource can be cached
FrontCacheableResourceExtensionPoint |
Extension point that provides cacheable information for http headers on front resources
FrontCacheableResourceHeaderAction |
This action adds cacheable HTTP headers to front resources.
FrontCacheMonitoringScheduler |
Component responsible of the import of httpserver access log file and the
monitoring of the access of the resources.
FrontCurrentUserProvider |
FrontEditionHelper |
Various helpers for front-edition plugin
FrontEnumerableSearchCriterionDefinition |
FrontFromHTTPServerResourceStatistics |
Front from apache cache stats objects
FrontFromHTTPServerResourceStatisticsFactory |
The factory for FrontFromHTTPServerResourceStatistics
FrontLoginScreenRedirectAction |
This action redirects to the login page
Can be /LANG/login.html if it does exist
Otherwise redirects to cocoon://SITE/LANG/_plugins/web/page/frontoffice-formbasedauthentication/default-display/ACTION.html
The LANG is determined from the requested url*, otherwise "en" is selected, otherwise the first available language is selected.
FrontMinimizeTransformer |
The front office minimizer use a different url to avoid front application url conflict
FrontODFSearch |
ODF search results
FrontODFSearch.DisplaySubprogramMode |
Enumeration for display subprogram mode
FrontOfficeSearcherFactory |
FrontOfficeSearcherFactory.FrontOfficeSolrSearchResults<A extends AmetysObject> |
FrontOfficeSearcherFactory.QueryFacet |
Wraps a 'facet.query' parameter
FrontOnlyResourceStatistics |
Front (without apache) cache stats objects
FrontOnlyResourceStatisticsFactory |
The factory for FrontOnlyResourceStatistics
FrontProxiedContextPathProvider |
Proxied context path provider for the Front
FrontResourceAccess |
Front resource access.
FSUploadManager |
UploadManager which stores uploaded files into the
uploads-user directory located in Ametys home
FSUploadManager.FSUpload |
Upload implementation on file system.
FullTextExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to a full text search
FullTextQuery |
A Query realizing a full-text search on contents (search on all properties).
FulltextSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the full textual content of a Content.
GAUriBuilder |
Component which helps building google analytics event URIs.
GAXsltHelper |
Helper which provides Google analytics URI building.
GeneralStatusGenerator |
SAXes general information about the system
GeneratePageAction |
Call the BO for getting a page content and stores it in the local cache.
GenerateRibbonFile |
Generate the ribbon file
GenerateRibbonFile.RibbonElement |
GenericWorkflowStore |
The generic workflow store.
Geocode |
Class containing geographic coordinates
GeocodeQuery |
Represents a Query testing a geocode field.
GeocodeRepositoryElementType |
Class for geocode type of elements stored in the repository
GetAdminSitesAction |
Action for getting the list of existing Site for administrative operations.
GetAliasListAction |
Get all the aliases in JSON
GetAuthAction |
test if the API accepts anonymous users
GetAuthenticationTokensAction |
Get all authentication tokens in JSON
GetBinaryAction |
Cocoon action for retriebing a Binary .
GetCalendarEvents |
Action providing events for the calendars of a project.
GetCartElementsAction |
GetCartItemViewAction |
Get the view for each cart items
GetCartProfileTreeAction |
Action populating a map containing information about the visibility of a Cart
GetCartsAction |
SAX carts
GetCatalogList |
Action providing the list of existing catalogs
GetCatalogNameAction |
Get the name of catalog from source.
GetCatalogsAction |
Get the catalogs
GetCategoriesAction |
Get the categories for one calendar for a user
GetCategoriesAction |
Action to get the project's categories tree
GetCMSTagsAction |
SAX events for tags
GetCommonAttributesAction |
Get the common attributes between given content types and/or among given contents
GetCommonAttributesAction |
This impl cheats on the list on content types by calculating it itself
GetCommonViewsAction |
Get the common views between given content types and/or among given contents
GetConfigAction |
Get the configuration model with current values of configuration
GetContentAction |
This action export the plugin name and content type for the current content.
GetContentAction |
Get a content.
GetContentInformationAction |
Get the content information
GetContentInformationAction |
Get the content information
GetContentTypeInformationAction |
Helper action for getting plugin names for content-types pipelines.
GetContentTypesListAction |
Get information on content types.
If "inherited" request parameter is set to true, the sub-types will be also returned.
If "checkRights" request parameter is set to true, only content types allowed for creation will be returned
GetCurrentUserAction |
Get the current user to JSON format
GetDataSourceQueriesAction |
SAX events for datasources types, datasources and queries
GetDatasources |
Generates the list of tables on the given datasource id
GetDataSourcesAction |
SAX events for datasources associated to a specified dataSourceType
GetDataSourcesAction |
Retrieve the data sources and format them in JSON
GetDynamicInformationAction |
Action to get dynamic information about a survey
GetEligibleMetadataList |
Action providing the list of eligible enumerated metadata for ODF page level
GetExtractionDefinitionFilesAction |
Action for getting extraction definition files
GetExtractionProfileTreeAction |
Action populating a map containing information about the visibility of an Extraction
GetExtractionResultFilesAction |
Action for getting extraction result files
GetFeedsAction |
Returns the list of feeds for a user
GetFeedsContentsAction |
Returns the list of feeds for a user
GetFirstPageAction |
Get the first page image for thumbnail
GetFormEntriesAction |
Get the submitted entries of a form
GetFormsListAction |
This generator is used in order to retrieve information on the forms
of a given site in a given language
GetGroupDirectoriesAction |
Action for generating the group directories (all of it or by a given context)
GetHierarchicalReferenceTablesAction |
Action for getting information about the hierarchy of a reference table
GetImagesGenerator |
Generates the images' id of a folder
GetIndesignFilesAction |
Get the indesign stylesheet names and their labels
GetInDesignTemplatesAction |
Get available InDesign template files from the current skin
GetInDesignTemplatesAction.InDesignPathFilter |
GetJCRTagsAction |
This action returns the JCR sub-tags of a given JCR node.
GetKeywordsAction |
Action to get the project's keywords tree
GetLastPublishedContents |
SAX the contents with id passed from request parameters
GetLDAPData |
Component to get ldap data
GetLinksAction |
Get all links in JSON
GetLogsLevel |
Get the log levels'
GetMetadataSetDefinitionAction |
Get information about the definition of the structure a MetadataSet .
GetMicrothesaurusAction |
Generates microthesaurii of a thesaurus
GetModifiableGroupDirectoriesAction |
Action for generating the modifiable group directories (all of it or by a given context)
GetNewslettersAction |
SAX events for category providers, categories and newsletters
GetNewsletterTemplateAction |
This action export the XSL URLs of the view and template to use
GetOnlyOfficeResponse |
Action to handle OnlyOffice communications
GetOnlyOfficeResponse.UserStatus |
Enumeration for user connection status
GetOrphanFormsAction |
Generator listing all of the forms that are no longer referenced by any content
GetPageAttachmentAction |
Get the page attachment uri from the id of a resource.
GetPagePathAction |
This action get the page path
GetParameterFileAction |
Action for getting parameters files contain in "WEB-INF/param" directory.
GetParentContextAttributeAction |
Action which gets and returns a parent context attribute value.
GetProcessAction |
Retrieve the process and add its informations in the request
GetProfileAssignmentsAction |
Action for generating the grid for profile assignments
GetProfileImageUriAction |
Get the internal uri of a user's avatar
GetProjectAction |
This action exports the current project and its JCR path
GetProjectCalendarEvents |
Action providing events for the calendars of a project.
GetProjectsAction |
Returns the list of projects for a user
GetProjectsFeedAction |
Returns the list of feeds for a user
GetProjectTagsAction |
Action to get the project's tag tree
GetQueriesAction |
SAX queries
GetQueriesAction.AdditionalInfoOnContainer |
GetQueryFromJSONHelper |
Helper to get query infos from JSON object
GetQueryParametersAction |
Get query parameters from query
GetQueryParametersAction.InternalEncoder |
Helper defining methods used to partially encode the query string of
internal (cocoon) wrapped requests.
GetQueryProfileTreeAction |
Action populating a map containing information about the visibility of a Query
GetReaderProfileAction |
Action returning a set of profiles only containing the reader profile
GetRecordGenerator |
Generator for the GetRecord verb.
GetReferencingContentsAction |
Action for getting information about the referencing contents of a content
GetRightDeleteCommentAction |
Get delete comment right action
GetRightsAction |
Get rights
GetRRdDataAction |
Get the RRD sample data to JSON format
GetSavedOdfCartItemsAction |
Get the ODF cart items saved in user preferences
GetScheduledTasksAction |
Action for generating the scheduled tasks
GetServerValuesAction |
Check if the content can be edited, and return the value
GetSiteAction |
Get the site from server path, port and path.
GetSiteAction |
This action exports the current site and skin name.
GetSitesAction |
Action for getting the list of existing Site .
GetSiteTypesAction |
Action for getting the list of existing SiteType .
GetSkinAction |
Get the current skin to the request
GetSolrQueryAction |
Get a solr query string from a search tool.
GetSolrSearchModelAction |
Create a dynamic model with the given columns and facets and return the model columns if valid.
GetSQLData |
Generates the sql data
GetStatisticsAction |
Action for retrieving the survey statistics, in order to sax them with a ActionResultGenerator.
GetSubmissionAction |
Get the number of submissions for one calendar for a form
GetSubProgramNameAction |
Get the name of sub program from source.
GetSubscribersAction |
SAX events for newsletter subscribers
GetSurveyActionUrl |
Get the url of survey form
GetSurveysAction |
SAX events for surveys, survey pages and survey questions
GetSynchronizableContentsCollectionsAction |
Action for generating the collections of synchronizable contents
GetSystemAnnouncements |
Get the system announces from the system.xml file
GetTagsAction |
SAX events for tags
GetTempSkinResourcesAction |
Action to get child files and folder of a skin directory
GetThemeAction |
Returns the theme for a site
GetThemesTagAction |
Action to get the themes
GetThesaurusAction |
Generates thesaurii
GetToken |
Component responsible for extracting token from an incoming request.
GetTokenAction |
Returns the token for a user (only to be used by the mobile app on one site)
GetTokenAction |
Extracts token from the request and give it as sitemap parameter.
GetTokenAndObjectPathAction |
Action to get the token and the path from the URI/Header
the uri can be token/path/to/resource, or just path/to/resource if the token is in the X-Ametys-Token header
GetTokenExtensionPoint |
Extension point for components extracting token from an incoming request.
GetUrlAction |
Get the page url to integrate
GetUserPopulationsAction |
Action for generating the user populations (all of it or by a given context)
GetUserPreferencesAction |
Get user preferences as a JSON object
GetUserProfileImagesAction |
Retrieves the available user profile images
GetWrapperContextAction |
This action export the wrapping XSLT URI.
Content negociation will be performed with the given URI: if content.xsl is asked, content-[contentType].xsl will be looked up first.
GetWrapperContextAction |
This action export the current site and skin name.
GlobalContentConsistencyGenerator |
Generate content with consistency information.
short-test: set to true to make a short test, false to make a full one (default false).
omit-consistent: set to true to omit consistent contents and generate only contents with unknown or failed consistency information (default false).
GlobalContentConsistencyGenerator |
Generate content with consistency information.
short-test: set to true to make a short test, false to make a full one (default false).
omit-consistent: set to true to omit consistent contents and generate only contents with unknown or failed consistency information (default false).
GlobalExportToLHEOGenerator |
Generates catalog to LHEO
GlobalStatisticsAction |
Provides some statistics about all the sites, such as:
Number of sites
Number of live contents
Number of orphaned contents
Number of external contents
GlobalSynchronizationClientSideElement |
This implementation test if at least one SCC is associated to the model defined by the sccModelId.
GlobalValidationReport |
The component for scheduling a global validation report on programs
GlobalValidationReportGenerator |
Generate XML report for global validation on all programs.
GlobalValidationSchedulable |
Scheduler to check the global validation status on all programs.
GlobalViewParametersManager |
Manager for global view parameters
GlobalViewParametersManager.GlobalViewParametersReloader |
Class representing a global view parameters reloader
GlobalViewParametersManager.SkinsGlobalViewParameters |
GlobalViewParametersManager.SkinWrapper |
GlobalViewParametersManager.ViewParametersType |
The view parameters type
GlobalWorkspaceIndexerSchedulable |
GlossaryContentsCachePolicy |
PageElementCachePolicy which clears the content cache when a glossary definition is created, modified or deleted.
GlossaryDAO |
DAO for manipulating glossary.
GlossaryEvents |
Events relative to glossary (mainly word definitions).
GlossaryHelper |
Glossary helper.
GlossaryServiceCachePolicy |
GlpiTicket |
Information about a Glpi ticket (id, title, status)
GlyphProvider |
This interface is the common interface for glyphs provider
GraphConnector |
The connector used by the messaging connector plugin when connecting to Exchange Online.
Implemented through the Microsoft Graph API.
Group |
A user group is a set of UserIdentity , representing a group of users.
A group contains any number of users, and a single user may belong to any number of groups.
Group |
A group of a tab in the ribbon
GroupDAO |
DAO for manipulating Group
GroupDirectoriesDataSourceConsumer |
Implementation of DataSourceConsumer allowing to know whether a data source is used by the group directories or not.
GroupDirectory |
Abstraction for a directory of group.
GroupDirectoryContextHelper |
GroupDirectoryDAO |
GroupDirectoryFactory |
GroupDirectoryModel |
GroupDirectoryParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for Group Directory parameters.
GroupHelper |
Helper class for groups, for common operations on Group
GroupIdentity |
Class containing a group identity, i.e.
GroupManager |
Component for getting group list.
GroupSearchAction |
Get groups
GroupSearchContent |
Object created to group content, according to a metadata
GroupSearchContentHelper |
Helper to group search contents
GroupSize |
A group in a defined size
GroupTagProvider<T extends CMSTag> |
Class representing a group tag provider.
GroupTagProvider<T extends CMSTag> |
Class representing a group tag provider.
GuavaCache<K,V> |
Implementation of AmetysCache with Guava library
GuavaCacheManager |
Implementation of AbstractCacheManager to create new Cache using GuavaCache implementation
GuavaCacheStats |
Guava implementation of CacheStats
HandleWorkspacesFoRequestGenerator |
The purpose of this action is to handle front office requests.
HashCache |
The cache for hashed list of files to minimize
HashCache.UriData |
The description of an URI
HasNotAdminRightAction |
This action determines if the user is in admin.
Throw an IllegalStateException if not
HasRightAction |
This action determines if the user has a right given in src.
return EMPTY_MAP if the user has right and null otherwise
You can use the 'context' parameter to specify the right context.
HasRightAction |
This action determines if the user has a right given in src.
return EMPTY_MAP if the user has right and null otherwise
You can use the 'context' parameter to specify the right context.
HeapMemorySampleManager |
HelpExtensionPoint |
This extension point handle a list of help URLs handled by the plugins or the application.
HelpLink |
Represent a link used for help (point/id and list of urls by lang)
HelpManager |
Provides the url associated to a family/id
HelpSerializer |
HierarchicalReferenceTableClientSideElement |
This element creates a button enabling to do operation on reference table contents which can have a child.
HierarchicalReferenceTablesDeleteContentDAO |
DAO deleting a content from a hierarchical reference table reference table
HierarchicalReferenceTablesHelper |
Helper component for computing information about hierarchy of reference table Contents.
HierarchicalReferenceTablesRibbonImportManager |
Ribbon import manager, which import ribbon files only if there is at least one hierarchical reference tables in the application
HierarchizeTransformer |
Transformer "hierarchying" flat docbook input
HierarchyExporter |
Get the queries to export the hierarchy links (LIEN and SCENARIO_LIEN).
HistoryStepExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the existence of a particular step on the workflow history.
HistoryStepQuery |
Query testing the existence of a particular step on the workflow history.
HtmlContentGenerator |
Generate the main view of a Content
HTMLContentType |
HTMLEditionHandlerExtensionPoint |
This extension point manages the handlers component you want to use for the HTMLEditionTransformer
HTMLEditorHandlers2DocbookTransformer |
This cocoon transformer use the DocbookEnhancementExtensionPoint to be based upon a serie of EnhancementHandler
HTMLEditorHandlers2HTMLTransformer |
This cocoon transformer use the DocbookEnhancementExtensionPoint to be based upon a serie of EnhancementHandler
HTMLEditorStyle |
This extension point allows to determine which styles does exist for html edition
HTMLEditorStyleRichTextConfiguration |
HTMLEnhancementExtensionPoint |
This extension point handle the new tags you want to add to the default implementation of the docbook
HTMLEnhancementExtensionPoint |
This extension point handle the new tags you want to add to the default implementation of the html
HTMLEnhancementSource |
Source based upon a string
HTMLEnhancementTransformer |
This cocoon transformer use the DocbookEnhancementExtensionPoint to be based upon a serie of EnhancementHandler
HTMLEnhancementTransformer |
This cocoon transformer use the DocbookEnhancementExtensionPoint to be based upon a serie of EnhancementHandler
HTMLEnhancer |
This class represent a enhancement to html
HTMLExpertEditClientSideElement |
This client side element completes its configuration by loading HTMLExpertToolbarExtensionPoint buttons
HTMLExpertLinkResolver |
This class parses and resolve links using ResolveLinkComponent
HTMLExpertLinkResolver |
This class parses and resolve links using ResolveLinkComponent
HTMLExpertToolbarExtensionPoint |
This extension point defines the buttons available in the toolbar of the htmlexpert button
HTMLOutgoingReferencesExtractor |
This impl extract outgoing references on html rich texts
HTMLRichTextContentElementType |
Class for rich text type of elements stored in the repository
Generates HTML SAX events for the data of this type
HTMLRichTextRepositoryElementType |
Class for rich text type of elements stored in the repository
Generates HTML SAX events for the data of this type
HTMLRichTextUpdater |
HTMLSourceFactory |
This factory return files upon the HTMLEnhancementExtensionPoint.
HTMLSourceFactory |
This factory return files upon the HTMLEnhancementExtensionPoint.
HTMLTransformer |
HTMLTransformer |
HTMLUpdateHandler |
This class represent a handler from HTML RichText
HTMLUpdateHandlerExtensionPoint |
This extension point handle the tags you want to update after copy a content RichText to another
HttpRequestSampleManager |
SampleManager for collecting the throughput and the number
of active HTTP requests .
HTTPServerAccessLogImporter |
Import HTTP server access log and pass them to the resource access monitor
HTTPServerOnlyResourceStatistics |
Apache cache stats objects
HTTPServerOnlyResourceStatisticsFactory |
The factory for HTTPServerOnlyResourceStatistics
HTTPServerResourceAccess |
Apache resource access.
HTTPServerResourceAccess.Field |
HttpSessionSampleManager |
HttpUrlChecker |
Checks if the url written is correct and if it allows to establish a connection with the given configuration.
HttpUrlUtils |
Utility class for HTTP urls.
HttpUrlUtils.HttpCheck |
The status of HTTP check
I18nCatalog |
Object representation of an i18n catalog
I18nizable |
Interface for all internationalizable or localizable objects (dates, texts, numbers...).
I18nizableDate |
I18nizableDateTime |
I18nizableSerializer |
I18nizableText |
This class wraps a text that may be internationalized.
I18nizableTextComparator |
Sort I18nizableText with their translation
I18nizableTextKeyComparator |
Sort I18nizableText with their key
I18nizableTextModelItemComparator |
Comparator of model items.
I18nizableTextParameter |
I18nizableTextParameter |
I18nMessageHandler |
This class is intended to be use as a simple helper to construct Map for i18n
message from SAX events.
I18nTextResourceHandler |
This class generates a translated version of an input file.
I18nTransformer |
This class extends the classic I18nTransormer by automatically filling it with plugins catalogues.
I18nTransformer |
CMS version of the I18nTransformer, dealing with skin catalogues.
It is also able to reconfigure itself dynamically, to reflect changes.
I18nUtils |
Utils for i18n
I18nUtils |
Utils for i18n
I18nUtils.I18nKey |
I18nUtils.Location |
Class representing an i18n location
IcsReader |
Read a distant ICS file for a certain number of events in the future
IcsReader.IcsEvents |
Object wrapper for ics events
IcsReader.IcsEvents.Status |
The status of the ics
IdCollectionIterable<A extends AmetysObject> |
IdentifyGenerator |
Generator for the "Identify" OAI request.
IgnoredPopulationAdministratorNotificator |
Notificator for UserPopulation s which are ignored because their configuration is invalid.
IgnoreMergerHelper |
For Mergers.IGNORE , we need to use session.getImportContentHandler and filter the SAX events from the XML input stream
For all <sv:property sv:name="jcr:uuid" sv:type="String"> and get their <sv:value>,
query the repository to check if it already exists and if it should be ignored
And for each sax event of sv:node
if exists in the repository => ignore the node import
if does not exist in the repository => send SAX event
IgnoreRootHandler |
"Proxy" handler ignoring startDocument() and endDocument() calls
ImageHelper |
Helper for manipulating images.
ImageMenu |
Implementation for Table styles
ImageParameter |
ImageParameter.FileValue |
Class representing a file value
ImageResolverHelper |
Class providing helper methods to resolve images.
ImageResourceHandler |
Resource handler for images
ImageResourceHandlerProvider |
ImagesContainerClientSideElement |
This element creates a button which stores id of images contained in selection
ImagesGenerator |
Generates information on the generated images.
ImportArchiveClientSideElement |
ImportArchiveRunnable |
ImportArchiveSchedulable |
Job for importing data from an archive.
ImportCDMFrComponent |
Interface for component to import a CDM-fr input stream.
ImportContentAction |
Action to import a content from an input stream received through a POST request.
ImportCSVFileAction |
Import contents from an uploaded CSV file.
ImportCSVFileHelper |
Import contents from an uploaded CSV file.
ImportFileAction |
Import contents from an uploaded file.
ImportGlobalFailException |
An exception which must propagate and stop the global import process.
ImportModelActionExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize modules.
ImportModelClientSideElement |
ImportPostBodyAction |
Import contents from a file transmitted as a POST entity.
ImportReport |
A report of an import ,whether it is a global, partial or unitary one.
ImportReport.ImportError |
ImportReportGenerator |
Generates the report of a content import.
ImportSkinActionExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize modules.
ImportSkinClientSideElement |
ImportSubscribersAction |
Import subscribers from a CSV or text file.
ImportTagsAction |
Import subscribers from a CSV or text file.
ImportUsers |
Import users from a CSV or text file.
ImportUsers.ImportUserActionException |
Internal exception to throw with a i18n message
ImportUsersAction |
Import users from a CSV or text file.
IncludedFeatureConsistencyChecker |
IncludePolicyFeatureActivator |
FeatureActivator which activates only passed included features and their dependencies.
IncludePolicyFeatureActivator.IncludedFeature |
IncomingDeactivation |
IncomingDeactivation.Type |
IndesignCatalogueGenerator |
Generate the SAX events corresponding to the transformation of a catalogue to a XML file for InDesign
IndesignCatalogueGenerator |
Generate the SAX events corresponding to the transformation of a catalogue to a XML file for InDesign for the current site
IndesignTransformationHelper |
Helper storing mappings of xsl stylesheets (used in InDesign transformations) names with their labels.
IndexArchivedContentObserver |
Observer in charge for indexing contents when archived to the archived workspace.
IndexContentObserver |
Observer in charge for indexing contents when created or modified.
IndexingException |
Signals that an error occurred during an indexing process.
IndexingField |
This class represents a indexing field
IndexingFieldAggregatorSearchUICriterion |
Aggregate multiple indexing field as a unique search criteria.
IndexingFieldSearchCriterion |
IndexingFieldSearchUICriterion |
This class is a search criteria on a metadata of a content
IndexingModel |
IndexMemberObserver |
Observer for reindexing member' content when a member was added or removed from a project
IndexSynchronizedContentObserver |
Observer in charge for indexing contents when synchronized (default workspace only)
InfoSubscriberGenerator |
Generate user info about a page
Init |
CMS plugin init class.
Init |
Odf plugin initialization class
Init |
Interface for runtime initialization classes
Init |
Init class for FO application.
Init |
Web plugin init class
InitContentFunction |
This workflow function initialize the rich-text's content with a configured default value
InitExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all Init classes loaded after all components and extensions.
InitializeBlogSiteObserver |
Initializes all blog pages when a site is created.
InitializeCalendarObserver |
Initialize the calendar when a project is created
InitializeContentWorkflowAction |
Action for initializing a transition on a content's workflow.
InitializeProjectSitemapObserver |
Initializes all project workspace pages when a sitemap is created.
InitializeWorkflowAction |
Action for initializing a workflow.
InlineEditorHelper |
This class provides a helper for the in-line editor
InputData |
Abstraction for providing data at view-time by SAXing events.
InputDataExtensionPoint |
InputDataGenerator |
Generates SAX events from activated input data.
InputModulesExtensionPoint |
InputModuleSelector extending the Cocoon one, implemented as an ExtensionPoint
InputStreamGenerator |
InputValidator |
InsertProgramServiceCachePolicy |
InvalidateCacheOnContentCommentedObserver |
Observer for observing content deletion in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentDeletionObserver |
Observer for observing content deletion in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentPageModificationObserver |
Observer for observing page creation or modification in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentPageModificationObserver |
Observer for observing page creation or modification in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentReactionObserver |
Observer for observing content deletion in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentUnpublishObserver |
Observer for observing content deletion in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentValidationObserver |
Observer for observing content validation in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentValidationObserver |
Observer for observing content validation or tagging in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentValidationOrTaggingObserver |
Observer for observing content validation or tagging in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentValidationOrUnpublishingObserver |
Observer for observing content validation or tagging in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnMemberUpdatedObserver |
Observer to invalidate cache on front-office of a user content when a member was added or removed from a project
InvalidateCacheOnOrgunitChangedObserver |
Observer for observing OrgUnit validation, unpublishing, deletion or moving
(with event ObservationConstants.EVENT_CONTENT_MODIFIED , which will lead to sometimes invalidating cache whereas it is not necessary)
in order to invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnPageDeletionObserver |
Observer for observing page deletion in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnPageMinorChangeObserver |
Observer for observing page content changes (which do not impact other pages) in order to invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnPageModificationObserver |
Observer for observing page creation or modification in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnPageMoveObserver |
Observer for observing page move in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnQueryChangesObserver |
Invalidate the site cache and page element cache when
InvalidateCacheOnResourceUpdateObserver |
Observer for listening resource changes in order to invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnRobotsChangeObserver |
Observer for observing page move in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnSitemapACLUpdateObserver |
Observer for observing page or sitemap ACL update in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnSurveyReInitializedObserver |
Observer for observing survey re-initialization in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnZoneItemAdditionObserver |
Observer for observing zone item addition in order to invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnZoneItemDeletionObserver |
Observer for observing zone item deletion in order to invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateFlipbookCacheOnResourceUpdateObserver |
Observer for listening resource changes in order to invalidate flipbook cache on front-office.
InvalidateFOCacheRunnable |
A Runnable for invalidating FO cache if enabled in config (by web.invalidate.focache.scheduler.enabled)
If os, will thus run at startup.
InvalidateFOCacheSchedulable |
InvalidateImagesAction |
Invalidates cached data for a given site.
InvalidatePageAction |
Invalidates cached data for a given site.
InvalidatePageCacheExplorerObserver |
Invalidate the page cache based on explorer events.
InvalidatePageElementCacheObserver |
InvalidatePageElementCacheOnPageACLUpdateListener |
Clear zone item cache on contents when a page's access is updated.
InvalidatePageElementCacheOnSiteChangeObserver |
Clear all caches when a site's configuration is updated.
InvalidateSharedResourcesAction |
Invalidates cached data for a given site.
InvalidateSiteAction |
Invalidates cached data for a given site.
InvalidateSiteCacheObserver |
Reset the site cache on front office instances.
InvalidateSitemapSaxerCacheObserver |
InvalidateSkinAction |
Invalidates cached resources for a given skin.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentCommentedObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been commented.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentModificationObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been modified
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentModificationObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been modified or synchronized.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentModificationObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been modified.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentReactionObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been commented.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentTaggedObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been tagged.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentValidationObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been validated.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentValidationObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been modified or synchronized.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentValidationObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been validated or unpublished.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnMemberModificationObserver |
Observer to invalidate zone item cache of related members when the skills or keywords have changed
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnMemberUpdatedObserver |
Observer to invalidate the zoneitem containing the member' content when a member was added or removed from a project
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnServiceModificationObserver |
Removes a single service from the cache when its parameters have changed.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnViewParametersModifiedObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been commented.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnWallContentCommentedObserver |
Observer to invalidate zone item cache of wall content service when a wall content is commented
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnWallContentObserver |
Observer to invalidate zone item cache of wall content service when a wall content is commented
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnZoneItemModifiedObserver |
Invalidates a ZoneItem when it has been modified.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnZoneItemMoveObserver |
Invalidates a ZoneItem when it has been moved.
InvalidDataSourceNotificator |
Notificator for unused datasources which have a invalid configuration
InvalidInputWorkflowException |
WorkflowException which can be thrown in a FunctionProvider
if the input is invalid.
InvalidModificationException |
Exception for bad modification of the groups.
InvalidModificationException |
Exception for bad modification of the users list.
InvalidSourceValidity |
InvalidTagCloudCacheOnContentModification |
Observer for observing content tagging, deletion or validation in order to
invalidate cache for tag cloud.
InvalidTagCloudCacheOnServiceModification |
Observer for observing service modification or deletion in order to
invalidate cache for tag cloud
InvalidTagCloudCacheOnSiteModification |
Observer for observing content tagging, deletion or validation in order to
invalidate cache for tag cloud
InvalidUserInputException |
InvitationsClientSideElement |
This element creates a button to send invitations
IsASiteAction |
Determines if the given site exists.
IsFromBackOfficeAction |
Action check if the request is from the backoffice.
IsFromFrontOfficeAction |
Action check if the request attribute WebAuthenticateAction.REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_FRONTOFFICE_REQUEST is set to true.
IsGrantedAction |
This action return EMPTY_MAP or null depending if the request was granted or not.
IsLoginUrlAction |
Test if the requested URL is a front-office form-based login URL.
IsMonoSiteAction |
Determines if mono-site
IsNotEditionAction |
Check if we are in edition mode or not.
IsolatedServiceCachePolicy |
PageElementCachePolicy for isolated services (services which don't display
modifiable data from other objects, such as Iframe service).
The shouldClearCache method always return PolicyResult.KEEP.
IsolateQuery |
Isolate a query by wrapping it.
IsPageCacheableAction |
Blocks until the cacheable status is known.
IsPageCacheableAction |
Set the "X-Ametys-Cacheable" header if the page is cacheable.
IsRemoteUrlAction |
This action checks if requested url is a URL allowed
IsSearchResultCacheableAction |
Action to determine if the result search page of the SearchService instance corresponding to the given ZoneItem id is cacheable.
IsSitemapRestrictedAction |
Tests if a given sitemap has some access restrictions.
If the sitemap is not restricted, returns EMPTY_MAP.
ItemChecker |
Interface of the parameter checkers
ItemCheckerDescriptor |
Descriptor of a parameter checker
ItemCheckerParser |
Parameter checker parser from an XML configuration.
ItemCheckerTestFailureException |
Class handling the parameter checkers' test failures.
JackrabbitRepository |
JackrabbitRepository is a JCR repository component based on Jackrabbit
JarFSManager |
This component centralize the access to zip files
Beware: All opened zip files are kept opened in memory
JavaAction |
SQL action : A script will be executed
JavaActionComponent |
Interface that must be implemented by java class used as upgrade action
JavaActionData |
Data for a java upgrade
JavaVersionConfiguration |
Java Version Configuration
JavaVersionHandler |
Version Handler which use a java class as version storage
JavaVersionHandlerComponent |
Interface that must be implemented by java class used as version handler
JCRAmetysObject |
AmetysObject stored in a JCR repository.
Such objects are backed by a JCR Node made available by this interface.
JCRAmetysObjectFactory<A extends AmetysObject> |
JCRBinaryMetadata |
JCRCalendar |
Default implementation of an Calendar , backed by a JCR node.
JCRCalendarEvent |
Default implementation of an CalendarEvent , backed by a JCR node.
JCRCalendarEventFactory |
JCRCalendarFactory |
JCRCategory |
JCRCategoryProvider |
Class representing a JCR categories provider
JCRCompositeMetadata |
JcrDataMigrationEndedObserver |
Observer launched when the migration is finish.
JcrDataVersion |
Implementation of Version for JCR data.
JcrDataVersionStorage |
JCR implementation of VersionStorage , to manage the list of versions in a repository
JCREventHelper |
JCRFile |
JCRFolder |
JCROutputStream |
JCRPost |
Class representing of post, backed by a JCR node.
JCRPostFactory |
JCRProjectMember |
Class representing of project's member, backed by a JCR node.
JCRProjectMember.MemberType |
The type of the member
JCRProjectMemberFactory |
JcrQueryDao |
JCR implementation of the Query DAO.
JCRRepositoryData |
Class for data values management in JCR repository
JCRRepositorySessionListener |
Listens session destruction to ensure that the JCR sessions are properly logged out.
JCRResource<F extends JCRResourceFactory> |
Default implementation of an Resource , backed by a JCR node.
JCRResource |
JCRResourceFactory |
JCRResourcesCollection |
JCRResourcesCollectionFactory |
JCRRichText |
JCRSessionDispatchRequestProcess |
Close the JCR Sessions.
JCRSessionRequestListener |
Request Listener to ensure the end of JCR sessions
JCRTag |
Component for operations on JCR tags
JCRTask |
JCR implementation of a task
JCRTaskFactory |
DAO for interacting with JCRTasks
JCRTasksDAO.TaskListResult |
Simple structure used to store a list of task and some metadata.
JCRTasksList |
JCR implementation of the tasks list
JCRTasksListFactory |
JCRThemeProvider |
Class representing a JCR themes provider for links.
JCRThemesDAO |
Component for operations on JCR tags
JCRThread |
Default implementation of an Thread , backed by a JCR node.
JCRThreadFactory |
JCRTraversableAmetysObject |
JcrVersionConfiguration |
JCR Version Configuration
JCRWorkflow |
Class representing of workflow, backed by a JCR node.
JCRWorkflowFactory |
JCRWorkflowProcess |
Class representing of workflow's process, backed by a JCR node.
JCRWorkflowProcessFactory |
JdbcGroupDirectory |
JdbcGroupDirectory.JdbcGroup |
JdbcParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for jdbc parameters.
JdbcPlainUserPreferencesStorage |
This class is a JDBC implementation of UserPreferencesStorage ,
which stores preferences in database, one preference by column.
Currently, it only supports storing in string-typed columns (VARCHAR, TEXT, ...),
but allows all preference types by casting them from/to strings when retrieving/getting them.
This component does not impose a table structure.
JdbcProfileAssignmentStorage |
JdbcProfileAssignmentStorage.Database |
JDBCPropertySet |
JDBC implementation for PropertySet without JNDI.
Use a cocoon connection pool instead.
JdbcUserDirectory |
Use a jdbc driver for getting the list of users, modifying them and also
authenticate them.
Passwords need to be encrypted with MD5 and encoded in base64.
JdbcWorkflowStore |
Ametys JDBC workflow store
JdbcXmlUserPreferencesStorage |
JNDIRepository |
JCR Repository obtained through JNDI
JoinedSystemSearchField |
JoinKey |
Class representing a join key and its (optional) nested query for creating a JoinQuery
JoinProjectAction |
Action to join a project with opened inscription status
JoinQuery |
Represents a Query on a joined document.
JSASSFixHelper |
Helper for JSASS source maps
JSASSResourceURI |
Resource URIs supported by JSASS
JSASSResourceURIExtensionPoint |
Extension point for resource URIs supported by JSASS
JSonReader |
Serialize as json
JSONUtils |
JSON helper
JSResourceHandler |
Resource handler for JavaScript files
JSResourceHandlerProvider |
JSSourceMapResourceHandler |
Resource handler for source map files
JSSourceMapResourceHandlerProvider |
JVMStatusHelper |
This helper allow to get information or runs some operations on JVM system
KerberosChecker |
This checks that the parameters are the one of a Kerberos server
KerberosCredentialProvider |
Kerberos http authentication.
KernelSourceFactory |
SourceFactory looking for the kernel in the classpath first and then in the external kernel, if any.
KeywordCMSTag |
This class represent a project keyword as a CMS Tag
KeywordFactory |
KeywordJCR |
JCRTag for storing tag informations.
KeywordJCRDAO |
Component for operations on JCR categories
KeywordJCRProvider |
Class representing a project jcr keyword provider.
KeywordProviderExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize keyword tag providers.
KeywordQuery |
Represents a Query testing the keywords property of a project resource.
KeywordsDAO |
DAO for manipulating project's tags
KeywordTagProvider |
Class representing categories as CMS tag provider.
Labelable |
Interface to use for every component that have a label and a description
LambdaUtils |
Helper for lambda expressions.
LambdaUtils.BiPredicate<T,U> |
LambdaUtils.Collectors |
LambdaUtils.LambdaException |
Runtime exception wrapping the exception thrown from the lambda
LambdaUtils.ThrowingConsumer<T> |
LambdaUtils.ThrowingFunction<T,R> |
LambdaUtils.ThrowingPredicate<T> |
Predicate allowed to throw checked Exception .
Language |
A language representation
LanguageEnumerator |
Languages enumerator
LanguageExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to a language comparison.
LanguageMenu |
Menu that lists the available languages for ODF contents
LanguageMenu |
Menu that lists the sitemaps/languages available in the current site.
LanguageSearchField |
Content language search field.
LanguagesGenerator |
SAX events for available languages.
LanguagesGenerator |
SAX events for current site's languages.
LanguagesManager |
Handle possible languages
LanguageSystemProperty |
LastMajorValidationDateQuery |
Represents a Query testing the last major validation date of a content.
LastMajorValidationSearchField |
Last major validation date search field.
LastMajorValidationSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the last major validation date of a content.
LastModifiedQuery |
Represents a Query testing the last modification date of a content.
LastModifiedSearchField |
Last modification date search field.
LastModifiedSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the last modification date of a Content.
LastValidationDateQuery |
Represents a Query testing the last validation date of a content.
LastValidationSearchField |
Last validation date search field.
LastValidationSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the last validation date of a content.
LatestVersionAction |
Returns the latest version compatible between client and server
Layout |
A layout of controls
LazyInitializeExtensions |
Annotated ExtensionPoint will delay initialization of their extensions.
LazySqlQueryResult |
SQL query result.
LDAPCollectionHelper |
LDAPConnectionChecker |
Check the connection to a LDAP directory
LDAPConnector |
Connection stuff to read ldap
LDAPConnector.DN |
LdapDataSourceFactory |
LDAP Data Source factory.
LDAPDataSourceManager |
This component handles SQL data sources.
LdapGroupDirectory |
Use a LDAP server for getting the groups of users
LdapGroupDirectory.GroupComparator |
Group comparator.
LdapGroupDirectory.LdapGroup |
Implementation of Group for Ldap group directory
LdapQuery |
A LDAP query.
LdapQueryResult |
LDAP query result.
LdapQueryResultRow |
LDAP implementation of Query Result Row.
LDAPSynchronizableContentsCollection |
LDAPSynchronizableUsersCollection |
SQL synchronizable collection for users
LdapUserDirectory |
Use an ldap directory for getting the list of users and also authenticating
LdapUserDirectoryChecker |
Tests the LDAP user directory is not empty
LdapUserIdentity |
LessResourceHandler |
Reader for LESS files, compile them on the fly into CSS files.
LessResourceHandler.AmetysLessSource |
LessSource definition for Ametys Resources
LHEOUtils |
Class utils for LHEO XML export
LienHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the LIEN table.
LikeCommentAction |
Like or unlike a comment
Link |
A link in the directory.
Link |
Link.LinkStatus |
Status of a link.
Link.LinkType |
Type of a link.
LinkDAO |
DAO for manipulating Link
LinkDataTypeExtensionPoint |
LinkDirectoryAccessController |
LinkDirectoryColorsComponent |
Component listing the available colors for a link
LinkDirectoryColorsComponent.ColorsConfiguration |
Class representing a colors configuration
LinkDirectoryColorsComponent.LinkDirectoryReloader |
Class representing a link directory reloader
LinkDirectoryInputData |
Input data for the link directory user preferences in thumbnails mode
LinkDirectoryRightAssignmentContext |
LinkDirectoryService |
Service for the link directory : not cacheable when dealing with links that have a limited access or internal url
LinkDirectoryServiceCachePolicy |
LinkDirectorySetUserPreferencesAction |
Create or set user preferences attached to a link directory service or the link directory input data mode for front-end users
LinkDirectoryXSLTHelper |
XSLT Helper with link directory specificity
LinkMenu |
Implementation for Table styles
LinkMetadataURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "link-data".
These links or images point to a file from the data of a Link .
LinksGenerator |
Generate the links' list of a link directory as XML.
LinkSourceFactory |
ListExtractionMatcher |
ListIdentifiersGenerator |
Generator for the ListIdentifiers verb.
ListMetadataFormatsGenerator |
Generator for the ListMetadataFormat verb.
Returns oai_dc and cdm formats.
ListRecordsGenerator |
Generator for the ListRecords verb.
ListReportsAction |
SAX the last 30 log files
ListSetsGenerator |
ListSets generator.
LiveAccessManager |
LiveAccessManager for providing the write lock for
synchronizing live modifications.
LivePageClientSideElement |
This ClientSideElement creates a button that will be enabled if page and its hierarchy is valid.
LivePopulator |
Component called on each rebuild of the live workspace.
LivePopulatorExtensionPoint |
LiveWorkspaceListener |
JCR EventListener for monitoring changes in the default workspace and reflect then in the live workspace
LoadedFeaturesDump |
LocalDateSerializer |
LocaleInputModule |
Input module for getting informations about currently used locale.
The search algorithm is the same as I18nUtils .
3 variables are available : "locale", "country" and "language"
LocaleStringElement |
LocalURIResolver |
LocalURIResolver |
LocalURIResolver.URIInfo |
Helper class containg all infos parsed from URI.
LocalVEvent |
A holder created principally for recurrent events, so we can have one iteration of this event, using a start and end date of this iteration
LockableAmetysObject |
LockAwareAmetysObject |
LockComponent |
LockCondition |
OSWorkflow condition for testing the lock state of a content.
LockContentManager |
Unlock or lock one or several content(s)
LockedContentClientSideElement |
This element creates a toggle button representing the lock state.
LockHelper |
LogEnabled |
Components that need to log messages.
LogFileParser |
A log file parser.
LoggerComparator |
Comparator to compare two loggers by their name
LoginScreenGenerator |
SAX configuration of the login screen
LogManager |
Manager for interacting with the MemoryAppender logs
LogoutAction |
Returns the list of feeds for a user
LogoutAction |
Logout from the connected repository.
LogoutCapable |
Defines a logout capable authentication mode of users.
LogoutManager |
Allows to modify the default behaviour when logging out from a JCR Session
LogsClientSideElement |
Client side element for log actions
LogsDownloadGenerator |
Generate the list of file to include in a zip for downloading logs
LogsGenerator |
SAXes the list of logs
LogUtils |
Log utils.
LOMSheet |
LOM Sheet object
LongExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to the long comparison with a metadata.
LongIntervalValidator |
Base ContentValidator validating the content by comparing one or more couples of long values.
LongQuery |
Represents a Query testing a long field.
LongRangeQuery |
Represents a Query testing a long range.
LongRepositoryElementType |
Class for long type of elements stored in the repository
LongSearchField |
Long generic search field.
LongXMLElementType |
Class for long XML element type
LongXSLElementType |
Class for long XSL element type
LowerCaseAction |
This action transforms all parameters' values to lower-case.
MailConnectionChecker |
Tests the connection to the mail box.
MailDynamicInformationGenerator |
Generates sax events for mail information
MailInformationHelper |
Helper component allowing to retrieve information in order to send emails
MaintenanceTaskClientSideElement |
Client side element for maintenance tasks.
MaintenanceTaskClientSideElement |
Client side element for maintenance tasks.
MaintenanceTaskComponent |
Component to launch and follow the maintenance tasks on the repository
MaintenanceTaskManager |
This manager overrides the standalone manager to do specific in safe-mode (repository is not started)
MaintenanceTaskManager |
The MaintenanceTaskManager Component
MaintenanceTaskManager.MaintenanceTaskType |
Task types
ManifestReaderWriter |
The manifest reader/writer, which is responsible to write into the Manifest file the exposed PartialImport s,
and to read from a Manifest file those exposed PartialImport s.
ManualAction |
Manual action: no code will be executed, and an exception will be thrown to stop the migration
ManualActionData |
Datas for manual upgrades, contains only one comment that will be logged
MapElement |
DOM Layer over a Map.
MapElement.MapNode |
This class represents a element
MapGenerator |
Generates a map.
MapHandler |
This class is intended to be use as a simple helper to construct Maps from
SAX events.
MappingQueryExtractionComponent |
This class represents a mapping query component of the extraction module
MapUtils |
MaquetteExtract |
Class to generate course extract as DOC.
MarkContentArchivedFunction |
Workflow function which marks a content archived.
MatchAllQuery |
A query which does not restrict anything.
MatchingSubprogramSearchComponent |
MatchingSubprogramSearchComponent.NoSubprogramSearchAdditionalParameterValueMap |
MatchNoneQuery |
A query which returns no document.
MaxScoreOrQuery |
Same as OrQuery , but the score for each result will be the max score from the clauses (instead of the sum).
MCCAmetysObjectTree |
Structure representing a tree of AmetysObject to be used during the
processing of the MCC reports.
MCCDiffReport |
The compare MCC catalog report (based on MCC report).
MCCDiffReport.ChangeType |
Change type
MCCReport |
Class to generate the MCC report.
MemberAddedEventType |
EventType implementation for the addition of a member
MemberHelper |
Helper for members
MemberProjectsGenerator |
Sax the public and moderated projects of current member content
MemberSearchModuleGenerator |
Generator for members search module
MembersWorkspaceModule |
Helper component for managing members
MemoryAppender |
Log appender that stores a pile of logs in memory.
MemoryCacheEnumerator |
MemoryLogRecord |
Log record for the Memory Appender storage needs.
MemoryRepositoryData |
Class for data values management in memory
MentionTypeEnumerator |
Enumerator for mention type
MenuClientSideElement |
Interface representing a menu
MenuSkinActionExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize modules.
MenuSkinActionsGenerator |
SAX available JavaScript actions on skins
MergeException |
Exception which can be thrown during a merge.
MergeMetadataForSharedProgramHelper |
Helper for synchronizing and merging metadata from shared programs
MergePolicy |
The policy to apply when trying to import an object with same identifier as an existing object.
MergePolicy.MergePolicyEnumerator |
Merger |
A merger, which is responsible to handle UUID collision when encountered.
Merger.AfterMerge |
Mergers |
The component holding the Merger implementations
Mergers.AbstractMerger |
Mergers.DeleteBefore |
Mergers.Fail |
Mergers.Ignore |
Mergers.Replace |
MessageTargetFactoriesManager |
This extension point handle the existing ribbon controls.
MessagingConnector |
This interface describe the methods used by the different mail servers.
MessagingConnector.AttendeeInformation |
Internal class for attendee information
MessagingConnector.FreeBusyStatus |
Enum for free/busy status
MessagingConnector.ResponseType |
Enum for answer status
MessagingConnectorAction |
This class is the action used by the messaging connector plugin.
MessagingConnectorCalendarManager |
Manager for manipulating messaging connector linked to calendars event of a project
MessagingConnectorException |
Common exception for all messaging connectors.
MessagingConnectorException.ExceptionType |
Information about the exception
MetadataAwareAmetysObject |
MetadataAwareAmetysObjectHelper |
MetadataAwarePagesContainer |
MetadataComment |
MetadataDefinition |
MetadataDefinitionHolder |
MetadataDefinitionReference |
MetadataElement |
DOM layer on top if a File hierarchy.
MetadataExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the existence of a metadata.
MetadataIndexingField |
MetadataManager |
MetadataManager.RepeaterEntryComparator |
Compares repeater entry names to sort them.
MetadataResultField |
MetadataSaxer |
MetadataSearchUIColumn |
Default implementation of a search ui column for a content's attribute
MetadataSet |
MetadataSetDefByContentTypeGenerator |
Generator for rendering the structure of a metadata set (by the content type)
MetadataSetDefGenerator |
Generator for rendering the structure of a metadata set
MetadataType |
MigrateCoursePart |
Initialization class to migrate totalDurationOf* attribute from ODF 4.0 to ODF 4.1 or 4.3.
MigrateCoursePartComponent |
Component class to migrate totalDurationOf* metadata.
MigrateNatureEnseignement |
Initialization class to migrate totalDurationOf* attribute from ODF 4.0 to ODF 4.1 or 4.3.
MigrateNatureEnseignementComponent |
Component class to migrate nature enseignement
MigrationAdministratorNotificator |
Notify when migration is not completed correctly
MigrationConfiguration |
Object to store each migration extension
MigrationException |
Exception that occured during an automatic migration
MigrationExtensionPoint |
Migration Extension Point that will list all migration needed by the current state of the application
MimeTypeGroupQuery |
MinimizeCSSManager |
Minimize manager for CSS files
MinimizeCSSReader |
This generator generates a single CSS file to load all ui items css files.
MinimizeCSSSourceMapReader |
Reader for Source map of minimized css files
MinimizedCSSResourceHandler |
Resource handler for minimized css
MinimizedCSSResourceHandlerProvider |
MinimizedJSResourceHandler |
Resource handler for minimized javascript file
MinimizedJSResourceHandlerProvider |
MinimizeJSManager |
Manager for JS minimization and source map generation
MinimizeJSReader |
This generator generates a single JS file to load all ui items js files.
MinimizeJSSourceMapReader |
Reader for Source map of minimized JS files
MinimizeSassManager |
Minimize manager for CSS files
MinimizeTransformer |
This transformer will minimize every scripts together
MisconfiguredPopulationAdministratorNotificator |
Notificator for UserPopulation s in warning because of a invalid configuration (not fatal)
MisconfiguredSitesNotificator |
Notificator for sites which are misconfigured.
MixinContentTypesGallery |
This element creates a menu with one gallery item per mixin content type classified by category.
MixinTypeExpression |
MixinTypeQuery |
Represents a Query testing the mixin types of contents.
MixinTypeSearchField |
Mixin type search field.
MobileappToken |
Handle token for mobileapp requests.
ModeEnumerator |
Enumeration of the display mode of the google calendar
Model |
Interface of model classes for parameters or attributes
ModelAwareBasicTypesExtensionPoint |
ModelAwareComposite |
Class for model aware composites
ModelAwareDataAwareAmetysObject |
ModelAwareDataHolder |
Interface for data containers with models
ModelAwareJCRAmetysObject |
ModelAwareRepeater |
Class for model aware repeaters
ModelAwareRepeaterEntry |
Class for model aware repeater entries
ModelAwareValuesExtractor |
Interface for model aware values extractors
ModelAwareXMLValuesExtractor |
This class provides methods to extract values from an XML document, using a model
ModelColumnsGenerator |
SAX the columns of a search tool model.
ModelDesignsManager |
Manages the design conceptions of a model
ModelHelper |
Helper class for models
ModelItem |
Interface for model items
ModelItemAccessor |
Interface for objects that can access to some model items
ModelItemContainer |
Interface for objects that contain some model items
ModelItemGroup |
Class for group of model items
ModelItemGroupType |
Interface for model item group types
ModelItemHelper |
Helper for model items
ModelItemType |
Interface for model item types
ModelItemTypeConstants |
Constants for model item types
ModelItemTypeConstants |
Constants for model item types
ModelItemTypeConstants |
Constants for model item types
ModelItemTypeHelper |
Helper model item types
ModelLessComposite |
Class for model free composites
ModelLessDataAwareAmetysObject |
ModelLessDataHolder |
Interface for data containers without models
ModelLessJCRAmetysObject |
ModelLessValuesExtractor |
Interface for model less values extractors
ModelLessXMLValuesExtractor |
This class provides methods to extract values from an XML document
ModelsMenu |
ModelSourceFactory |
Resolve the protocol model:// seeking file in models/
ModelViewItem<T extends ModelItem> |
Interface for view references to model items
ModelViewItemGroup |
View reference to a group of model items
ModifiableACLAmetysObject |
ModifiableACLAmetysObjectProfileAssignmentStorage |
ModifiableAmetysObject |
ModifiableBinaryMetadata |
ModifiableCalendar |
Modifiable Calendar Interface
ModifiableCalendarEvent |
Modifiable Calendar Event Interface
ModifiableComposite |
Interface for modifiable composites
ModifiableCompositeMetadata |
ModifiableContent |
Modifiable content abstraction
ModifiableContentDataHolder |
Implementation modifiable data holder for content
ModifiableContentFactory |
ModifiableContentHelper |
ModifiableDataAwareVersionableAmetysObject |
ModifiableDataHolder |
Interface for modifiable data containers
ModifiableDefaultContent<F extends ModifiableContentFactory> |
Default implementation of a Content , also versionable, lockable and workflow-aware.
ModifiableDefaultWebContent<F extends ModifiableDefaultWebContentFactory> |
ModifiableDefaultWebContentFactory |
ModifiableDublinCoreAwareAmetysObject |
Interface for ametys objects which can contain Dublin Core metadata.
ModifiableExplorerNode |
ExplorerNode that can have child explorer nodes
ModifiableFile |
ModifiableFolder |
ModifiableGroup |
Group which is modifiable
ModifiableGroupDirectory |
Abstraction for a modifiable directory of group.
ModifiableLabelable |
Interface to use for every component that have a label and a description and can edit it
ModifiableMetadataAwareAmetysObject |
ModifiableModelAwareComposite |
Class for modifiable model aware composites
ModifiableModelAwareDataAwareAmetysObject |
ModifiableModelAwareDataHolder |
Interface for modifiable data containers with models
ModifiableModelAwareRepeater |
CLass for modifiable model aware repeaters
ModifiableModelAwareRepeaterEntry |
Class for modifiable model aware repeater entries
ModifiableModelLessComposite |
Class for modifiable model free composites
ModifiableModelLessDataAwareAmetysObject |
ModifiableModelLessDataHolder |
Interface for modifiable data containers without models
ModifiablePage |
ModifiablePost |
Common interface for modifiable post of a thread
ModifiableProfileAssignmentStorage |
This interface is for modifiable profile assignments storage
ModifiableRepeater |
Interface for modifiable repeaters
ModifiableRepeaterEntry |
Interface for modifiable repeater entries
ModifiableRepositoryData |
Interface for modifiable data values management in repository
ModifiableResource |
Interface representing a modifiable resource file of a resources explorer node.
ModifiableResource |
ModifiableResourceCollection |
Common interface for modifiable resource collection
ModifiableRichText |
ModifiableSiteAwareAmetysObject |
ModifiableTask |
Explorer task that can be modified
ModifiableTasksList |
Explorer task that can be modified
ModifiableThread |
Common interface for modifiable thread
ModifiableTraversableAmetysObject |
ModifiableUserDirectory |
Abstraction for getting users list and verify the presence of a particular
user and finally modifying this list.
ModifiableWebContent |
A modifiable web content
ModifiableWorkflowAwareContent |
ModifiableZone |
A zone that is modifiable
ModifiableZoneItem |
A zone item that can is modifiable
ModularSearchGenerator |
Generator for modular search service
ModuleAccessController |
Give the read right on modules if the user as any other profile on it.
MonitoringConstants |
Monitoring constants.
MonitoringConstants.Period |
Period to archive and to render.
MonitoringExtensionPoint |
ExtensionPoint for collecting sample of data in order to be
MonthEnumerator |
Month enumerator.
MovableAmetysObject |
MoveablePage |
Page that can be ordered or moved
MoveLiveTagOnCoursePartFunction |
Move Live tag on CoursePart when the course is validated.
MultilingualString |
Class representing a multilingual String
MultilingualStringElement |
MultilingualStringExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to the String comparison with a metadata of type MULTILANGUAL.
MultilingualStringHelper |
MultilingualStringRepositoryElementType |
Class for multilingual string type of elements stored in the repository
MultilingualStringSearchField |
String generic search field.
MultiStringValuesIndexingField |
NamedResource |
Class representing a file
NamedSource |
NamespacesExtensionPoint |
NatureEnseignementExport |
This exports natures like CM, TD, TP to the TYPE_INTERVENTION table.
NeedAllValues |
Annotation for Validator needing to validate at once all values of a given attribute,
even in a case of APPEND or REMOVE edition.
NewsCreatedEventType |
EventType implementation for the news creation
NewsletterArchiveServiceCachePolicy |
NewsletterCopyUpdater |
Copy updater for newsletters content
NewsletterDAO |
DAO for manipulating newsletter
NewsletterListGenerator |
SAX the newsletters of a given category
NewsletterLocalURIResolver |
Resolver for local uri in newsletters
NewsletterServiceGenerator |
Newsletter service
NewslettersTreeGenerator |
SAX events for categories stored in JCR repository
NewsletterTemplate |
Represent a newsletter template.
NewsletterUserPreferenceProvider |
Provides all newsletter categories as boolean user preferences.
NewsletterUserPreferencesStorage |
Retrieves and stores newsletter user preferences values as subscriptions.
NewsSearchModuleGenerator |
Generator for posts search module
NewsWorkspaceModule |
Workspaces module for news
NoAutoCommitUpdateClient |
Update SolrClient which uses the Solr `noAutoCommit` Update Request Processor chain, so as to not trigger the autoCommit mechanism.
NodeGroupHelper |
Node group helper.
NodeHelper |
Provides helper methods on nodes.
NodeIteratorIterable<A extends AmetysObject> |
NodeStateTracker |
Node state tracker.
NodeTypeDefinitionsExtensionPoint |
NodeTypeHelper |
Provides helper methods on node types.
NodeTypeHierarchyComponent |
Node type hierarchy component.
NoeudHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the NOEUD table.
NoLiveVersionException |
Exception telling the content has no live version
NonBlockingCredentialProvider |
NonHeapMemorySampleManager |
NoOpPipelineDescriptor |
NoOpReader |
Empty reader
NoOpRepositoryAuthentication |
Authenticates as "anonymous".
NormalizeNameComponent |
Normalize name component
NormDetails |
This class store informations about the norm
NormeValidator |
Global validator for Norme content.
NotExpression |
Notification |
Represents a client-side notification.
Notification.NotificationType |
The possible type of notification
NotifyCopyFunction |
OS Workflow function to notify that the copy has ended.
NotMigrableInSafeModeException |
Exception that occured during an automatic migration : a specific migration can not be done, but the global process should continue.
NotQuery |
Represents a Query corresponding to the logical negation of another Query .
NotUniqueTypeException |
Exception thrown when many types are compatibles with an item
NotUniqueUserException |
Exception when many users match the search
OaiSet |
Interface for OAI-PMH Sets
OaiSetExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all OaiSet classes loaded after all components and extensions.
ObservationConstants |
Constants for observers.
ObservationConstants |
Interface for observers
ObservationConstants |
Observation constants for Content IO plugin
ObservationConstants |
Constants for observers.
ObservationConstants |
Constants for event identifiers.
ObservationConstants |
Observation constants for UGC plugin
ObservationConstants |
Observation constants for User Directory plugin
ObservationConstants |
Constants for event identifiers.
ObservationConstants |
Constants for event identifiers.
ObservationManager |
ObservationManager.AsyncObserveThreadFactory |
Thread factory for async observers.
Observer |
Observer for consuming events.
ObserverExtensionPoint |
ObserverHelper |
This helper centralize a few common helper methods
OdfAndRestrictionRule |
And restriction rule
ODFAuthenticateAction |
Special authentication process for incoming ODF portals requests.
Incoming requests are allowed if client IP is allowed.
ODFCartManager |
Component to handle ODF cart items
ODFCartUserPreferencesObserver |
This observer deletes the references of a AbstractProgram or a Course on content deletion for all users' preferences.
ODFCartUserPreferencesStorage |
Specific storage for odf cart user preferences
OdfClassificationHandler |
Component providing methods to retrieve ODF virtual pages, such as the ODF root,
level 1 and 2 metadata names, and so on.
OdfClassificationHandler.LevelValue |
Wrapper object for a level value
ODFContentFieldGenerator |
Class to parse an attribute from an ODF content in Live version.
ODFContentGenerator |
Generator for rendering ODF content data potentially synchronized.
ODFContentHierarchicalAccessController |
ODFContentPublishedCondition |
OSWorkflow condition for testing if a content has been published.
ODFContentsTreeHelper |
Helper ODF contents tree
ODFContentsTreeHelper |
ODFContentType |
The ODF content type
ODFContentTypeMetadataManager |
Manager for odf content type metadata
ODFExport |
This exports ODF values to the OSE database by SRC_* views.
ODFHelper |
Helper for ODF contents
OdfMetadataRestrictionRule |
Metadata restriction rule
OdfNotRestrictionRule |
Not restriction rule.
OdfObservationConstants |
Observation constants specific to ODF.
OdfOrgunitRestrictionRule |
This implementation of OdfRestrictionRule restricts ODF to a orgunit and their child orgunits
ODFOrphanContentAccessController |
This access controller give access the content's creator, regardless of the required right, if and only if the ODF content is still orphan (during creation process for example)
OdfOrRestrictionRule |
Or restriction rule
ODFPageCache |
Maintains a per-request cache, dispatching ODF virtual pages accross degrees and domains.
ODFPageCache.LevelComparator |
OdfPageHandler |
Component providing methods to retrieve ODF virtual pages, such as the ODF root,
level 1 and 2 metadata names, and so on.
OdfPageResolver |
Resolves an ODF page path from the associated ODF content.
ODFPilotageContentHistoryAction |
This action returns the pilotage status history of a content
ODFPilotageContentTypeMetadataManager |
The odf content type metadata manager for pilotage
ODFPilotageSimpleMenuClientSideElement |
Override button for odf content to take into account the pilotage status
OdfProgramListServiceCachePolicy |
Cache policy for the program list service.
OdfProgramRestriction |
A restriction on the ODF programs of a site.
OdfProgramRestrictionManager |
Component able to handle program restrictions related to the "odf-restrictions" site parameter.
OdfReferenceTableElement |
DOM layer on reference table elements
OdfReferenceTableEntry |
This class represents a entry of ODF reference table
OdfReferenceTableEntryElement |
OdfReferenceTableGenerator |
SAX all items of a constant.
OdfReferenceTableHelper |
This component handles ODF reference tables
OdfReferenceTableHelper.SortField |
This class represents a sort field for reference table.
OdfRestrictionRule |
Interface to represent a rule for an ODF restriction
ODFRightAssignmentContext |
ODFRightsContextConvertor |
This implementation convert the ODF contents to a Set of OrgUnit they belong to.
ODFRootClientSideElement |
This element creates an action button to set the ODF root page
ODFSearchHelper |
A helper for ODF search
ODFSelectionAwareAddReportTaskClientSideElement |
This implementation creates an element for adding a new report task with a selected content in the UI.
ODFSkillsHelper |
ODF skills helper
ODFSkillsHelper.Skill |
ODFSyncAuthenticateAction |
Special authentication process for incoming CDM-fr.
Incoming requests are allowed if client IP is allowed.
OdfURIResolver |
OdfURIResolver |
ODFViewSelector |
Component responsible to lookup a Source for a catalog view
ODFViewSourceFactory |
This factory looks for files in the WEB-INF/stylesheets directory and falls back to the default stylesheet .
OdfVirtualPagesCachePolicy |
Cache policy for the sitemap, handling ODF virtual pages linked with contents.
OdfWebObservationConstants |
Observation constant for ODF web
ODFWebView |
This implementation of a ODFWebView looks first in the directory skin://stylesheets/catalog/ then defaults to DefaultODFView .
ODFWorkflowHelper |
Helper for ODF contents on their workflow
OdfXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
OdfXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
OnlyOfficeKeyManager |
Manager for key/token used in OnlyOffice
OnlyOfficeManager |
Main helper for OnlyOffice edition
OpenSkinEditorClientSideElement |
Client side element to open the skin editor.
OpenSkinFactoryClientSideElement |
Client side element to open the skin editor.
OpenTreeControllerClientSideElement |
This class act as a StaticClientSideElement but do handle a new tag "tree-config" that lead to a file containing the tree configuration
OrderedListMenu |
Implementation for Table styles
OrExpression |
OrganisationChartPageHandler |
Component providing methods to retrieve organization chart virtual pages, such as the organization chart root and orgUnit page.
OrganisationChartPageResolver |
Resolves an organisation chart page path from the associated orgUnit content.
OrgChartGenerator |
Generate information to render the organization chart service.
OrgProgramRestrictionEnumerator |
OrgUnit |
OrgUnit java object
OrgUnitAncestorIndexingField |
OrgUnitConsistencyExtractSchedulable |
Schedulable for pilotage consistency report by orgunit.
OrgUnitContentGenerator |
OrgUnitDAO |
DAO for manipulating OrgUnits
OrgUnitEnumerator |
OrgUnitFactory |
OrgUnitGenerator |
OrgUnit Generator
OrgUnitMCCDiffReportSchedulable |
OrgUnitPage |
Page representing an orgUnit page.
OrgUnitPageFactory |
OrgUnitReportSchedulable |
OrgUnitSynchronizableContentsCollection |
SCC for orgunit contents.
OrgUnitUAICodeEnumerator |
Enumerator for OrgUnit s using UAI code as unique identifier
OrgUnitXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
OrgUnitZone |
OrgUnitZoneFactory |
OrgUnitZoneItem |
OrgUnitZoneItemFactory |
OrphanQuery |
Represents a Query testing the orphan status of a content.
OrphanSearchField |
Orphan search field.
OrphanSystemProperty |
OrQuery |
Represents a search Query corresponding to the logical "or" between several other queries.
OSEConstants |
Constants for OSE export.
OSEExport |
Interface for OSE export.
OSEExportExtensionPoint |
Extension point for OSE export.
OutgoingReferences |
Outgoing references.
OutgoingReferencesExtractor |
The outgoing references extractor is a class that analyzes a content to extract the list of outgoing references in the metadata.
OutgoingReferencesHelper |
Helper for outgoing references
OutgoingRefsContentAttachmentIndexer |
OverriddenData |
This class store all overridden data by the user
Page |
Page.LinkType |
Type of a link page.
Page.PageType |
Type of a page.
PageAccessController |
PageAttachment2PageRightContextConvertor |
PageAttachmentQuery |
Query testing the pageId of a resource (page attachment).
PageAttachmentsGenerator |
Generates the page attachments.<br>
The generated XML looks like :<br>
<Attachments page="XX"><br>
PageAttachmentsSolrObserver |
Listener on page attachments events
PageAttachmentURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "attachment-page".
These links point to a file from the attachments of the current Page.
PageBranchesGenerator |
SAX page branching
PageContentFacetDefinition |
PageContentFacetDefinition.PageContentSearchField |
PageContentQuery |
Query on the properties of the contents contained in pages.
PageContentsGenerator |
PageDAO |
DAO for manipulating survey pages.
PageDAO |
DAO for manipulating pages
PageDAO.PageTagCacheKey |
PageDataTypeExtensionPoint |
PageDecoratorsGenerator |
Page icon and decorators
PageElement |
PageElementCache |
Cache the page elements renderings.
This class handles several caches, one per site and per JCR workspace.
PageElementCache.PageElementKey |
PageElementCachePolicy |
Used by the event processing to know whether cached content should be kept or cleared.
PageElementCachePolicy.PolicyResult |
Processing result.
PageElementCachePolicyExtensionPoint |
PageElementCacheStatsGenerator |
Cache stats generator for related to the back-office (pages and page elements)
PageElementResourceAccess |
Page element resource access.
PageElementResourceAccess.PageElementType |
Type of a PageElementAccess.
PageElementResourceStatistics |
Page element cache stats objects
PageElementResourceStatisticsFactory |
The factory for PageElementResourceStatistics
PageFilter |
This interface represents a filter for Page
PageFilter.Context |
The search context
PageFilter.ContextLanguage |
The context language
PageFilterExtensionPoint |
PageFilterHelper |
PageGenerator |
Generator for SAXing <code>Content</code> associated with a Page.<br>
SAX events are like :<br>
<zone id="..."><br>
<i><!-- XHTML content --></i><br>
PageGeneratorHelper |
Helper for page generator
PageHelper |
Helper component providing status of pages.
PageIdQuery |
Represents a Query testing the page property of a content or resource.
PageIdsSearchField |
Content pages search field.
PageInformationGenerator |
Deprecated. |
PageMatcher |
Matcher for Page s.
PageQuery |
Query testing the id of a page or its ancestor ids (enabling to search the subpages of a given one).
PageQueryHelper |
Helper for creating JCR XPath queries involving page predicate.
PageResourceAccess |
Page resource access.
PageResourceStatistics |
Page cache stats objects
PageResourceStatisticsFactory |
The factory for PageResourceStatistics
PageReturnable |
PageRightAssignmentContext |
PageRobotsClientSideElement |
PageSaxer |
PagesContainer |
PageSearchable |
PageSearchCriterionDefinition |
PageSearchCriterionDefinition.PageEnumeratedValues |
PageSearchCriterionDefinition.PageEnumeratedValues.PageRestrictedValues |
PageSearchUICriterion |
PagesSearchField |
Content pages search field.
PagesSystemProperty |
PageSubscribeAction |
Action to subscribe to a page
PageSubscriptionDAO |
DAO for page subscription
PageSubscriptionDeletePageObserver |
Listen page deleted and send mail
PageSubscriptionExplorerObserver |
Listen attachment page and send mail
PageSubscriptionValidateContentObserver |
Listen content page and send mail
PageSubscriptionXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
PageTitleSearchCriterionDefinition |
PageToModuleRootRightContextConvertor |
Converts a page of a project to its module root
The index page of a project will be additionally converted to the Project
PageURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "page".
These links point to a CMS page.
PageVisibleAttachmentIndexer |
An interface for implementations which want to index the ids of the visible attachments of a Page .
PageVisibleAttachmentIndexerExtensionPoint |
Pagination |
PaginationSearchComponent |
Parameter<T extends Enum<T>> |
ParameterHelper |
ParameterHelper.ParameterType |
ParameterizableQuery |
Object representing a query and its parameters.
ParametersClientSideElement |
Component for operations on parameters files and folders
ParametersManager |
Manager to handle parameters
ParaStyleClientSideElement |
This static client side element also add parameters taken from the HTMLEditorStyle
ParentAware |
Components acception this marker interface indicate that they want
to have a reference to their parent.
ParentContentSearchField |
Search field for "parent" metadata of a entry part of a hirerachical reference table
ParentContentSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents all parents (parent, parent of the parent, etc.) of a simple content.
ParentContextInputModule |
This input module read in parent context.
Use it with {parent-context-attr:paramName}.
PartialImport |
A partial import, i.e.
PasswordRepositoryElementType |
Class for password Repository element type
PasswordXMLElementType |
Class for password XML element type
PathResolver |
The resolver for string paths which can contain variables (format is foo/a_${meta1/meta2/meta3}_m_${meta4}_z/bar\qux/${meta5} )
and need to be resolved against some given contents.
PathResolver.PathWrapper |
PathSource |
PathSource.PathSourceOutputStream |
A file outputStream that will rename the temp file to the destination file upon close()
and discard the temp file upon cancel().
PathTimeStampValidity |
A validation object for time-stamps.
PathUtils |
General path manipulation utilities.
PdfboxConvertor |
PDF to PNG convertor which makes use of the pdfbox library.
PdfCoverResourceHandler |
Resource handler for pdf resources files
PdfCoverResourceHandlerProvider |
PdfPipelineSerializerModel |
Model for PDF pipeline serializers
PdfPipelineSerializerModel.PdfPipelineSerializer |
Person |
PersonDAO |
PersonFactory |
PersonGenerator |
PersonSynchronizableContentsCollection |
Class to import ODF persons.
PilotageAttributeCopyUpdater |
Update additional pilotage attribute which are of program item type.
PilotageClientSideElement |
Override button for odf content to take into account the pilotage status
PilotageFileFilter |
File filter for pilotage files and search of these files.
PilotageHelper |
The pilotage helper.
PilotageLogFileManager |
The manager for pilotage log files.
PilotageReport |
Interface for pilotage reports.
PilotageReport.PilotageReportTarget |
The pilotage report target.
PilotageStatusButtonClientSideElement |
Client side element for pilotage status button
PilotageStatusCheckCondition |
Check the pilotage status and check if we try to edit the structure
PilotageStatusHelper |
Helper for ODF pilotage status
PilotageStatusHelper.PilotageStatus |
Enumeration for the pilotage status
PingSitemapTask |
Periodically ping three search engine : Google, Yahoo and Bing
PinIndexingField |
Pipeline |
A pipeline for extraction execution.
PipelineDescriptor |
PipelineImpl |
PipelineManager |
Pipelines |
Convenient method for Pipeline API implementations
PipelineSerializer |
PipelineSerializerModel |
PipelineSerializerModelExtensionPoint |
PlantUMLClientSideElement |
This implementation creates an element from a PlantUML configuration
PlantUMLSerializer |
Serialize PlantUML
Plugin |
Object representation of a plugin.xml
PluginArchiver |
Component responsible to archive plugin data.
PluginArchiverExtensionPoint |
PluginAware |
Used by components needing to know their declaring plugin.
PluginDocGenerator |
Generates all the plugins.xml
PluginException |
Exception thrown by the PluginsManager when plugins loading fails.
It is only the case when the safe mode itself fails to load.
PluginExistsAction |
Tests if a given plugin exists.
PluginIssue |
Represents an issue while initializing the plugin system.
PluginIssue.PluginIssueCode |
Issue code enumeration.
PluginsArchiver |
Archives resources in /ametys:plugins
PluginsComponentManager |
Implementation of an Avalon ComponentManager handling the PluginAware and ParentAware interfaces.
See the ThreadSafeComponentManager for more details.
PluginsGenerator |
SAX plugins' informations in order to be able to generate a plugin by file tree
PluginsJSASSResourceURI |
JSASS Resource URI for plugins URI
PluginsLivePopulator |
PluginsManager |
The PluginManager is in charge to load and initialize plugins.
PluginsManager.InactivityCause |
Cause of the deactivation of a feature
PluginsManager.Status |
PluginsManager status after initialization.
PluginSourceFactory |
SourceFactory handling resources URIs for plugins.
PopulateOdfTableRef |
This init class populates reference tables contents base on WEB-INF/params/odf files
PopulationConsumer |
PopulationConsumerExtensionPoint |
PopulationContextHelper |
PopulationContextHelper |
PopulationDataSourceConsumer |
Implementation of DataSourceConsumer allowing to know whether a data source is used by the populations or not.
Post |
Common interface for post of a thread
PostConstants |
A holder for various constants for the mobileapp
PostContentEditionFunctionsExtensionPoint |
Extension point for workflow functions that will be called after content edition
PostContentType |
Generates creator information in addition to the content data.
PostContentValidationFunctionsExtensionPoint |
Extension point for workflow functions that will be called after content validation
PostCreatedEventType |
EventType implementation for the addition of a post
PostFilter |
Post filter: able to search posts in blog sites.
PostGenerator |
SAX a post
PostgreSQLDatabaseType |
Specifically handle Derby connections, allowing to actually shut the database down;
PostListZone |
Zone holding a post list service.
PostListZoneFactory |
PostListZoneItem |
PostListZoneItemFactory |
PostObserver |
Observes post creation, modification and deletion to update the cache accordingly.
PostRichTextHandler |
A rich text handler to convert post into string
PostsGenerator |
Generates posts from the cache.
PostsGenerator |
SAX the list of posts in a thread
PostUriResolver |
Resolves post page uri.
PostZone |
PostZoneFactory |
PostZoneItem |
PostZoneItemFactory |
PotentielEnseignantReport |
Pilotage report for "potentiel enseignant".
PotentielEnseignantValidator |
Global validator for OrgUnit content.
PreviewRedirectAction |
Redirect NODE and LINK pages in preview mode.
PrivateContentReturnable |
PrivateContentSearchable |
ProcessCurrentStepCondition |
OSWorkflow condition to test the current step of a process
The following configuration have to be used:
ProcessesDashboardGenerator |
Generator for the processes dashboard service
ProcessFormAction |
Action that processes the user submitted data on a form.
ProcessGenerator |
Sax a process data
ProcessingInstructionTransformer |
This transformer removes internal processing instructions
ProcessInputAction |
Process the user answers to the survey.
ProcessMiniSurveyAction |
Submit a mini-survey
ProcessWorkflowAction |
Execute a workflow action on a process
Profile |
This bean represents a profile
ProfileAssignmentsToolClientSideElement |
ProfileAssignmentsToolClientSideElement.AccessType |
Enumeration of all possible access types
ProfileAssignmentsToolClientSideElement.TargetType |
Enumeration of all possible target types
ProfileAssignmentStorage |
This interface is for read-only profile assignments storage
ProfileAssignmentStorage.AnonymousOrAnyConnectedKeys |
Keys for method that can return profiles of anonymous or any connected user
ProfileAssignmentStorage.UserOrGroup |
Keys for method that can return profiles of user or groups
ProfileAssignmentStorageExtensionPoint |
ProfileAssignmentStorageObserver |
This observer listens for events which may have an impact on the storage of assignments
ProfileDAO |
ProfiledGroupsTagsSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the profiled groups tags of a Content.
ProfileImageProvider |
Component providing images that are used for user profiles
ProfileImageProvider.UserProfileImage |
Basic structure holding necessary data representing an user profile image
ProfileImageReader |
Reader for generating the user profile image stored in the 'profile-image' user pref.
ProfileRightsGenerator |
Generates the rights of a profile
ProfileSearchAction |
Get profiles
ProfilesGenerator |
Generates default profiles
ProfilesGenerator |
SAX default profiles and site profiles
ProfilesListGenerator |
Generates profiles
ProfileToolsClientSideElement |
Client side element for the profile tools
Program |
This class represent the root element of a program
ProgramConsistencyExtractSchedulable |
Schedulable for pilotage consistency report by program.
ProgramContentGenerator |
ProgramDAO |
DAO for manipulating ODF programs.
ProgramElement |
ProgramFactory |
ProgramItem |
This interface represent a ODF content which is part of a program
ProgramItemContextSearchUICriteria |
UI criteria for program item context
ProgramItemHierarchyValidator |
ProgramItemReferencesCopyUpdater |
The catalog copy updater to update the other ODF content attribute
ProgramItemSkillsGenerator |
SAX the acquired skills hold by child courses of a ProgramItem
ProgramItemStructureGenerator |
SAX the structure (ie.
ProgramListGenerator |
Generates the exhaustive list of programs.
ProgramPage |
ProgramPage.AbstractTreeIterator<T> |
Breadth first search iterator for tree structure
Each node can provide an iterator that will be put in the end of the queue.
ProgramPage.ProgramPartTraverser |
Program part traverser.
ProgramPageFactory |
ProgramPart |
ProgramPartExporter |
Exporter of program parts.
ProgramPartFactory |
ProgramPdfContentGenerator |
ProgramReportSchedulable |
ProgramReturnable |
ProgramReturnable.DisplaySubprogramMode |
ProgramSaxer |
ProgramSearchable |
ProgramSearchable.ProgramThroughProgramPartsQuery |
A Query that returns Programs, by querying their child ProgramParts
ProgramSkillsIndexingField |
ProgramSynchronizableContentsCollection |
SCC for program contents.
ProgramTasksGenerator |
Generates the tasks list for ODF contents
ProgramWorkflowTasksComponent |
Workflow tasks component for Program
ProgramWorkflowTasksGenerator |
Workflow tasks generator for ODF contents
ProgramZone |
ProgramZoneFactory |
ProgramZoneItem |
ProgramZoneItemFactory |
Project |
Project.InscriptionStatus |
The inscription status of the project
ProjectAccessController |
AccessController for a Project
The projects' managers have some rights on their projects
The projects' members can read their projects
ProjectConstants |
Project constants.
ProjectDataTypeExtensionPoint |
ProjectDocumentProvider |
DocumentProvider for indexing documents (project resources...) during workspace indexation
ProjectEventObserver |
On validation, test each query to notify impacted users
ProjectFactory |
ProjectIndexingField |
ProjectInvitationHelper |
Helper for invitations by email
ProjectJCRTagProvider |
Class representing a project jcr tag provider.
ProjectJCRTagsDAO |
Component for operations on JCR tags
ProjectLanguagesEnumerator |
Enumerator for the languages available to a project
ProjectManager |
Helper component for managing project workspaces
ProjectManager.ModuleCacheKey |
ProjectManager.RequestModuleCacheKey |
ProjectManager.RequestProjectCacheKey |
ProjectMemberManager |
Helper component for managing project's users
ProjectMemberManager.ProjectMember |
This class represents a member of a project.
ProjectMembersGenerator |
Generator used sax project member
ProjectMetadataUriResolver |
URIResolver for type "project-metadata".
These links point to a file of a project
ProjectQuery |
Represents a Query testing the project property.
ProjectResourceURIResolver |
ProjectRightHelper |
Helper related to rights management for projects.
ProjectsCatalogueGenerator |
Generator for the vuejs catalog service
ProjectsCatalogueManager |
Manager for the Projects Catalogue service
ProjectsEventType |
EventType implementation for projects-related events
ProjectsSuggestionsGenerator |
Generator for suggested projects.
ProjectSuperUserClientSideElement |
This implementation creates a control allowing to affect a super user to a given context of a project.
ProjectTagFactory |
ProjectTagJCR |
JCRTag for storing tag informations.
ProjectTagProviderExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize project tag providers.
ProjectTagsDAO |
DAO for manipulating project's tags
ProjectWorkspaceSiteType |
Project workspace site type.
ProjectXsltHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets to get info related to projects.
PropertySetExpression |
PropertySet expressions are used when constructing a workflow query
on a property associated with a workflow.
PropertySet expressions have three attributes.
These are:
operator: This is the operator to apply on the expression.
ProposeContentAction |
Create content action
ProxiedContextPathProvider |
Provider for the proxied context path
ProxyGrantingTicketProxy |
Add a request header with CAS proxy granting ticket
ProxySourceFactory |
Factory for reading files in one protocol and switch to others if not found.
PublishOrUnpublishPageSchedulable |
PublishPageRunnable |
PurgeContentsEngine |
Runnable engine that removes old versions of contents.
PurgeContentsScheduler |
Purge contents scheduler: launches a cron which purges contents at a given periodicity.
PurgeVersionsManager |
Component which purges content old versions.
PushNotificationManager |
manager to push notifications to users
QueriesHelper |
Manager to list and execute queries
Query |
Represents a search predicate.
Query |
<p>Data interrogation query class.</p>
<p>Defines an interrogation query (SQL select, LDAP search, ...) on a specified
data source, with optional parameters, which returns either a single result
Query |
Class representing a query, backed by a JCR node.
Query.LogicalOperator |
Enumeration of available logical operators in Query
Query.Operator |
Enumeration of available operators in Query
Query.QueryProfile |
Rights profiles
Query.ResultType |
Query result type.
Query.Type |
Type of a Query
Query.Visibility |
Visibility of a Query
QueryAdapterFOSearch |
Modify the FO search query.
QueryAdapterFOSearchExtensionPoint |
This extension point adapt the query for FO search service
QueryAndContainerCommonMethods |
QueryBuilder |
Builds a Query object from a user search.
QueryBuilder.ValuedSearchCriterion |
QueryContainer |
Class representing a query container, backed by a JCR node.
QueryContainerFactory |
QueryDao |
Provider for connections and queries.
QueryDAO |
DAO for manipulating queries
QueryDebugger |
QueryElement |
Implementation of a CartElement wrapping a search query
QueryExtractionComponent |
This class represents a query component of the extraction module
QueryFactory |
QueryHelper |
Class providing helper methods to Query implementations.
QueryHelper |
Helper for manipulating Query
QueryHelper |
Helper for creating JCR XPath queries.
Created XPath queries are like : //element(*, ametys:object)[<predicates<>]
QueryHelper.ObjectToReturn |
QueryHelper.Visibility |
The user and its groups for checking visibility
QueryLogicResultGenerator |
Generate a list of path from an XPath query
QueryParameter |
Object to represent a query parameter to add.
QueryResult |
Result of a Query.
QueryResultGenerator |
Generate a list of path from an XPath query
QueryResultRow |
Query result row : represent a data entry with one or more attributes (columns).
QuerySyntaxException |
Thrown when the query syntax is invalid.
QuestionDAO |
DAO for manipulating survey questions.
QuestionRulesGenerator |
RDFResourceReader |
ReactionableObject |
Interface to handle reactions on object
ReactionableObject.ReactionType |
Reaction type.
ReactionableObjectHelper |
Helper class which provides methods to manage reactions on a object
ReadAccessHelper |
Helper for Read ACL
RebuildLiveAllWorkspaceSchedulable |
A Schedulable job which rebuild and populate the live workspace.
RebuildLiveComponent |
Component for rebuild the live workspace, reindex all sitemaps and reset cache.
RebuildLiveSiteWorkspaceSchedulable |
A Schedulable job which rebuild and populate the live workspace of a site.
RecordHelper |
Helper for handling OAI records/
RecurrentEventHelper |
Helper for recurrent event operation
RedirectPage |
This class is used for legacy purpose only
Old program's page's name is built with program's title and program's name such as 'master-droits-program-fruai1452h45g81'.
RedirectPageClientSideElement |
This element creates a button for page redirection of a survey
RedirectToEncodedUrlAction |
URL-encode the path segments of the given URL and redirect to it.
Reference |
Class containing a reference
ReferenceContentElementType |
Class for reference type of elements used by contents
ReferencedContents |
Collection of Content referenced by an invert relation path
Referencer |
Interface for types of values that can have outgoing references
ReferenceRepositoryElementType |
Class for reference type of elements stored in the repository
ReferenceTableAccessController |
Content access controller for reference table
ReferenceTableRightAssignmentContext |
ReferenceTableSearchUIModel |
Generic implementation of SearchUIModel for reference tables
The search tool model automatically declares simple first level metadatas as criteria and columns.
ReferenceTablesGallery |
This element creates a menu with one gallery item per reference table content type classified by category.
ReferenceValidator |
ReferencingContentsWithSameValuesSearchUIModel |
Implementation of SearchUIModel for contents referencing the same content's values for a given metadata.
RegexpURIMatcher |
Regexp matcher for URI.
RegexpValidator |
This validator validates that the regular expression set is valid
RegisterVariable |
Registers the value of a workflow variable
ReglementEtudesExtract |
Class to generate "règlement des études" extract as DOC.
ReindexingTask |
ReindexMembersSchedulable |
Schedulable to re-index all existing members
RelatedMembersGenerator |
Sax a list of related members with the current member content
RelationsManager |
This extension point handle the existing relations on the client side (relation system allow for example drag and drop).
ReloadAclCacheRequest |
SolrRequest to reload the ACL Solr cache
ReloadSolrAclCacheSchedulable |
ReloadSolrAclCachesForCoresRunnable |
A Runnable for reloading Solr ACL caches for given workspaces (only for segments not already in cache).
ReloadSolrAclCachesForCoresSchedulable |
A Schedulable job for reloading Solr ACL caches for given workspaces (only for segments not already in cache).
ReloadSolrCacheForAclUpdatedObserver |
Reload the ACL Solr cache when a right assignment on READER profile changed.
RemoteCDMFrSynchronizableContentsCollection |
Class to import remote CDMFr contents
RemoteIdOrgunitExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the remove ID Orgunit
RemoteImportCDMFrComponent |
Component to import a CDM-fr input stream from a remote server.
RemoteProgramDeletedObserver |
Observes Program content deletion in order to synchronize with remote server
RemoteURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "remote".
This resolver is a proxy to another type to be called from remote url.
RemoteURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "remote".
This resolver is a proxy to another type to be called from remote url.
RemoteUrl |
A RemoteUrl provides s a list of url (pattern) authorized to be called from a remote application
RemoteUrlExtensionPoint |
RemoteUserCredentialProvider |
This manager gets the credentials given by a J2EE filter authentication.
The filter must set the 'remote user' header into the request.
This manager can not get the password of the connected user: the user is
already authentified.
RemovableAmetysObject |
RemoveContentTypeClientSideElement |
Tool client side element for remove a content type
RemoveContentTypeException |
Exception related to the removal of a content type
RemoveMemberMailManagersNotifierObserver |
Observer to send mail notifications on workspace member removal
RemoveMemberMailNotifierObserver |
Observer to send mail notifications on workspace member removal
RemoveSearchServiceInstanceObserver |
RemoveUserLinkAction |
Removes a user link in Ametys.
RenderingContext |
CMS current rendering context.
RenderingContextHandler |
Component for getting and setting current rendering context
RenderingContextInputModule |
Input module for getting the current rendering context.
Repeater |
Interface for repeaters
RepeaterDefinition |
RepeaterDefinition |
Definition of a repeater.
RepeaterDefinitionAndValue<T> |
Pair of a value and its definition for a repeater
RepeaterDefinitionParser |
This class parses the repeater definition
RepeaterEntry |
Interface for repeater entries
RepeaterEntryDefinitionAndValue<T> |
Pair of a value and its definition for a repeater entry
RepeaterRepositoryModelItemType |
Class for repeater type
ReportableObject |
Interface to handle reports on object
ReportableObjectHelper |
Helper class which provides methods to manage reports on a object
ReportCommentAction |
Report a comment
ReportExtensionEnumerator |
ReportExtensionPoint |
ReportGenerator |
Report projects with theirs managers/users
ReportGenerator.ProjectMember |
ReportHelper |
Helper for report creation.
ReportHelper |
Component for reporting projects
ReportLocationAction |
Get a solr query string from a search tool.
ReportsClientSideElement |
This client site elements creates a button representing the validation state of a content's comment
ReportServiceGenerator |
Generator for the CSV report service.
ReportsPageAccessController |
ReportUtils |
Report utils.
RepositoryAuthentication |
Simple mechanism to protect the repository application.
RepositoryBackgroundEngineHook |
Hook used to release the sessions associated with an environment
RepositoryConstants |
RepositoryDao |
Component providing methods to access the repository.
RepositoryData |
Interface for data values management in repository
RepositoryDataContext |
Object that gives some context for repository data manipulation
RepositoryElementType<T> |
Interface for types of elements stored in the repository
RepositoryIntegrityViolationException |
Exception thrown when an attempt to insert or update data results in
violation of an integrity constraint.
RepositoryLogicNodeGenerator |
Generate the content of a logic node:
ametys object properties
RepositoryModelItemGroupType |
Interface for types of model item groups stored in the repository
RepositoryModelItemType |
Interface for types of model items stored in the repository
RepositoryNodeGenerator |
Generate the content of a node:
RepositoryNodeGenerator.NodeNameComparator |
Compares two nodes on its names.
RepositoryProvider |
Repository helper.
RepositoryScriptBinding |
Script binding that provides repository variables
RepositoryScriptHandler |
RepositoryScriptHandler.RepositoryResultProcessor |
RepositoryViewExtensionPoint |
Extension point handling additional views for the Ametys Repository application.
RepositoryViewGenerator |
SAX the definition of the additional views.
RepositoryWorkspaceGenerator |
Repository workspace handling maintenance tasks in safe mode.
RepublishContentClientSideElement |
Display the button only if the 'odf.publish.server' parameter is checked.
RequestAttributesHelper |
Helper for saving and restoring request attributes
RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector |
Workspace selector using a context attribute for selecting
the workspace.
RequestCountListener |
This component count the current active requests and count all
request since startup.
RequestListener |
Simple request listener.
RequestListenerManager |
Avalon component responsible for registering RequestListener s
RequestParamToken |
Get a token from a request parameter named "token".
ReservedWordsUtils |
The reserved words utils
ResetSiteCacheAction |
ResolveURIComponent |
This component resolve links and give a static hack access for xslt calls
Resource |
Class representing a resource
Resource |
Common interface for a resource file of a resources explorer node.
Resource |
Resource2FlipbookUriResolver |
URIResolver for type "explorer-flipbook".
These links point to a document file from the resource explorer converted to flash.
ResourceAccess |
Monitored resources.
ResourceAccess |
Monitored resources.
ResourceAccessComponent |
The RessourceAccessMonitor collects the resources that have been requested,
and export them into a database.
ResourceAccessComponent |
The RessourceAccessMonitor collects the resources that have been requested,
and export them into a database.
ResourceAccessController |
ResourceAccessUtils |
Utility methods used when dealing with ResourceAccess object.
ResourceAccessUtils |
Utility methods used when dealing with ResourceAccess object.
ResourceCollection |
Common interface for modifiable resource collection
ResourceCollectionElement |
ResourceCollectionInformationGenerator |
SAX the explorer nodes information
ResourceCreatedOrUpdatedEventType |
EventType implementation for the renaming of a resource
ResourceDeletedObserver |
Observes deletion on resources to delete resources from carts
ResourceDependenciesList |
List the dependencies of a resource
ResourceDependenciesListExtensionPoint |
Extension point for calculating a resource's dependencies
ResourceElement |
ResourceElement |
ResourceElementTypeHelper |
Helper for resource type of elements stored in the repository
ResourceExistsAction |
The cocoon resource exists action but that returns false for folders
ResourceFormatSearchCriterionDefinition |
ResourceGenerator |
SAX a resource
ResourceHandler |
Interface used to handle resources
ResourceHandlerProvider |
ResourceHandlerProviderExtensionPoint |
ResourceHelper |
Helper class that provides utility methods to work with resources.
ResourceHelper |
ResourceInformationGenerator |
SAX the explorer nodes information
ResourceInformationGenerator |
SAX the explorer nodes information
ResourceLocationQuery |
Represents a Query testing the resource location.
ResourceMatcher |
This matcher matches URI with protocol inside
Can be /view/protocol://resourceid/file/filename.ext
or /download/...
ResourceMetadataPopulator |
Populate resource properties from tika Metadata .
ResourceMetadataPopulatorExtensionPoint |
ResourceNotExistsAction |
This action simply checks to see if a resource identified by the src
sitemap attribute exists or not.
ResourceNotifierHelper |
Notification helper for the Webdav actions
ResourceReader |
Default resource reader, that handle different resources type using the ResourcesExtensionPoint.
ResourceRenamedEventType |
EventType implementation for the creation of a resource
ResourceReturnable |
ResourceRightAssignmentContext |
ResourcesAdditionalDataGetter |
Retrieves the additional data of resources types (files, binaries, rich texts)
ResourcesArchiver |
Archives resources in /ametys:root/ametys:resources
ResourcesArchiverHelper |
Export a resources collection as individual files.
ResourcesArchiverHelper.ResourceMetadataSaxer |
ResourceSaxer |
ResourceSearchable |
ResourcesExplorerGenerator |
Generates a subtree of ExplorerNode . The subnodes are SAXed to a depth of 0 by default.
ResourcesExplorerGenerator |
Generates a subtree of ExplorerNode with the DublinCore metadata.
ResourcesGenerator |
Generate the resources of a resources explorer node
ResourcesMailNotifierObserver |
This observer observes event of resources to notify concerned users
ResourceSource |
Description of a source which is described by the resource protocol which
gets a resource from the classloader.
ResourceSourceFactory |
Extension of Excalibur ResourceSourceFactory to use own ResourceSource
ResourcesRootNodeGenerator |
Generates the ids of the resource explorer root nodes (shared or not).
ResourceStatistics |
A ResourceCacheStats is an object that holds cache statistics coming from the
monitoring database or to be inserted/updated in the monitoring database.
ResourceStatisticsComponent |
The cache monitoring updater.
ResourceStatisticsFactory |
A factory of a resource statistic
ResourceURIResolver |
ResourceURIResolver |
RestartAction |
Action for reloading application
RestoreRevisionFunction |
OSWorkflow function to restore an old revision of a content.
RestrictedModelItem<T> |
Interface for model items with restrictions
RestrictedPagePolicy |
Per-site policy of rendering of restricted pages.
HIDDEN: restricted pages access will remain hidden for unauthorized front-office users.
Restrictions |
Restrictions provided with a restricted model item.
ResultDisplay |
A configuration of result display.
ResultDisplayType |
A type of result display.
ResultField |
Represents a Field to be returned by a search.
Returnable |
Brings a type of objects returned by the search service.
ReturnableEnumerator |
Enumerator for available and selectable Returnable s
ReturnableExtensionPoint |
ReturnableSaxer |
ReturnableSearchComponent |
RevampingHelper |
Helper for the revamping service
RibbonConfiguration |
A ribbon configuration, with tab, user and app menus
RibbonConfigurationManager |
This class handles the ribbon configuration needed for client side display.
RibbonConfigurationManager.CONTROLSIZE |
Size constants for controls
RibbonConfigurationManager.LAYOUTALIGN |
Size constants for controls
RibbonConfigurationSource |
A ribbon configuration source and related data
RibbonControlsManager |
This extension point handle the existing ribbon controls.
RibbonElementsInjectionHelper<T> |
Helper for the ribbon, for injecting elements inside another elements' container
RibbonExclude |
The class represent an exclusion declared in a ribbon file
Target of exclusion in the ribbon configuration
RibbonExclude.EXCLUDETYPE |
Type of exclusion in the ribbon configuration
RibbonGenerator |
SAX ribbon definition for skin parameters
RibbonImport |
This extension point handle the ribbon imports.
RibbonImportManager |
This extension point handle the ribbon imports.
RibbonManager |
Manager for ribbon elements that are created live during runtime
RibbonManagerCache |
Helper for RibbonManager, that support Thread safe usage of the managers, while implementing a cache for performances.
RibbonMenu |
The class represents a menu, containing a list of ribbon elements
RibbonMenu.MENUTYPE |
Type of exclusion in the ribbon configuration
RibbonTabsManager |
This extension point handle the existing ribbon controls.
RichText |
CLass representing a rich text
RichText |
RichTextAttributeDefinition |
RichText definition with its list of allowed semantic annotations
RichTextConfiguration |
RichTextConfigurationAttribute |
RichTextConfigurationExtensionPoint |
Extension point for configuring the widget 'richtext'
RichTextConfigurationFileImportsClientSideElement |
RichTextConfigurationStyle |
A style is a way to render a table, a link, an image, a paragraph, an ordered list or an unordered list.
RichTextConfigurationStyleGroup |
RichTextConfigurationTag |
RichTextConfigurationTag.EMPTY_TAG |
What to do if this tag is empty?
RichTextContentElementType |
Class for rich text type of elements stored in the repository
RichTextFileSource |
RichTextFileSourceFactory |
RichTextHandler |
This handle parse a rich text to get only text nodes.
RichTextHelper |
Rich-text helper
RichTextImportMetadataHandlerFactory |
Factory for the transformer that imports the rich text metadata (attachments, semantic annotations, ...) from docbook.
RichTextMetadataDefinition |
RichTextOutgoingReferencesExtractor |
Extracts the outgoing references from a rich text metadata.
RichTextQuery |
Represents a Query testing a string field.
RichTextRepositoryElementType |
Class for rich text type of elements stored in the repository
RichTextTransformer |
RichTextUpdater |
A RichText updater is a class that gives the content handler responsible for updating rich text after a copy.
RichTextValidator |
A TextValidator where tags are removed from the text (to count chars for example)
Right |
A right in a runtime application.
A right can also be considered as a boolean permission : a given user has or
does not have the right to do something.
RightAssignmentContext |
This interface represents a context of right assignment
RightAssignmentContextExtensionPoint |
RightCheckingMode |
The right checking mode, either exact (better results), either fast (better performances), either none (too much result).
RightContextConvertor |
This interface is for getting, from a single object, a set of object.
RightContextConvertorExtensionPoint |
RightManager |
Abstraction for testing a right associated with a resource and a user from a single source.
RightManager.Cache1Key |
RightManager.Cache2Key |
RightManager.RightResult |
Enumeration of all possible values returned by hasRight(user, right, context)
RightProfilesDAO |
Manages registration of profiles
RightsException |
Common exception for all rights related problems.
RightsExtensionPoint |
This extension point handle a list of rights handled by the plugins or the application.
RNCPAbstractProgramClientSideElement |
Client side element for abstract program RNCP sheets.
RNCPModelHelper |
Helper for RNCP models.
RNCPProgramReader |
Reader for RNCP program sheet.
RNCPSubProgramClientSideElement |
Client side element for subprogram RNCP sheets.
RNCPSubProgramReader |
Reader for RNCP subprogram sheet.
RobotsGenerator |
Generates robots.txt file
RobotsSitemapGenerator |
Generates sitemap.xml file.
RootAmetysObject |
AmetysObject representing the root of the Ametys hierarchy.
It's name and path are equals to the empty String .
It has no parent object.
RootAmetysObjectFactory |
RootContentHelper |
Helper for retrieving root of contents
RootContentHelper |
Helper for retrieving root of contents for web
RootOrgUnitProvider |
Component to provide the root OrgUnit
RRDsFeederTimerTask |
TimerTask for creating and feeding RRDs files in order to
produce graphs for monitoring:
JVM uptime
JVM memory status
JVM thread count
Servlet Engine request count
Servlet Engine session count
RssFeedUserPrefsComponent |
Component for access to the user preferences for feeds
RSSGenerator |
Generates SAX events for RSS feed for contents matching a ContentFilter set in request attributes
RssSearchComponent |
Runnable |
This interface represents the entity by which a Schedulable can be scheduled.
Runnable.FireProcess |
The possible ways to fire the runnable
Runnable.MisfirePolicy |
The possible misfire policies
RunnableExtensionPoint |
RuntimeConfig |
Java representation of the WEB-INF/param/runtime.xml file.
Contains all runtime configuration values.
RuntimeFileGenerator |
File generator but where the source resolver is the runtime one.
RuntimeResourceReader |
Resource reader but where the source resolver is the runtime one.
RuntimeScriptBinding |
Runtime default script binding, provides default variables to the script tool, and a configuration file for the functions.
RuntimeServlet |
Main entry point for applications.
Overrides the CocoonServlet to add some initialization.
RuntimeServlet.RunMode |
The run modes
SafeProfileImageProvider |
Image provider working in safe mode
SampleManager |
Interface to be implemented for monitoring samples of data.
SassDependenciesList |
Dependencies list for sass files compiled into css
Uncompiled sass files don't depend on anything and are managed by the DefaultResourceDependenciesList
SassFunctionsProvider |
Interface for the Sass functions providers
SassFunctionsProviderExtensionPoint |
Extension point for the Sass functions providers
SassImportHelper |
Helper component for sass contents
SassImportHelper.SassImportInfo |
Informations about sass import, such as real URI and real last modified
SassResourceHandler |
Reader for SASS files, compile them on the fly into CSS files, and minimize them if location in .min.css
SassSourceMapResourceHandler |
Resource handler for source map of compiled sass files
SassSourceMapResourceHandlerProvider |
SaveConfigAction |
This action is in charge to get and save the config values entered by the user.
The backup is delegated to Config
SaveContentTypeClientSideElement |
Tool client side element for save a content type
SaveContentTypeComponent |
This component save a content type
SaveExtractionHelper |
Helper that manages the button that saves extraction's modifications
SaveODFCartAction |
Save ODF cart items
SaveUserPrefsSearchComponent |
SearchComponent to save the selected user filters in the user preferences if the user is authenticated.
SAXClientSideElementHelper |
This helper allow to sax a client side element
SAXContentHelper |
Component helper for saxing content's properties
SaxEnumeratedCriteriaComponent |
SearchComponent for saxing number of results for each values of enumerated criteria
SaxFormSearchComponent |
SaxGeneralDataSearchComponent |
SearchComponent executing in two parts: opening 'search' tag and SAXing general data, then closing 'search' tag.
SaxResultsSearchComponent |
SaxSkillSearchComponent |
SCCClientSideElement |
This implementation test if at least one SCC is associated to the model defined by the sccModelId.
SCCImportCDMFrComponent |
Component to import a CDM-fr input stream in SCC context.
SCCSearchAction |
Action to search in a SCC.
SCCSearchModelConfiguration |
Search model configuration for SCC import/search tool
SCCSearchToolHelper |
Helper for SCC callables.
SCCSmartContentClientSideElement |
Smart content client side element for SCC, the SCC model ID configured in plugin.xml is used.
ScenarioHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the SCENARIO table.
ScenarioIdColumn |
This column is only used in the SRC_* view to reference the right source from the SCENARIO table.
ScenarioLienHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the SCENARIO_LIEN table.
ScenarioNoeudHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the SCENARIO_NOEUD table.
Schedulable |
This interface represents a 'job' which can be performed and scheduled.
SchedulableExtensionPoint |
SchedulableParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for Schedulable parameters.
ScheduleArchivingClientSideElement |
This element creates a ribbon button to schedule the archiving of a content
ScheduledPageClientSideElement |
This ClientSideElement creates a button representing the schedule publication status of a page.
ScheduledSurveyClientSideElement |
ClientSideElement for the Scheduled Survey
Scheduler |
The scheduler component
SchedulerInit |
SchemaDefinition |
Interface representing a solr schema definition (field, dynamic field, copyField or field type).
SchemaDefinitionProvider |
Interface to be implemented by components providing schema definitions.
SchemaDefinitionProviderExtensionPoint |
SchemaFields |
Represents the field names of a solr schema, mainly used to track existing fields.
SchemaHelper |
Component providing helper methods to work with search schema and fields.
ScopeEnumerator |
Enumerator for listing scopes supported in a LDAP query.
ScriptAction |
SQL action : A script will be executed
ScriptActionData |
Data for an Script upgrade
ScriptBinding |
This interface describes a console data, variables and functions.
ScriptBindingDocumentation |
A class that hold the documentation of one function or one variable
ScriptBindingDocumentation.Argument |
Describes an argument when a function is documented
ScriptBindingDocumentation.Example |
ScriptBindingDocumentation.Signature |
A signature.
ScriptBindingExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ScriptBinding classes loaded after all components and extensions.
ScriptExecArguments |
ScriptHandler |
Handler to describe and execute server scripts
ScriptHandler.ResultProcessor |
A processor for scripts results.
ScriptResultFormatter |
ScriptSchedulable |
ScriptVersionConfiguration |
Script Version Configuration
ScriptVersionHandler |
Version Handler which use a script as version storage
ScriptVersionHandlerScriptHandler |
ScriptHandler to manage results sent by automatic migration scripts, to get the object result as the expected object
ScriptVersionHandlerScriptHandler.VersionProcessor |
Result processor that return object as itself instead as a string
Searchable |
Brings a set of criteria, facets, sorts on a type of objects.
SearchableExtensionPoint |
SearchAction |
Search contents and put a result object in the request (to be serialized in JSON).
SearchClientSideElement |
Search tool HMI item
SearchComponent |
SearchComponentArguments |
SearchComponentExtensionPoint |
SearchComponentHelper |
A helper for all search component
SearchContext |
A search context
SearchContext.ContextLangAndCurrentLang |
SearchContext.LangQueryProducer |
SearchCriterion |
Represents a Field that can be searched on.
SearchCriterionDefinition |
A potential search criterion proposed to the creator of an instance of search service.
SearcherFactory |
Component searching objects corresponding to a Query .
SearchField |
Represents a search field.
SearchGenerator |
SearchGenerator |
Search resources
SearchGenerator |
Generates the results of a search performed on front office
SearchGenerator.ContentTypeSearch |
Enumeration for content type search
SearchGenerator.ContentTypeSearchField |
SearchJsonReader |
JSON reader for search for contents.
SearchModel |
This interface represents a search model.
SearchModelWrapper |
Wrapper for a SearchUIModel to force LastValidationSystemProperty to be in result feilds
SearchModule |
Interface for search module
SearchModuleExtensionPoint |
extension point to add modules in the search
SearchPagesAction |
This action is used by the widget for searching pages from a query string
SearchPagesService |
Service which can be cacheable or not, depending on a parameter.
SearchPagesServiceCachePolicy |
SearchReferencingContentsWithSameValuesClientSideElement |
ClientSideElement for search tool on contents with the same referencing values for a given metadata.
SearchResourcesGenerator |
Search resources in a specific explorer node.
SearchResourcesGenerator |
Generates the results of a search performed on front office
SearchResult<A extends AmetysObject> |
Interface representing a result from a search.
SearchResults<A extends AmetysObject> |
Interface representing the results of a search.
SearchResultsIterable<T> |
SearchResultsIterator<E> |
SearchService |
Front search service.
SearchService.ParsedAdditionalParameterConf |
SearchServiceCachePolicy |
SearchServiceClientSideWidget |
The class for search service specific widgets.
SearchServiceCommonImpls |
Common implementations for criteria, facets, sorts...
SearchServiceCreationHelper |
Helper component for drawing search service creation/edition dialog box.
SearchServiceDebugModeHelper |
SearchServiceDebugModeHelper.DebugMode |
Enumeration of debug modes
SearchServiceGenerator |
Generator for the search service.
SearchServiceGenerator.IdAwareSearchComponent |
SearchServiceGenerator.SearchComponentError |
SearchServiceInstance |
SearchServiceInstanceFactory |
SearchServiceInstanceManager |
SearchSitesAction |
This action is used by the widget for searching sites from a query string
SearchUIColumn |
This class represents a result column.
SearchUICriterion |
This class represents a search criterion of a SearchModel
SearchUIModel |
Search tool model.
SearchUIModelExtensionPoint |
SearchUIModelHelper |
SearchUserInputs |
Object that represents the search user inputs.
SearchUserInputsRetriever |
SecondLevelPage |
Page representing a second-level page.
SecondLevelPageFactory |
SecondLevelZone |
SecondLevelZoneItem |
SelectContentSearchAction |
Specific search action for the SelectContent widget.
SelectionAwareAddTaskClientSideElement |
This implementation creates an element for adding a new task with a schedulable parameter filled by the selected target.
SelectWorkspaceAction |
Action for selecting the JCR workspace to use.
SelectWorkspaceAction |
Action for selecting the JCR workspace to use.
SemanticAnnotation |
This bean represents a semantic annotation tagging a part of a rich text content.
SemanticAnnotationIndexingField |
IndexingField realizing the indexation of semantic annotations.
SemanticAnnotationsEditionHandler |
This transformer extracts semantic annotation from the incoming HTML for further processing.
SendCalendarNotificationFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered.
SendCDMFRFunction |
Send CDM-fr to a distant server
SendGAEventsEngine |
Send a google analytics event for every newsletter e-mail sent.
SendMailAction |
Check if the form is well formed
Send the mail to all the receiver
SendMailChecker |
Tests the connection to the mail box and sends an e-mail to the system administrator.
SendMailEngine |
Sends mails in a thread
SendMailFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered.
SendMailFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered.
SendMailFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered on ODF contents
SendMailFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered.
SendMailHelper |
Helper for sending mail
SendMailHelper.CssRule |
SendMailHelper.CssSpecificity |
SendMailHelper.MailSender |
SendMailHelper.MailSenderThreadFactory |
SendMailSchedulable |
SendMailToContributorCommentListener |
Listener to send mails to moderators or observers
SendMailToCreatorFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered.
SendMailToUserFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered.
SendMailToUserFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered for ODF contents
SendMailToUserFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered.
SendMailToVisitorCommentListener |
Send emails to visitor, when comment is online or removed
SendNewsletterFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a content.
SendOnlineNotificationAction |
This actions send a email to notify the publication of a page.
SendProcessMailFunction |
Send mail to the users listed in the "users" argument.
Separator |
A menu separator
ServerCommHelper |
Helper to get JS parameters from request
ServerDirectoryGenerator |
Generate all subDirectory from a directory
ServerDirectoryHelper |
Helper gathering utility methods for server directories
ServerDirectoryPathAction |
Generate a subDirectories list from a query and a list of root paths from the configuration
ServerDirectoryService |
ServerLogMessageTargetFactoryElement |
A static client side element for the ServerLogMessageTargetFactory, giving some callables
ServersCacheStatsGenerator |
Cache stats generator grouping data collected across each server cache (http
Service |
Interface representing a business service.
ServiceExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize modules.
ServiceMenu |
Menu that lists the services
ServiceParameter<T> |
The definition of a service parameter
ServiceParameterDefinitionParser |
This class parses the service parameter definition
ServiceParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for service parameters.
ServicesAssignmentHandler |
A is responsible for giving the available services for a given Zone.
ServiceSourceFactory |
This factory looks for files in the current skin and fallback in the current plugin dir.<br>
Use: service://path_to_file<br>
Will first loon in the current template in the <i>stylesheets/services/{pluginName}</i> sub-directory => skins/{skin}/templates/{template}/stylesheets/services/{pluginName}/path_to_file<br>
If not found, then it will look in the skin of the current site in the sub-directory services/{pluginName} => skins/{skin}/services/{currentPluginName}/path_to_file<br>
And if the file does not exist will search in plugin:{currentPluginName}://path_to_file
ServiceSourceFactory.SourceType |
The enum of existing types of servicesources
ServiceUnavailableException |
Exception representing a 503 response.
ServiceViewParametersManager |
Manager for service view parameters
ServiceViewParametersManager.ServiceViewParametersReloader |
Class representing a service view parameters reloader
ServiceViewParametersManager.ServiceWrapper |
ServiceViewParametersManager.SkinsServiceViewParameters |
ServiceViewParametersManager.SkinWrapper |
ServiceXSLTEnumerator |
This enuerator return the list of available files for services.
ServletFilterWrapper |
This class is a generic filter wrapping an actual Filter .
ServletFilterWrapperConfig |
The runtime filter configuration based on configuration parameters
ServletWrapper |
This class is a generic servlet wrapping an actual Servlet .
ServletWrapperConfig |
The wrapped servlet configuration based on configuration parameters (as if there were a web.xml)
ServletWrapperResponse |
This class is a filter for the communication between Tomcat and Cocoon.
SessionClientSideElement |
Client-side element which tracks the session state.
SessionCountListener |
Simple HttpSessionListener counting sessions.
SessionInformationGenerator |
Generates the session state.
SessionSampleManager |
Monitoring active JCR sessions.
SetAuthorizationHeaderAction |
Action setting the response Header for 401 reponse
SetCatalogHeader |
Set the title of the catalog in response header
SetCategoriesAction |
Set the categories for one calendar for a user
SetContentAttributeClientSideElement |
Set the attribute of type 'content' of a content, with another content
SetContentAttributeClientSideElement |
Set the attribute of type 'content' of a content, with another content.
SetContentViewMenu |
Menu giving the possibility to change the view rendering the content in a given ZoneItem.
SetCurrentStepIdAndNotifyFunction |
OS workflow function to set the current step id
SetFilenameAction |
Set the file name in request header
SetFileNameAction |
Prepare request attributes and response header for export
SetFilterInRequestAttributesAction |
This action creates a filter for RSS calendar
SetFilterInRequestAttributesAction |
This action creates a filter from the sitemap parameters or request parameter 'filterId' and set the filter in request attributes.
SetFOUserPreferencesAction |
Action which saves the user preferences values into the database.
SetHttpHeaderForArchive |
This action adds HTTP headers to the response for a ZIP archive
SetHttpHeaderForExport |
This action adds file attachment HTTP header to the response for XSL export
SetICalFilenameHeader |
Set the .ics filename in response header
SetMetadataAction |
Set value for a metadata
SetNotificationsPrefsAction |
Returns the list of feeds for a user
SetOrganisationChartRootClientSideElement |
Client side element for a controller wich set/remove the organisation chart root page
SetPageFilterInRequestAttributesAction |
This action creates a filter from the sitemap parameters or request parameter 'filterId' and set the filter in request attributes.
SetParentContentClientSideElement |
Set the "parent" attribute of a simple content
SetPasswordAction |
This class is the action used by the messaging connector plugin.
SetPathPrefixAction |
Action for selecting the URL prefix to use in preview mode.
SetPostFilterInRequestAttributesAction |
Set a PostFilter in request attributes.
SetProcessCurrentStepId |
Set the process current step after a workflow action
SetPropertyAction |
Set value for a property (if the property does not exist, create the property)
SetProposalDateContentFunction |
Function setting or removing the date at which the content was proposed for
validation, i.e.
SetPushTokenAction |
Returns the list of feeds for a user
SetReadAccessOnSiteAddedObserver |
Observer for observing site creation in order to assign the READER profile to anonymous or root contents and resources.
SetReadAccessOnSitemapAddedObserver |
Observer for observing sitemap addition in order to assign the READER profile as allowed to anonymous.
SetRenderingContextAction |
Action for setting the current rendering context.
SetRequestAttributesAction |
Set request attributes given by map parameters
SetRequestAttributesAction |
Set request attributes given by map parameters
SetResultsSearchComponent |
SetRNCPHeader |
Header for the RNCP sheet.
SetRssFeedUserPreferencesAction |
Set user preference
SetRSSHeaderAction |
This action checks the RSS filter parameters before adding "X-Ametys-Cacheable" HTTP headers to the response
SetSearchServiceRequestAttributesAction |
SetSiteNameInRequestAttributeAction |
This action sets the site name from request parameter in request attribute
SetSkinLocationAction |
Action for selecting the skin location to use in preview mode.
SetSubProgramHeader |
Set the title of the sub program in response header
SetSurveyHeaderAction |
Sets the Content-Disposition header as attachment and injects the survey title as the attachment filename.
SetUGCRootClientSideElement |
Client side element for a controller which set/remove the root page of a ugc.
SetUserDirectoryRootClientSideElement |
Client side element for a controller wich set/remove the root page of a user directory.
SetUserPreferencesAction |
Action which saves the user preferences values into the database.
SetUserProfileAction |
Action which saves the user profile in user preferences
ShareableCourseClientSideElement |
Display the button only if the 'odf.shareable.course.enable' parameter is checked.
ShareableCourseConstants |
Constants for shareable course
ShareableCourseContentClientSideElement |
Display the button only if the 'odf.shareable.course.enable' parameter is checked.
ShareableCourseHelper |
Helper for shareable course
ShareableCourseHelper.ShareableConfiguration |
ShareableCourseHelper.ShareableField |
ShareableCourseMenuItemClientSideElement |
Display the button only if the 'odf.shareable.course.enable' parameter is checked.
ShareableCourseSearchUICriteria |
UI criteria for shareable course
ShareableCourseStatusButtonClientSideElement |
Client side element for shareable course status button
ShareableCourseStatusHelper |
Helper for shareable course status
ShareableCourseStatusHelper.ShareableStatus |
Enumeration for the shareable course status
ShareableFieldCourseObserver |
Observer to unlink the shareable field of a Course on Content deletion.
ShareCartMailGenerator |
Generator for cart shared by mail
SharedContent |
Interface representing a shared content (content referencing another content).
SharedContentCopyUpdater |
Updates copied shared contents, validating it if their initial content is live.
SharedContentManager |
Component which provides methods to manage shared contents (creation, validation, and so on).
SharedContentsHelper |
Helper for creating expression for shared contents
SharedContentValidationObserver |
Observes contents validation and depublication to modify shared contents accordingly.
SharedQuery |
Represents a Query testing the shared status of a content.
SharedSeachField |
Content privacy search field.
SharedSitesGenerator |
SAX sites with shared contents information
SharedSystemProperty |
ShareODFCartAction |
Share ODF cart items by email
SimpleAmetysObject<F extends SimpleAmetysObjectFactory> |
SimpleAmetysObjectFactory |
Default implementation of an JCRAmetysObjectFactory ,
handling SimpleAmetysObject .
This implementation takes its scheme and nodetype through a configuration:
<extension point="org.ametys.plugins.repository.AmetysObjectFactoryExtensionPoint"
This implementation manages only one nodetype.
SimpleConfiguration |
Really simple OSWorkflow configuration, allowing to setup the WorkflowFactory and the WorkflowStore outside this class.
SimpleMenu |
This element creates a control button with a menu
SimpleProjectsCatalogueGenerator |
Generator used to gather informations on all of the projects of the application for the
projects' catalogue service
SimpleSearchClientSideElement |
Simple Search tool HMI item.
SimpleViewItemGroup |
Simple group of view items
SimpleWorkspaceGenerator |
Generates the uitools factories definition using the associated components
SingleVersionHandler |
Site |
Site's informations.
Site |
SiteAwareAmetysObject |
An ametys object that is aware of its Site .
SiteCacheHelper |
Class providing helper methods for cache files.
SiteColorsComponent |
Component listing the available colors for a site
SiteColorsEnumerator |
Enumerates the colors availables for sites thanks to WorkspaceGenerator.readSiteColorsFile
SiteColorsGenerator |
Generates the site colors from the component
SiteConfigurationAction |
Get the site configuration parameters and their values
SiteConfigurationExtensionPoint |
SiteConfigurationInputModule |
Input module for getting site configuration values.
SiteConfigurationManager |
Helper component for managing sites configuration.
SiteContext |
A site context
SiteContextType |
A site context type
SiteDAO |
DAO for manipulating sites
SiteDocumentProvider |
Additional indexed documents provider.
The goal is to provide documents which are not pages and
needs to be indexed into order to be search.
SiteDocumentProviderExtensionPoint |
SiteEnumerator |
Enumerates all sites.
SiteFactory |
SiteGenerator |
Generate sax events representing a Site .
SiteImporter |
SiteIndexer |
Component indexing a Site .
SiteIndexerSchedulable |
SiteInformationCache |
A cache for site information provided by the Back-Office.
SiteManager |
Helper component for managing sites.
SiteManager.RequestSiteCacheKey |
Sitemap |
Sitemap of a web site.
SitemapAction |
SitemapCategoryProvider |
This class provides newsletter categories from the site map
SitemapConfigurationExtensionPoint |
Allows to dynamically declare sitemap components to the main sitemap, subsequently available to all plugins and workspaces
SitemapContext |
A sitemap context
SitemapContextType |
A sitemap context type
SitemapDAO |
DAO for manipulating pages
SitemapDecorator |
A decorator for page in sitemap
SitemapDecorators |
Provider for sitemap decorators
SitemapDecoratorsExtensionPoint |
SitemapDecoratorsGenerator |
SAX sitemap decorators
SitemapDecoratorsHandler |
Interface representing a sitemap decorator
SitemapElement |
SitemapFactory |
SitemapGenerator |
SAX child nodes of a node.
SitemapGenerator |
Generates the CMS sitemap.<br>
The generated XML looks like :<br>
<sitemap name="XX"><br>
SitemapIcon |
A icon for page in sitemap
SitemapIcon.Condition |
The tag condition.
SitemapIcons |
Provider for sitemap icons
SitemapIconsExtensionPoint |
SitemapImporter |
SitemapInformationGenerator |
SAX the site map information
SitemapInputData |
InputData for SAXing events about the current sitemap.
SitemapInputData.SitemapKey |
SitemapLanguage |
Entry point in the sitemap build process to dynamically insert the components brought by the SitemapConfigurationExtensionPoint
SitemapQuery |
Represents a Query testing the sitemap property.
SitemapSaxer |
Send a sitemap as SAX events.
SitemapSaxer.BufferedPage |
SitemapSaxer.PageElementKey |
SitemapSaxer.PageWrapper |
SitemapSearchCriterionDefinition |
SitemapService |
Static service which cacheability depends on the restricted page policy of the current site.
SitemapServiceCachePolicy |
PageElementCachePolicy for the Sitemap service.
This implementation does not handle virtual pages based on Contents, so that it does not remove cache when Content change.
SiteParameterParser |
Parser for Site parameter.
SiteParameterSourceFactory |
SiteParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
SiteParameterUriResolver |
URIResolver for type "site-parameter".
These links point to a file of a site
SiteParameterWrapper<T> |
Definition of a Site parameter.
SiteParameterWrapperParser |
Parser for Site parameter wrapper.
SitePluginArchiver |
Component responsible to archive site plugin data.
SitePluginArchiverExtensionPoint |
SitePopulationContextHelper |
Helper for associating UserPopulation s to contexts for FO application.
SitePopulator |
Component for populating the live workspace site by site.
SiteQuery |
Represents a Query testing the site property.
SiteQueryHelper |
Helper for getting a SiteQuery from a user-submitted value.
SiteResourceReader |
Resource reader handling hashed resources in site cache as well as "normal" resources.
SitesArchiver |
SiteSearchCriterionDefinition |
SiteSearchField |
Site search field.
SiteSelectionAwareAddTaskClientSideElement |
This implementation creates an site-selection aware element for adding a new task which need a site parameter (called 'siteName')
SitesGenerator |
Generates the list of existing Site .
SitesGenerator |
SAXes sites front-office configuration.
SiteSitemapInformationGenerator |
SAX information on site or sitemap node.
SitesLivePopulator |
SitesPopulationsGenerator |
Sax the datasources files limited to datasources useful for front-office
SiteStatisticsAction |
Provides some statistics about a Site , such as :
Number of pages
Number of live contents
Number of orphaned contents
Number of external contents
SiteStatisticsGenerator |
Provides some statistics about a Site , such as :
Number of pages
Number of live contents
Number of orphaned contents
Number of external contents
SiteSystemProperty |
SiteType |
This class represents a type of site.
SiteTypeQuery |
Represents a Query testing the site type property.
SiteTypeSearchField |
Site type search field.
SiteTypesExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge of handling SiteType extension point.
This point handles the pool of available site types.
SiteTypeSystemProperty |
SiteUpdatedBlogObserver |
Observer triggering the blog's cache clearing
SiteUrl |
Represente a site access URL.
SiteWithPopulationStep |
This step indicates that there is at least one site well configured and with at least one affected population.
SiteWithUserStep |
This step indicates that there is at least one well configured site with a user who has right to give its rights.
SizeUtils |
Helper for manipulating objects heap size.
SizeUtils.ExcludeFromSizeCalculation |
SkillSearchComponent |
Skin |
A skin
SkinClientSideWidget |
SkinConfigurationAction |
Get the skin configuration parameters and their values
SkinConfigurationHelper |
Helper to read a skin configuration file that will handle inheritance
SkinDAO |
DAO for files and folders inside a skin directory
SkinDAO |
Component to interact with a skin
SkinDAO |
DAO for manipulating skins
SkinEditionHelper |
Helper for skin edition
SkinEnumerator |
Enumerates the available skins.
SkinFactoryComponent |
Manager for skin parameters
SkinGlyphSourceManager |
Manager for skin glyph sources
SkinHTMLEditorStyle |
Based on a configuration like the StaticHTMLEditorStyleExtension but the file is located inside the current skin directory (skin/conf/edition-styles.xml).
SkinLanguageMenu |
SkinLockManager |
Component to manage lock on skin directories.
SkinModel |
SkinModel.CssMenuItem |
Abstract representation of a menu item
SkinModelDAO |
Component for interact with a skin model
SkinModelsManager |
Manages the models of skin
SkinParameterException |
Common exception for all Repository related problems.
SkinParameterParser |
SkinParametersModel |
Model for Skin (do not mistake this with SkinModel )
SkinParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all XMLElementType classes for skin parameter data.
SkinResourceDAO |
DAO for files and folders inside a skin directory
SkinResourceReader |
Reader for temporary skin resources
SkinResourceReader |
Reader for resource of the skin
SkinSitemapDecorators |
SkinSitemapIcons |
SkinsJSASSResourceURI |
JSASS Resource URI for skins URI
SkinsManager |
Manages the skins
SkinSource |
A skin source is a path source that supports for inheritance
SkinSourceFactory |
Resolve the protocol skin:// seeking file in skins/{siteConfiguration:skin}/
SkinTagProvider |
This class represents the tags provide by the skin
SkinTemplate |
Represent a skin template.
SkinTemplateZone |
A zone definition in a template
SkinThemeProvider |
This class represents the themes provided by the skin
SkinTimeStampValidity |
A validation object for time-stamps.
SkipCurrentCredentialProviderAction |
During the authentication process, we need to go the next unblocking credential provider if kerberos fail
SmartContentClientSideElement |
Edit HMI item
SmartContentClientSideElementHelper |
SmartContentMenu |
A smart menu to use for content
SolrAclCacheInfluence |
Methods for handling influence of objects on Solr Acl cache.
SolrAclCacheUninfluentialObject |
This annotation (on Class or Interface) is a marker for context objects on which any change of
profile assignment ensures that there is no indexed object (neither the given object nor any other object in the whole application)
that is affected in its own read access computing.
SolrBlogContentDeletedOrUnpublishedObserver |
Observer triggered by the deletion/unpublication of a blog content
SolrBlogContentValidatedObserver |
Observer for observing post validation
in order to synchronize lucene index associated.
SolrClientProvider |
Component acting as a single entry point to get access to Solr clients.
SolrContentDeletedObserver |
Observes UGC content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentDeletedObserver |
Observes user directory content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentIndexer |
Component for Content indexing into a Solr server.
SolrContentModifiedObserver |
Observes UGC content modified in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentModifiedObserver |
Observes user directory content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentQueryHelper |
Helper to build Solr content queries.
SolrContentRootPageDeletedObserver |
Observer for observing UGC root is being modified or deleted
SolrContentRootPageDeletedObserver |
Observer for observing user directory root is being modified or deleted
SolrContentRootPageUpdatedObserver |
Observer for observing UGC root modification
in order to update Solr index
SolrContentRootPageUpdatedObserver |
Observer for observing user directory root modification
in order to update Solr index
SolrContentUnpublishedObserver |
Observes UGC content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentUnpublishedObserver |
Observes user directory content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentUnpublishedPart1Observer |
Observes content depublication in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentUnpublishedPart2Observer |
Observes content depublication in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentValidatedObserver |
Observes UGC content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentValidatedObserver |
Observes user directory content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentValidatedObserver |
This Observer observers content validation
in order to synchronize the solr index of referencing pages
SolrContentValidatedPart1Observer |
Observer unindexing pages corresponding to Program s that are not displayed by the site anymore
given current ODF restrictions.
SolrContentValidatedPart2Observer |
Observer for observing odf content validation in order to synchronize
lucene index associated.
SolrCoreInit |
Creates one or several Solr cores at initialization.
SolrDocumentResult<AO extends AmetysObject> |
SolrExportSchedulable |
SolrFieldHelper |
Helper for getting Solr field names.
SolrFieldNames |
Constants for Solr field names related to indexation.
SolrIndexer |
Solr indexer.
SolrIndexProjectResourceObserver |
Component for indexing Project resources.
SolrIndexResourceObserver |
Observer in charge of indexing explorer resources when created, modified, moved...
SolrIndexWebResourceObserver |
Observer in charge of indexing resources in web context when created, modified, moved...
SolrLiveContentValidatedOrTaggedObserver |
This observer updates the Solr index of content in Live workspaces
SolrModelColumnsGenerator |
SAX the columns of a Solr search tool model.
SolrNativeJoinQuery |
The use of this Query is discouraged.
SolrOdfContentModifiedObserver |
This Observer observes ODF content modification
in order to synchronize the solr index of referencing pages
SolrOnSiteConfModifiedPart1Observer |
Observer for observing site configuration modification
in order to unindex the given Solr pages
SolrOnSiteConfModifiedPart2Observer |
Observer for observing site configuration modification
in order to index the given Solr pages
SolrOrgUnitChangedPart1Observer |
Observer for observing the move or validation of an OrgUnit
in order to unindex (1st step) in Solr the given ODF root pages (because the virtual tree may have changed)
SolrOrgUnitChangedPart2Observer |
Observer for observing the move or validation of an OrgUnit
in order to index (2nd step) in Solr the given ODF root pages (because the virtual tree may have changed)
SolrPageChangePart1Observer |
Observer for observing page creation or modification in order to
synchronize Solr index associated.
SolrPageChangePart2Observer |
Observer for observing page creation or modification in order to
synchronize the associated solr index.
SolrPageContentModifiedObserver |
This Observer observers content modifications
in order to synchronize the solr index of referencing pages
SolrPageDataUpdateObserver |
Observer for observing page updates to synchronize associated solr index.
SolrPageDeletionObserver |
Observer for observing page deletion in order to synchronize
Solr index associated.
SolrPageIndexer |
Component responsible for indexing a page with all its contents.
SolrPageMovePart1Observer |
Observer for observing page move in order to synchronize
Solr index associated.
SolrPageMovePart2Observer |
Observer for observing page move in order to synchronize
Solr index associated.
SolrPageRenameObserver |
Observer for observing page updates to synchronize associated Solr index.
SolrProjectDeletedObserver |
Observer for Project deletion, for unindexing all solr documents related to this project
SolrProjectIndexer |
Component responsible for indexing workspaces' objects
SolrProjectResourceIndexer |
Component responsible for indexing a project resource (document)
SolrQueryHelper |
Helper for solr query editor.
SolrQuerySearchAction |
Execute a solr query with custom columns and facets.
SolrResourceGroupedMimeTypes |
Utility for indexing a "group" of MIME-Type in Solr
SolrResourceIndexer |
Solr resource indexer.
SolrResponseAmetysObjectIterator<AO extends AmetysObject> |
SolrResponseIdIterable |
Provides an iterator over the IDs of the objects in a solr QueryResponse .
SolrResponseIterable<A extends AmetysObject> |
SolrSearchResults<A extends AmetysObject> |
SolrSiteAddedObserver |
Observer for observing site addition in order to synchronize Solr index.
SolrSiteDeletionObserver |
Remove the indexes when a site is deleted.
SolrSiteIndexer |
SolrSitemapDeletionObserver |
Remove Solr index when a sitemap is deleted.
SolrUnindexResourceObserver |
Observer in charge for removing deleted contents from the Solr server.
SolrWebFieldNames |
Constants for Solr field names related to indexation of contents / pages...
SolrWebIndexer |
Component realizing various web-specific tasks relative to solr indexing.
SolrWebWorkspaceIndexer |
Web-specific component indexing a workspace in a Solr server.
SolrWorkflowIndexer |
SolrWorkspaceIndexer |
Component indexing a workspace in a Solr server.
SolrWorkspacesConstants |
Constants for Solr field names related to indexation of project resource, etc.
Sort |
Class representing a sort criterion.
Sort.Order |
Sort order.
SortCriteria |
A sort criteria allows to sort query results.
Warning : methods of this class support a boolean "normalize" which suppose that the patch at has been applied.
SortDefinition |
A potential sort proposed to the creator of an instance of search service.
SortSearchComponent |
SoundCaptchaReader |
Generates a sound captcha to WAV format and set it in request attributes
SourceElement |
DOM layer on top if a File hierarchy.
SourceFactoriesExtensionPoint |
SourceFactorySelector extending the Cocoon one, implemented as an ExtensionPoint
SourceIdColumn |
This column is only used in the SRC_* view to reference the right source from the SOURCE table.
SourceMapCache |
A simple cache for source maps from files
SourceMapSourceFactory |
Fake factory for SourceMapCache
SourceMapSourceFactory.SourceMapSource |
The Source of a source map
SQLBlobTypeHandler |
Handle Blob SQL type to return Bytes[] value
SQLClobTypeHandler |
Handle Clob SQL type to return string value
SQLCollectionDAO |
SQLConnectionChecker |
Checks that a sql connection can be established with the provided values
SQLDatabaseType |
Interface for the SQL database types
SQLDatabaseTypeEnumerator |
SQLDatabaseTypeExtensionPoint |
SQLDatabaseTypeManager |
Manager handling the handled SQL database types
SQLDatabaseTypeValidator |
This validator validates that a type of SQL data sources is an authorized database type
SqlDataSourceFactory |
SQL Data Source & Query Factory.
SQLDataSourceManager |
This component handles SQL data sources.
SQLDoubleTypeHandler |
Handle Float SQL types to return Double value
SqlInitializationAction |
Initialization of an SQL table
Similar to SqlUpgradeAction with a test about the existence of a table
SqlInitializationActionData |
Data for upgrade done by initialization
SQLLongTypeHandler |
Handle Int SQL types to return Long value
SqlQuery |
A query on a SQL server.
SqlQueryResult |
SQL query result.
SqlQueryResultRow |
SQL implementation of Query Result Row.
SQLScriptHelper |
Example of simple use:
SQLScriptHelper.createTableIfNotExists(dataSourceId, "QRTZ_JOB_DETAILS", "plugin:core://scripts/%s/quartz.sql", _sourceResolver);
Will test if table QRTZ_JOB_DETAILS exits in database from datasource dataSourceId.
SQLScriptHelper.ScriptContext |
Script execution context.
SQLSynchronizableContentsCollection |
SQLSynchronizableUDOrgunitCollection |
Synchronizable collection for UD Orgunits
SQLSynchronizableUsersCollection |
SQL synchronizable collection for users
SqlTablesInit |
Creates necessary SQL tables (if not already existing) at initialization.
SqlTablesInit.InitScript |
SqlUpgradeAction |
SQL action: A script will be executed
SqlUpgradeActionData |
Data for an SQL upgrade
SQLUserSearchDAO |
SqlVersion |
SQL implementation of a version, contains also information about the datasource where the version will be stored
SqlVersionConfiguration |
SQL Version Configuration
SqlVersionStorage |
SQL implementation of VersionStorage , to manage the list of versions in a database
StartupGenerator |
Generate the startuptime of the server
StaticAutomaticNewsletter |
StaticClientSideElement |
This implementation creates an element from a static configuration
StaticClientSideRelation |
Default implementation of the ClientSideRelation that expects the configuration to define the supported relations.
StaticClientSideWidget |
This implementation creates a widget from a static configuration.
StaticConfigurableScriptBinding |
Static implementation of the ScriptBinding that can read the functions from an xml file
StaticContentFilter |
Class representing a content filter.
StaticContentFilter.DynamicDateExpression |
Constructs an Expression representing a comparison between a metadata and the time the build() method is called.
StaticEnumerator<T> |
This implementation enumerate the static configured elements
StaticEnumerator |
StaticExternalLog |
StaticFileImportsClientSideElement |
This implementation creates an element from a static configuration
StaticFileImportsManager |
This extension point handle the static import for JS or css files
StaticGlyphProvider |
Static implementation of a GlyphProvider based on a static configuration
StaticGroupDirectory |
StaticGroupDirectory.StaticGroup |
StaticHTMLEditorStyle |
This implementation is based upon a static configuration.
StaticMenu |
This element creates a control button with a menu
StaticPageFilter |
This class represents a static filter for pages
StaticQueryParameter |
The query parameter for static values like sequences.
StaticRemoteUrl |
StaticRibbonImportManager |
Static implementation for the ribbon import manager.
StaticRichTextConfiguration |
A configurable implementation of RichTextConfiguration
<tags category="cat1">
<attribute name="align">
<!-- 'class' is a special attributes with additional possibilities (technical-values) -->
<attribute name="class">
<value technical="true">para2</value>
<tags category="">
StaticRichTextConfiguration.StaticRichTextConfigurationAttribute |
StaticRichTextConfiguration.StaticRichTextConfigurationClientSideElement |
StaticRichTextConfiguration.StaticRichTextConfigurationStyle |
StaticRichTextConfiguration.StaticRichTextConfigurationStyleGroup |
StaticRichTextConfiguration.StaticRichTextConfigurationTag |
StaticRunnable |
Static implementation of Runnable which is configurable
StaticSchemaDefinitionProvider |
Reads a given schema fragment file and provides the definitions defined in it.
StaticSearchModule |
StaticSearchUIModel |
StaticService |
Class representing a business service.
StaticSitemapDecorators |
StaticSitemapIcons |
StaticSQLDatabaseType |
StaticTagProvider |
Class representing a static tag provider.
StaticTagTargetType |
Class representing a static tag target type.
StaticTemplatesAssignmentHandler |
This implementation of the templates handler is based uppon a configuration.
StaticTemplatesAssignmentHandler.AssignmentCondition |
Class representing the condition for a template assignment
StaticTemplatesAssignmentHandler.TemplateKey |
StaticTreeConfiguration |
Static implementation based on configuration.
StaticUserDirectory |
This implementation only uses predefined users
StaticUserPreferenceProvider |
Provides user preferences based on static configuration.
StaticWebContentFilter |
This class represents a static filter for contents
StaticZone |
Wrapper to present a modifiable zone into a unmodifiable one.
StaticZoneItem |
Wrapper to present a modifiable zoneItem into a unmodifiable one.
StepExporter |
Exporter of steps
StepHolderEnumerator |
StringElement |
DOM Layer over a tag name, attributes and String value.
StringExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to the String comparison with a metadata.
StringHierarchicalAccessController |
This implementation will manage hierarchical string (parents separated by '/').
StringQuery |
Represents a Query testing a string field.
StringRepositoryElementType |
Class for string type of elements stored in the repository
StringRightAssignmentContext |
StringRightContextConvertor |
This RightContextConvertor is just an hardcoded translation from a configured string to another configured string
StringSearchField |
String generic search field.
StringStartsWithExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to the starting with comparison with a metadata,
meaning that the Expression will search metadata starting with the specified value.
StringUtils |
A collection of String management utility methods.
StringWildcardExpression |
StringXMLElementType |
Class for string XML element type
StringXSLElementType |
Class for string XSL element type
Style |
This class handle style for paragraphs
StyleCategory |
A category of style.
SubContentExpression |
Constructs an Expression for sub-content comparison
SubContentQuery |
Represents a Query testing if a content is a sub-content.
SubProgram |
SubProgram java object
SubProgramElement |
SubProgramFactory |
SubProgramSynchronizableContentsCollection |
SCC for subprogram contents.
SubscribeAction |
This action subscribes an email address to a newsletter
SubscribeODFCartAction |
Subscribe to a ODF content
Subscriber |
This class represents a newsletter's subscriber
SubscribersClientSideElement |
Client side element for newsletter subscribers
SubscribersDAO |
DAO for accessing newsletters subscribers.
SubscribersGenerator |
Generates SAX events for subscribers
SuperUserClientSideElement |
This implementation creates a control allowing to affect a super user to a given context
SuperUserClientSideElement |
This implementation creates a control allowing to affect a super user to a web context
SupportedContextResourceUri |
Interface that represents supported resource URI through the context protocol
SupportedContextResourceUriExtensionPoint |
JSASS Resource URI for context URI
Survey |
SurveyAccessController |
SurveyAccessHelper |
helper to check survey access
SurveyAnswer |
Class representing a survey answer, i.e.
SurveyAnswerDao |
Survey answer DAO.
SurveyClientSideElement |
This element creates a toggle button representing the
SurveyCopyUpdater |
Updates copied surveys, updating the rules.
SurveyDAO |
DAO for manipulating surveys.
SurveyDateUtils |
Survey date utils
FIXME When the plugins Survey will be not compatible with 4.2.x version, use the methods in DateUtils
See issue SURVEY-208
SurveyDisplayServiceCachePolicy |
SurveyElementDataTypeExtensionPoint |
SurveyElementFactory |
SurveyEnumerator |
Enumerates existing surveys.
SurveyErrors |
Survey errors.
SurveyErrorsGenerator |
Action that processes the user submitted data on a survey.
SurveyEvents |
Events relative to surveys.
SurveyFactory |
SurveyGenerator |
SAX surveys
SurveyPage |
SurveyPageFactory |
SurveyQuestion |
SurveyQuestion.QuestionType |
Type of a page.
SurveyQuestionFactory |
SurveyRightAssignmentContext |
SurveyRule |
Class representing a survey rule on a page or question.
SurveyRule.RuleType |
Type of a page.
SurveySession |
Class representing a survey session, i.e.
SurveySessionGenerator |
Generates a specific survey user session from its ID.
SurveySessionsGenerator |
Generate all the user sessions with their answers for a given survey.
SurveysGenerator |
SAX surveys
SynchronizableContentsCollection |
This interface represents a synchronizable collection of contents
SynchronizableContentsCollectionDAO |
SynchronizableContentsCollectionDataProvider |
SynchronizableContentsCollectionHelper |
Helper for Synchronizable Contents Collections.
SynchronizableContentsCollectionMetadataProvider |
SynchronizableContentsCollectionModel |
SynchronizableRepeater |
Wrapper for a synchronizable repeater.
Contains the repeater values and a mapping between stored entry positions and new ones.
SynchronizableRepeater.Mode |
The entries write mode.
SynchronizableValue |
Wrapper for a synchronizable value
Contains the value itself and indicates if it is the external value
SynchronizableValue.Mode |
The value write mode.
SynchronizationContext |
Object that gives some context for values synchronization
SynchronizationResult |
Result of a synchronization
SynchronizeACLObserver |
This observer synchronize the ACL for JCR objects to live
SynchronizeAllCollectionsSchedulable |
A Schedulable job which synchronizes all collections of contents from a datasource.
SynchronizeArchivesSiteAdditionObserver |
Observer for observing site addition in order to synchronize archives workspace.
SynchronizeArchivesSiteChangeObserver |
Observer for observing site addition in order to synchronize archives workspace.
SynchronizeArchivesSiteDeletionObserver |
Observer for observing site or sitemap deletion in order to synchronize archives workspace.
SynchronizeCollectionSchedulable |
A Schedulable job which synchronizes a collection of contents from a datasource.
SynchronizeComponent |
Helper for common processing used while synchronizing.
SynchronizeContentAdditionObserver |
Observer for observing content validation in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeContentCommentedObserver |
When a comment (validated) is modifier, synchronize it
SynchronizeContentDeletionObserver |
Observer for observing content deletion in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeContentPrivacyChangeObserver |
Observer monitoring changes on content privacy in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeContentReactionObserver |
Observer to synchronize the content reactions
SynchronizeContentRightAssignmentContext |
SynchronizeContentsCollectionModelExtensionPoint |
SynchronizeContentTaggedObserver |
Observer for observing content validation in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeContentUnpublishObserver |
Observer for observing content deletion in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeContentValidationObserver |
Observer for observing content validation in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizedContentAccessController |
SynchronizedContentTranslatedObserver |
Observer for observing content translation in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizedRootContentHelper |
Helper for retrieving root of synchronized contents
SynchronizePageAttachmentsObserver |
Listener on page attachments events
SynchronizePageChangeObserver |
Observer for observing structural page changes (page added, page type changed) in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizePageDataUpdateObserver |
Observer for observing page updating in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizePageDeletionObserver |
Observer for observing page deletion in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizePageMoveObserver |
Observer for observing page move in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizePageRenameObserver |
Observer for observing page move in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeRobotsChangeObserver |
Observer for observing structural page changes (page added, page type changed) in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeServiceModificationObserver |
Observer for observing service parameters modifications in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeSiteAdditionObserver |
Observer for observing site addition in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeSiteChangeObserver |
Observer for observing site addition in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeSitemapAdditionObserver |
Observer for observing sitemap addition in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeSitemapChangeObserver |
Observer for observing sitemap change in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeSiteMoveObserver |
Observer for observing site move in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeSiteOrSitemapDeletionObserver |
Observer for observing site or sitemap deletion in order to synchronize live workspace.
SynchronizeUserPopulationsObserver |
This observer asks the front offices to synchronize users populations and datasources
SynchronizingContentOperator |
SynchronizingContentOperatorExtensionPoint |
SyndicationService |
Flux RSS Service to redefined isCacheable (Not Cacheable if there are some restricted access or personal feed)
SyntheseReport |
Pilotage report for cost modeling synthesis
SystemAnnouncementClientSideElement |
This client side element toggles controller according system announcement's state
SystemAnnouncementGenerator |
Generates the system announcement
SystemHelper |
Helper for manipulating system announcement
SystemPropertiesGenerator |
SAXes the system properties
SystemProperty |
Represents a universal property of a Content (content types, language, current workflow step, ...)
SystemProperty.EnumeratorDefinition |
Representation of an Enumerator, used to generate an Enumerator on the fly.
SystemPropertyExtensionPoint |
SystemPropertySchemaDefinitionProvider |
Provides all the schema elements defined by system properties.
SystemResultField |
SystemSearchCriterion |
SystemSearchUIColumn |
This class is a search column on a system property (author, lastModified, with-comments, ...)
SystemSearchUICriterion |
This class is a search criteria on a system property (author, lastModified, with-comments, ...)
SystemStatus |
Component that centralizes and provides the system status
SystemViewHandler |
ContentHandler filtering first level elements from the JCR system view export of a plugin Node.
Tab |
A tab of the ribbon
TableMenu |
Implementation for Table styles
Tag |
This class represent a Tag
TagAddedObserver |
TagAutopostingSiteParameterObserverPart1 |
Memorizes previous value of the autoposting site parameter to be able to compare it later.
TagAutopostingSiteParameterObserverPart2 |
Re-index site when tag autoposting parameter have changed.
TagAwareAmetysObject |
TagCloudCacheManager |
This class handles the cache used by the tag cloud plugin
TagCloudOnTagsGenerator |
Generates a tag cloud based upon content tags
TagCloudOnWordsGenerator |
Generates a tag cloud based upon words
TagCloudServiceCachePolicy |
TagDeletedObserver |
TagElement |
DOM element representing a tag.
TagExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to a tag comparison.
TagExpression.LogicalOperator |
The logical operator to use in xpath query
TagFactory |
TaggableAmetysObject |
A modifiable tag aware
TaggableAmetysObjectHelper |
TagHelper |
Helper class which provides useful methods to operate on Tag objects.
TagProvider<T extends Tag> |
This interface represents a tag provider.
TagProviderExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize tag providers.
TagQuery |
Represents a Query testing if an object possesses one or more tags.
TagsDAO |
DAO for manipulating tags
TagSearchCriterionDefinition |
TagSearchCriterionDefinition.TagEnumeratedValues |
TagSearchCriterionDefinition.TagRestrictedValues |
TagSearchField |
Tags search field.
TagsSystemProperty |
TagsSystemProperty |
Web-specific TagsSystemProperty which provides the current site to the TagProvider.
TagTargetType |
This interface represents a type of target.
TagTargetTypeExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize tag target types.
TagUpdatedObserver |
Task |
Task interface
Task.TaskPriority |
Priority of a task
Task.TaskStatus |
Status of a task
TaskAssignedEventType |
EventType implementation for the assignment of a task
TaskListGenerator |
Task list generator for the simple service.
TaskMailNotifierObserver |
This Observer observes events on task to notify concerned users
TaskProgress |
TaskProgress.State |
Progress state
TaskSearchModuleGenerator |
Generator for tasks search module
TasksEventType |
EventType implementation for documents-related events
TasksGenerator |
Generates the tasks list
TasksList |
Task interface
TaskStatusChangedEventType |
EventType implementation for the update of a task's status
TasksUserPreferencesManager |
Class handling the front-office user preferences for the tasks list service
TasksWorkspaceModule |
Tasks manager for workspaces
TeachingNatureGenerator |
This generator sax all teaching nature in an XML format
TemplateInformationGenerator |
Generates information about the current template if available
TemplatesAssignmentHandler |
A TemplatesHandler is responsible for giving the available templates list for a given Page.
TemplatesJSASSResourceURI |
JSASS Resource URI for skins' templates URI
TemplatesMenu |
This element finally creates a gallery button with one item per template
TemplatesMenu |
This element finally creates a gallery button with one item per template
TemplateSourceFactory |
Resolve the template:// protocol seeking file in skins/{siteConf:skin}/templates/{currentTemplate}/
or template:forcedvalue#defaultvalue://
TemporaryViewReference |
Reference to a view to included in another view.
TextParameter |
TextPipelineSerializerModel |
Model for text pipeline serializers
TextPipelineSerializerModel.TextPipelineSerializer |
TextValidator |
Implements the same configuration as the DefaultValidator and also handle a <maxlength> parameter that allows a max count of chars
Theme |
A directory link theme.
ThemeColorsMenu |
ThemeExpression |
ThemeFactory |
ThemeJCR |
JCRTag for storing tag informations.
ThemeProviderExtensionPoint |
This class is in charge to load and initialize themes providers for links.
ThemesDAO |
DAO for manipulating themes
Thesaurus |
Class representing a thesaurus, backed by a JCR node.
ThesaurusAccessController |
ThesaurusDAO |
DAO for manipulating thesaurus
ThesaurusExtractionComponent |
This class represents a thesaurus component of the extraction module
ThesaurusFactory |
ThesaurusGallery |
This element creates a menu with one gallery item per thesaurus.
Thread |
Common interface for thread
ThreadCreatedEventType |
EventType implementation for the addition of a thread
ThreadDAO |
Thread DAO
ThreadLogReader |
Send a report on thread
ThreadSafeComponentManager<T> |
Special ServiceManager able to handle extensions.
It does not actually implements the Avalon ServiceManager interface, to be able to use the Java 5 generic parameter.
This class is also intended to be used "locally" : its lookup(role) method does NOT propagate to the parent manager if the component does not exist.
To use the real ServiceManager, use the PluginsServiceManager subclass instead.
It handles the "PluginAware" interface, implemented by extensions.
It handles the following Avalon interfaces :
All handled components are considered ThreadSafe, ie only one instance is created at initialization time and returned at each lookup()
ThreadSafeTraxProcessor |
Adaptation of Excalibur's XSLTProcessor implementation to allow for better error reporting.
ThreadSafeTraxProcessor.CachedTemplates |
ThreadSafeTraxProcessor.CacheValidity |
The validity of the current stylesheet.
ThreadSafeTraxProcessor.ExtendedTransformerHandlerAndValidity |
ThreadSafeTraxProcessor.ResolvedURI |
ThreadSafeTraxProcessor.UnresolvedURI |
ThreadSampleManager |
ThreadSearchModuleGenerator |
Generator for threads search module
ThreadsEventType |
EventType implementation for threads-related events
ThreadsMailNotifierObserver |
This component is used to send mail notification
ThreadWorkspaceModule |
ThreadDAO to interact with projects aware threads
TicketGlpiManager |
Connection and information from GLPI webservice
TicketsDynamicInformationGenerator |
Generates sax events for GLPI tickets information
TikaProvider |
Provides a single shared Tika instance to other Components.
TitleOrWordingSearchCriterionDefinition |
TolerantFileGenerator |
FileGenerator which accepts a non existing or not readable file.
Toolbar |
A toolbar of controls
TransitionalPage |
Page representing a second-level page.
TransitionalPageFactory |
TransitionalPageInformation |
TransitionalPageInformation.TypeContent |
UGC pages are classified by a linked Content on their UG Content (for instance entries of a reference table)
TransitionalPageInformation.TypeEnum |
UGC pages are classified by entries of an enumerator
TransitionalZone |
TransitionalZoneItem |
TranslatedValue |
Object representation of a message with all traduction in differents
languages , and its key
TranslationAlertFunction |
When a content is saved, this workflow function looks if the pages it belongs to are translated in other languages.
TranslationFlaggingClientSideElement |
This element creates a ribbon button to flag translation on a page.
TranslationHelper |
Translation helper: get and set translations for a content.
TranslationPageDAO |
Translation page DAO
TranslationsInputData |
InputData which generates the translations of program and course pages.
TranslationUpdater |
This updater updates the translations of created contents after the full catalog copy
TraversableAmetysObject |
AmetysObject which is traversable and allow to create children.
TraversableAmetysObjectHelper |
TraversableProgramPart |
TraxTransformer |
Use ametys resolver
TreeConfiguration |
This interface describe the configuration for a contents tree.
TreeConfigurationContentType |
Bean for a content type
TreeConfigurationElements |
A bean to represent an element of a tree configuration
TreeConfigurationElementsChild |
A child node of an element
TreeExtensionPoint |
This extensions point list the existing configuration trees for contents
TreeInternalNode<T> |
TreeLeaf<T> |
This class represents a leaf in a tree data structure.
TreeMaker |
Creates a AbstractTreeNode from a JSON object, typically got from client-side AdvancedSearchFormPanel.
TreeMaker.ClientSideCriterionWrapper |
A wrapper of a client-side criterion
TreePrinter |
Helper to print a tree for debug purposes.
TreeProcessor |
Own TreeProcessor implementation used to initialize plugin stuff.
This allows plugins to access ComponentManager and sitemaps components to access plugins.
TreeToolClientSideElement |
This client side element automatically add elements to the js configuration in relation with the <tree-config>
TwoStepsExecutingExtractionComponent |
TypeFormationExport |
This exports degrees to GROUPE_TYPE_FORMATION and TYPE_FORMATION tables.
TypeInterventionEPHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the TYPE_INTERVENTION_EP table.
TypePeriodeExport |
This exports period types like pair, impair to the PERIODE table.
UDOrgUnitTypeOperator |
Operator to get UDOrgUnit Type content
UGCConstants |
UGC constants
UGCContentModerationClientSideElement |
Client side element for UGC content moderation
UGCContentRefusedObserver |
Observer for observing UGC content refuse in order to send notification mail to creator.
UGCContentValidatedObserver |
Observer for observing UGC content first validation in order to send notification mail to creator.
UGCGenerator |
UGC service generator
UGCPage |
Page representing an UGC page.
UGCPageFactory |
UGCPageHandler |
Component providing methods to retrieve ugc virtual pages, such as the ugc root,
transitional page and ugc content page.
UGCTransitionalPage |
Page representing a transitional page.
UGCTransitionalPageFactory |
UGCTransitionalZone |
UGCTransitionalZoneItem |
UGCVirtualPagesCachePolicy |
Cache policy for the sitemap, handling UGC virtual pages linked with contents.
UgcXSLTHelper |
Helper component for UGC to be used from XSL stylesheets.
UGCZone |
UGCZoneFactory |
UGCZoneItem |
UGCZoneItemFactory |
UIToolsConfigurationManager |
Handles the configuration of uitools factories
UIToolsFactoriesManager |
This extension point handle the existing ribbon controls.
UnarchiveContentAction |
Unarchive a content.
UncompiledSassResourceHandler |
Reader for uncompiled SASS files.
UncompiledSassResourceHandlerProvider |
UndefinedItemPathException |
Exception thrown when an attempt to retrieve a model item from an undefined path
UnindexContentObserver |
Observer in charge for removing deleted contents from the Solr server.
UnindexProgramObserver |
Observes ODF Program deletion or unpublishing in order to synchronize the Solr index.
UnindexUnarchivedContentObserver |
Observer in charge for removing unarchived contents from the Solr server.
UniqueChainedAmetysObjectIterable<A extends AmetysObject> |
UnitaryImporter<O> |
Unitary importer of an abstract object into Ametys.
UnknownAmetysObjectException |
Exception thrown when an attempt to retrieve a data failed because
this data does not exist.
UnknownDataException |
Exception thrown when an attempt to retrieve a data failed because it does not exist.
UnknownDataSourceException |
Exception representing the absence of a data source
UnknownMetadataException |
UnknownTypeException |
Exception thrown when the type of the item is unkwnon
UnknownZoneException |
Exception thrown when an attempt to retrieve a zone failed because
it does not exist.
UnlockContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function to unlock a content.
UnlockGenerator |
List contents that can be unlocked.
UnlockGenerator |
List contents that can be unlocked, on the given site.
UnlockHelper |
The helper for scheduling the unlocking of the contents.
At initialization all contents are scanned and locked ones will be automatically unlocked.
UnlockRunnable |
UnlockSchedulable |
UnminimizeHelper |
Manager for minimized source map
UnorderedListMenu |
Implementation for Table styles
UnpublishContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for validating a content.
UnpublishODFContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for unpublish a content.
UnpublishPageRunnable |
UnsubscribeAction |
Unsubscribes user thanks to his unique token
UntouchedValue |
Untouched value, used for some data types in order to not read the actual value (too costly or unsafe)
UnversionedDataTypeExtensionPoint |
UpdateCorePropertyRequest |
SolrRequest to update the value of a core property
UpdatePageOnContentValidatedObserver |
Observer for storing event on page updated
Upload |
Access to a file uploaded previously.
UploadAction |
UploadAction |
Action for uploading a file and store it using the UploadManager from FO edition.
UploadArtisteerSkinAction |
This action receive a form with the "importfile" zip file as an artisteer exported skin.
UploadCDMFrAction |
Import a CDM-fr file from a remote source.
UploadedDataHTMLEditionHandler |
This transformer extracts uploaded files' ids from the incoming HTML for further processing.
UploadedLinksHTMLEditionHandler |
This transformer stores linked files as attachment from the incoming HTML.
UploadManager |
Manager for retrieving uploaded files.
UploadModelAction |
This action receive a form with the "importfile" zip file as an exported model.
UploadReader |
Reader for generating binary output of previously uploaded file.
UploadSkinAction |
This action receive a form with the "importfile" zip file as an exported skin.
UptimeSampleManager |
URIPrefixHandler |
Component providing base paths for computing URIs.
URIPrefixHandler |
Component providing base paths for computing URIs.
URIPrefixInputModule |
This input module gives access to various URI prefixes used for computing actual URIs depending on the rendering context (front, preview, back),
on the current path prefix (live/, preview/, ...) and other environment constraints.
URIResolver |
Resolver for link uris put by the inline editor in rich text fields.
URIResolverExtensionPoint |
URIUtils |
Utility class for encoding and decoding URL, following the RFC 3986
URLBasedDynamicInformationProvider |
UrlPreview |
This bean represents a url preview with title, description, image and favico
UrlPreviewComponent |
Component to parse a HTML page to get its meta for preview
User |
Implementation of the principal abstraction to represent an user with a login
and eventually a fullname and an email.
UserAndGroupSearchAction |
Get users and groups, by context, sorted alphabetically
UserAndGroupSearchManager |
Common helper for user and group searches
UserAndGroupSearchManager.DirectorySearchDataResult |
UserAndGroupSearchManager.PopulationSearchDataResult |
UserAndGroupSearchManager.SearchDataResult |
UserComponent |
Component to manager user
UserContentCacheObserver |
Observer when a user content is modified, deleted or validated.
UserContentCollectionSynchronizedObserver |
Observer after synchronization of the user collection
UserDAO |
DAO for manipulating User
UserDAO.ImpersonateCredentialProvider |
A fake credential provider used by the impersonate process
UserDirectory |
Abstraction for getting users list and verify the presence of a particular user.
UserDirectoryContentAccessController |
UserDirectoryFactory |
UserDirectoryHelper |
Helper for user directory.
UserDirectoryHelper.UserElementKey |
UserDirectoryModel |
UserDirectoryPageHandler |
Component providing methods to retrieve user directory virtual pages, such as the user directory root,
transitional page and user page.
UserDirectoryPageResolver |
Resolves an user directory page path from the associated user content.
UserDirectoryPageResolver.UserPageElementKey |
UserDirectoryParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for User Directory parameters.
UserDirectoryRightAssignmentContext |
UserDirectoryVirtualPagesCachePolicy |
Cache policy for the sitemap, handling user directory virtual pages linked with contents.
UserEntry |
User entry.
UserExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to a user comparison store as a composite with login and id of population.
UserHelper |
Simple user helper, for common function working on User
UserIdentity |
Class containing a user identity, i.e.
UserInputData |
UserManagementException |
User management exception, used whenever there is an error specific to user management.
UserManager |
Component for getting user list and verify the presence of a particular user on a context or for user directory(ies).
UserManagerUserPreferenceStorage |
UserMetadataElement |
DOM layer for a USER metadata
UserPage |
Page representing a second-level page.
UserPageCacheObserver |
Observer when the user directory root is updated
Clear the cache for getting user page
UserPageFactory |
UserPasswordAction |
Handle the lost password and change password actions.
UserPasswordGenerator |
Generate information to render the lost password/change password service.
UserPasswordValidateGenerator |
Validate user input on the change password service form and generate errors, if any.
UserPopulation |
This class represents a population of users.
UserPopulationDAO |
UserPopulationSynchronizableContentsCollection |
UserPreference |
Definition of a user preference.
UserPreferenceProvider |
Interface for classes providing user preferences.
UserPreferencesEnumerator |
Enumerates user preferences.
UserPreferencesErrors |
User preferences errors.
UserPreferencesErrorsGenerator |
Generates a list of errors.
UserPreferencesException |
User preferences exception, used whenever there is an error specific to user preferences.
UserPreferencesExtensionPoint |
UserPreferencesGenerator |
Generates user preferences.
UserPreferencesHelper |
Helper to store/retreive conf per user
UserPreferencesManager |
Component handling user preference values retrieval and storage.
UserPreferencesStorage |
Manager for handling user preferences.
UserPreferencesValuesGenerator |
SAX user preferences values
UserPrefsHandler |
This class is intended to be use as a simple helper to construct Maps from
SAX events.
UserPrefsSearchUserInputs |
The search user inputs from user preferences.
UserRepositoryElementType |
Class for user type of elements stored in the repository
UserReturnable |
The returnable for User
UserRightsGenerator |
SAX the users rights on resource
UserSCCHelper |
Helper for user directory.
UserSearchAction |
Get users.
UsersGroupAction |
Get the users of a group
UserSignupAction |
Handle the user sign-up actions.
UserSignUpConfiguration |
Interface for user sign up configuration
UserSignupGenerator |
Generator for user signup service
UserSignupGenerator |
Generate information to render the user signup service.
UserSignupManager |
This component overrides UserSignupManager to add the creation of a user content on signup.
UserSignupManager |
This component overrides UserSignupManager to handle invitations by mail for workspaces
UserSignupManager |
Manages registration and password recovery of users.
UserSignupManager.LostPasswordError |
Enumeration for different cases of lost password errors
UserSignupManager.TempUser |
Bean representing a user sign-up request.
UserSignupValidateGenerator |
Validate user input on the sign-up service form and generate errors, if any.
UserSitesAction |
Get all the available sites for log-in user
UsersQuery |
UserXSLTHelper |
Helper component to be used from XSL stylesheets.
UserZone |
UserZoneFactory |
UserZoneItem |
UserZoneItemFactory |
Utils |
Utility class
ValidateContentCondition |
OSWorkflow condition to check all content metadata are valid
ValidateContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for validating a content.
ValidateEventFunction |
Action for adding a resource collection.
ValidateFrontContentFunction |
Validate a content only if the current context is the front
ValidateODFContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for validating a ODF content.
ValidateSurveyClientSideElement |
This element creates a toggle button representing the validated state of a survey
ValidateSynchronizedContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for validating a synchronizable content.
ValidateTokenGenerator |
Validates a given token and return in xml the associated login/populationId
ValidationStepCondition |
This OSWorkflow condition checks all content metadata are valid ONLY if the content is in validation step.
ValidationStepFunction |
OSWorkflow function for setting the "validate" flag on steps, indicating they represent a validation step.
This function MUST be used as a post-function of the validation function.
Validator |
Validator for parameters values
ValueContext |
Object that gives some context for data in data holder manipulations
ValuedQueryParameter |
Object to represent a query parameter to add : value and type.
ValuesExtractor |
Interface for values extractors
Variant |
Class representing a variant
VariantParameter |
Version |
Representation of a version
Each upgrade create a new version
Version |
Represents a given version of a component, given its unique name and build date.
It is used in the administrator area to display the versions of the main used components.
VersionableAmetysObject |
VersionAmetysObject |
Ametys object representing a version for migration.
VersionAwareAmetysObject |
AmetysObject that is versioned and knows about its revisions and labels.
VersionComponentAmetysObject |
Class representing a version component
VersionComponentFactory |
VersionConfiguration |
Interface of objects ucreated from the configuration of a version.
VersionFactory |
VersionHandler |
Handler to get or set version
VersionHandlerExtensionPoint |
Extension point for all VersionHandler
VersionsAmetysObject |
Object representing the versions root element.
VersionsFactory |
VersionsHandler |
Administrator component able to determine the content of the "Versions" panel in the administrator area.
It may includes plugins versions, Runtime version, application version, ...
VersionsRootHelper |
A helper for the root versions object.
VersionStorage |
Store the versions of a migrable component
VersionStorageExtensionPoint |
ExtensionPoint for all VersionStorage
View |
View of items
ViewAndParametersParser |
Helper to parse parameters from configuration
ViewAndParametersParser.ViewAndParameters |
The view and parameters object
ViewElement |
View reference to an element definition
ViewElementAccessor |
View element that can access to other view items
ViewHelper |
Helper for manipulating views in the context of the repository plugin (aware of repeaters, composites, ...).
ViewHelper |
Helper class for views
ViewHelper.ViewItemGetter |
ViewItem |
Interface for view items
ViewItemAccessor |
Interface for objects that can access to some view items
ViewItemContainer |
Interface for objects that contain some view items
ViewItemGroup |
interface for group of view items
ViewParameter<T> |
Object representing a model item with it inheritance if exist
ViewParameterDefinitionParser |
This class parses the view parameters definition
ViewParametersDAO |
Manager for view parameters
ViewParametersDAO.ModelItemViewsWrapper |
Class representing a model item and its view parameters
ViewParametersManager |
Manager for view parameters
ViewParametersManager.ViewParameterHolder |
Object representing the data holder of the parameter with the path of the parameter in this holder
ViewParametersModel |
Object representing the view parameters as a model
ViewParameterTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for view parameters.
ViewParser |
Interface for components that parse view's configuration
ViewSelector |
Provides an overridable mechanism for selecting a view (a XSL file in most cases).
ViewSourceFactory |
This source factory defines an overridable way to retrieve resources (mainly XSL files).
VirtualAmetysObjectFactory<A extends AmetysObject> |
VirtualFactoryExpression |
VirtualMonthPage |
Virtual page representing a month page.
VirtualMonthPageFactory |
VirtualOrganisationChartPageFactory |
VirtualPostPage |
Page representing a post.
VirtualPostPageFactory |
VirtualPostsPage |
Virtual page representing the Post list page.
VirtualTagPage |
Virtual page representing a tag page.
VirtualTagPageFactory |
VirtualTagsPage |
Virtual page representing the Post list page.
VirtualUGCPageFactory |
VirtualUserDirectoryPageFactory |
VirtualYearPage |
Virtual page representing a year page.
VirtualYearPageFactory |
VirtualYearsPage |
Virtual page representing the Post list by year page.
VolumeHoraireEnsHelper |
Helper to build queries to manage the VOLUME_HORAIRE_ENS table.
VolumeHoraireReport |
Class to generate the volume horaire report.
VolumesOfHours |
VueJsResourceHandler |
Resource handler to compile any VueJS resource on the fly if needed, or serve it
The sources have to be located in a directory X/vuejs, while the resources will be sought at X/resources/vuejs
VueJsResourceHandler.LocationParser |
VueJsResourceHandlerProvider |
WallContentCreatedEventType |
EventType implementation for the addition of a wall content
WallContentManager |
Helper for wall contents
WallContentModule |
Workspace module for wall content
WallContentReportsClientSideElement |
This static client side element does not return any element when the current site is not a workspace
WebAmetysCDMfrExtension |
Web CDMfr extension for Ametys
WebAmetysObjectWorkflowStore |
Web ametys object workflow store which ensures that the session used operates
on the default workspace.
WebAuthenticateAction |
Special authentication process for web context and aware of front-offices.
WebConstants |
Constants for the Web plugin.
WebContent |
Content with additional data related to Web Content Management.
A WebContent is aware of its Site, of its referencing Pages
WebContentAccessController |
The access controller for web contents only
WebContentDAO |
DAO for manipulating web contents
WebContentFilter |
This interface represents a filter in a web context
WebContentFilter.AccessLimitation |
The access limitation policy.
WebContentFilter.Context |
The search context
WebContentFilter.FilterSearchContext |
Interface representing a filter search context.
WebContentType |
Content-type which provides a specific content indexer.
WebContentTypeAccessController |
AccessController for a context objects (strings starting with "/content-types") but limited to the current website.
WebContentTypeRightAssignmentContext |
WebContentView |
This implementation of a ContentView looks first in the directory skin://stylesheets/content/[cType]/[cType]-[view].[extension] then skin://stylesheets/content/[cType]/[cType].[extension] then defaults to DefaultContentView .
WebCssDependenciesList |
Web implementation of the Css resource dependencies list component
Allow /preview and /live URIs
WebCurrentUserProvider |
This implementation try to find the current user in a request attribute before letting the AvalonCurrentUserProvider get it in session.
WebdavHeadReader |
Reader for WebDAV HEAD method
WebdavLockAction |
Lock operation on resource
WebdavLockGenerator |
Reader for WebDAV LOCK method
WebdavMkcolAction |
Action for WebDAV PUT method
WebdavOptionsReader |
Reader for WebDAV OPTIONS method
WebdavProjectResourceURIResolver |
WebdavPropfindGenerator |
Reader for WebDAV PROFIND method
WebdavPropfindGenerator.PropfindType |
WebdavProxy |
Handle webdav requests from and to backoffice.
WebdavPutAction |
Action for WebDAV PUT method
WebdavResourceReader |
Reader for Webdav GET, honouring ETag and If-None-Match headers.
WebdavToken |
Handle token for webdav requests.
WebdavUnlockAction |
Action for WebDAV UNLOCK method
WebDefaultResourceDependenciesList |
Web implementation of the default resource dependencies list component
Allow /preview and /live URIs
WebDocbookUpdateHandler |
This handler look for links, images or video url which make reference to a AmetysObject (content, page, resources, ...) in a RichText.
WebExplorerArchiver |
WebExportCDMfrHelper |
Web implementation of CDM-fr export
WebGenericWorkflowStore |
Web generic workflow store which force default workspace session
WebHelper |
Helper for web
WebHTMLEditionHandler |
Do stuffs during save process such as repairing copy/paste links
WEBJCRTagProvider |
WebLanguagesManager |
Mangage existing languages
WebReferenceTableRightAssignmentContext |
The union between SimpleContentRightAssignmentContext and WebContentTypeRightAssignmentContext
WebResourceDependenciesHelper |
Helper for web resource dependencies list components
WebSassDependenciesList |
Web implementation of the Sass resource dependencies list component
Allow /preview and /live URIs
WebScriptBinding |
Script binding that provides variables
WebShareableCourseStatusHelper |
Helper for web shareable course status
WebsiteLink |
Object that represents a website link : URL and label
WebStringRightAssignmentContext |
The same as its parent class but add the sitename in second position
WebViewSelector |
WebWorkflowProvider |
WorkflowProvider which relies on workflows that always work in the
default workspace.
WebWorkspaceAccessController |
WeekStartEnumerator |
Enumerator of the days to start the week in google calendar
WelcomeAction |
Action to get the XSLT file for welcome tool text
WelcomeAction |
find the right xsl to parse
WelcomeButtonClientSideElement |
WelcomeHelper |
Helper for the welcome button / tool / page
WelcomeHelper |
Helper for the welcome button / tool / page
WelcomeStep |
Interface for steps to be performed after a fresh installation of Ametys has been done.
WelcomeStepExtensionPoint |
WelcomeToolClientSideElement |
A StaticClientSideElement that override getScript to return canDisplayWelcomeTool to true/false if something can be displayed in the welcome tool
WidgetsManager |
This extension point handle the existing widgets on the client side (widgets are fields for cms forms).
WikiEventType |
EventType implementation for wiki-related events
WikiPageCreatedEventType |
EventType implementation for the creation or deletion of a page in the wiki module
WikiPageDeletedEventType |
EventType implementation for the creation or deletion of a page in the wiki module
WikiPageRenamedEventType |
EventType implementation for the creation of a new page in the wiki module
WikiPageUpdatedEventType |
EventType implementation for the creation of a new page in the wiki module
WordCloudServiceCachePolicy |
WordingSearchCriterionDefinition |
WordingSearchCriterionDefinition.WordingType |
Workarounds |
This class is here to propose workarounds for bugs the nasty Ametys developers introduced 😈
Workflow |
Common interface for a Workflow in the Business Process Management
WorkflowAction |
Action for firing a transition on a workflow.
WorkflowAwareAmetysObject |
AmetysObject abstraction defined by the following additional property:
the id of the workflow instance associated with the ametys object
the id of the current step associated with the ametys object
WorkflowAwareContent |
Content abstraction defined by the following additional property:
the id of the workflow instance associated with the content
WorkflowAwareContentHelper |
WorkflowEnumerator |
WorkflowGenerator |
Generates the lists of existing workflows
WorkflowHelper |
Helper to get information on the workflow structures
WorkflowPilotageUpdater |
Copy updater to remove the pilotage workflow if available.
WorkflowProcess |
Common interface for a Process in the Business Process Management
WorkflowProvider |
Component able to provide several workflow objects.
WorkflowProvider.AmetysObjectWorkflow |
Local workflow to an ametys object
WorkflowProvider.ExternalWorkflow |
The External worklfow
WorkflowProvider.GenericWorkflow |
The Generic worklfow
WorkflowStepExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the current workflow step of a content.
WorkflowStepExpression.LogicalOperator |
The logical operator to use in xpath query
WorkflowStepQuery |
Represents a Query testing the current workflow step of a content.
WorkflowStepsClientSideElement |
This element creates multiple toggle buttons representing a workflow.
WorkflowStepSearchField |
Workflow step search field.
WorkflowStepsEnumerator |
Enumerator for the default workflow steps excluding steps of id greater than 9000
WorkflowStepSystemProperty |
SystemProperty which represents the current workflow step ID of a content.
WorkflowStepSystemProperty |
Web-specific workflow step system property, which returns null when in the live workspace.
WorkflowTasksComponent |
Component for saxing tasks specific to an user.
The algorithm is the following :
First, we get all granted sites for the user with the right manager.
WorkflowTasksComponent |
Component for saxing tasks specific to an user.
The algorithm is the following :
First, we get all granted sites for the user with the right manager.
WorkflowTasksGenerator |
Workflow tasks generator.
WorkflowTasksGenerator |
Workflow tasks generator.
Workspace |
Object representation of a workspace.xml file
WorkspaceAccessController |
AccessController for a workspace context objects (strings starting with "/" + workspace name).
WorkspaceAccessController |
Replace the default WorkspaceAccessController to ignore /cms and /web that are handle by the WebWorkspaceAccessController
WorkspaceCalendarDAO |
DAO for manipulating calendars of a project
WorkspaceExplorerResourceDAO |
DAO for resources of a project
WorkspaceExplorerResourceDAO.ResourceType |
Enumeration for resource type
WorkspaceGenerator |
Generates the uitools factories definition using the component associated
WorkspaceGenerator |
Admin workspace handling safe mode.
WorkspaceGenerator |
Generates the uitools factories definition using the associated components
WorkspaceIndexer |
Component indexing a workspace.
WorkspaceManager |
Main entry point for access to workspaces.
WorkspaceManager.InactivityCause |
Cause of the deactivation of a workspace
WorkspaceMatcher |
Workspace aware Cocoon matcher.
Retrieve workspaces URI from names through the WorkspaceManager.
WorkspaceModule |
Manager for the Workspaces modules
WorkspaceModuleExtensionPoint |
Extension point for Workspace Modules Managers
WorkspaceRightContextConvertor |
Covnert /${WorkspaceName} to the name of the current workspace and recursiverly relaunch the convertors
WorkspacesConstants |
Constants for workspaces plugin.
WorkspaceSelector |
Determines the current JCR workspace.
WorkspacesEventType |
Class representing a generic event type for workspaces
WorkspacesGenerator |
SAXes the data for the workspace tree
WorkspacesGenerator |
SAX the accessible workspaces
WorkspacesHelper |
Utility classes for workspaces
WorkspacesHelper.FileType |
Enumeration for file type
WorkspacesJSASSResourceURI |
JSASS Resource URI for workspaces URI
WorkspaceSourceFactory |
SourceFactory handling resources URIs for workspaces.
WorkspacesQueryAdapterFOSearch |
The query adapter to handle the "with workspaces" FO search service parameter
WorkspaceSwitchedAccessController |
Act as the WorksapceAccessController but also have a configured switching value when converting the variable ${WorkspaceName}.
WorkspaceSwitcherSearchComponent |
SearchComponent executing in two parts: for getting the forced workspace, then restoring the forced workspace
WorkspaceTaskDAO |
DAO for interacting with tasks of a project
WorkspaceThreadDAO |
DAO for manipulating thread of a project
WrappedMatcher |
Matcher for wrapped url
WrappedValue |
XHTMLFragmentSerializer |
Inherits from cocoon's serializers block XMLSerializer.
XhtmlGenerator |
Generator which uses a string from parent context
and SAX it.
XHTMLSerializer |
Inherits from cocoon's serializers block XHTMLSerializer.
XHTMLSerializerExtensionPoint |
This extension point allows to configure the xhtml serializer by adding new plugins
XmlContentImporter |
XmlContentImporter |
Default XML content importer
XMLElementType<T> |
Interfaces for XML parameter types
XmlPipelineSerializerModel |
Model for XML pipeline serializers
XmlPipelineSerializerModel.XmlPipelineSerializer |
XMLResourceBundle |
This implementation of Bundle interface for XML resources allows to be invalidated.
XMLResourceBundleFactory |
This XMLResourceBundleFactory creates a Bundle for XML resources which can be invalidated
XMLUtils |
Component with XML utils methods
XMLValuesExtractorAdditionalDataGetter |
Retrieves the additional data needed to extract values in an XML document
XmlWorkflowFactory |
A XML factory for finding workflows definitions in
or if the file does not exits, built from the content of the context://WEB-INF/workflows/*.xml files
XSLElementType<T> |
Interfaces for XSL parameter types
ZimbraConnector |
The connector used by the messaging connector plugin when the zimbra mail
server is used.
ZimbraConnector.ZimbraPrefixResolver |
ZimbraRedirectAction |
ZipArchiveGenerator |
Generates a ZIP archive for the selected resources
ZipArchiveGenerator |
Generates a ZIP archive for the given skin
ZipArchiveGenerator |
Generates a ZIP archive for the given skin
ZipArchiveNGSerializer |
ZIP archive serializer that makes use of apache commons compress ZipArchiveOutputStream instead of JavaSE's ZipOutputStream.
ZipEntryHelper |
Utility class to retrieve Path representing folders or files under a ZIP archive.
ZipExportContentTypesGenerator |
Generates a ZIP archive for all content types
ZipSource |
Implementation of a Source giving access to a zip entry
ZipSourceFactory |
Implementation SourceFactory giving access to ZipSource, implementation of Source related to a ZipEntry
Zone |
An Zone is a part of a page where contents or services can be rendered.
ZoneDAO |
ZonedDateTimeSerializer |
ZoneItem |
A ZoneItem is an ordered part of Zone
It can be a content ref or a service
ZoneItem.ZoneType |
Type of an zone.
ZoneItemException |
Exception thrown when an attempt to retrieve a zone failed because
it does not exist.
ZoneItemIdGenerator |
Generator providing the id of the zone item
Used to identify user preferences
ZoneItemManager |
Class containing callables to retrieve and configure service parameters
ZoneItemMatcher |
Matcher which retrieves the zone item from its ID in the request URI and sets it as a request attribute.